Chapter 28 - Steps To Follow

Lucas was sitting in his cabin looking at his laptop, but his mind was somewhere else. He had finally got the permission to woo her, but how to prove himself by actions. Lucas knew if he took actions then he would directly take her to bed and prove his actions. He knew he was good with words, but his words didn't effect her at all.

While he was busy Ron entered the cabin, he stopped in his tracks when he saw his boss was drilling holes in the screen. Ron knew something was fishy, or else his boss who would never neglect his work was actually busy thinking without even typing anything.

Ron walked with file his hand and place on the table. Not disturbing him he was about to walk but was stopped by Lucas voice.

"Ron..... are you sneaking away without meeting me? " Lucas shot his words on him making Ron gulp in fear.

Turning back and facing his boss, Ron gave a cheeky smile.

"No sir, i thought you were busy, so-" he swallowed his words when he saw his boss throwing dagger on him. Ron thought was his boss on periods to have mood swings.

"God... why me "he prayed silently. Why was his boss like this.

Lucas faked a smile and asked Ron to come and that the seat. Ron who was trembling inside took the seat before his boss changes his mind. He knew the look and that was evil.

" Ron prepare a list on 'How to court a girl' and that too with actions" he said smiling at Ron.

Lucas patted his head giving him devilish smile"And make sure the plan won't backfire or else-"Lucas couldn't complete it when Ron stood up and bowed down understanding what his boss was going to say.

"Your words are my command" saying this bowed again and left the room before his boss scare the shit out of him.






Samantha was watching Ethan working on his laptop, today she had took the liberty to make break fast for both of them. She kept looking at him, when her mind went thinking on what happened today morning.


"Good morning....come have breakfast, i made it today" Samantha was excited to let him taste her food, he was the only one who woke up and made them something to eat. So today she decided to make them breakfast.

Taking the seat Ethan looked at his plate. "Does she want to food poison me" he inwardly said. The time his eyes fell on the plate he just wanted to get up and run. The bread was toasted black and the omlet looked like she had smashed her with her hands.

When he came out of his room her saw her setting the table so happily, the smile on her face was of accomplishment for completing her work. And he didn't wanted to make her feel bad.

Samantha sat next to him waiting for him to taste the food. She had tried her best not to burn the food, but she couldn't help it.Cooking was tha last thing that she wanted to do. But she also wanted to help him by doing something that burden his load.

Talking the first bite of the omelet Ethan tried to chew it but stopped and he kept it holding in his mouth not able to swallow it. The omelet was salty, ignoring its taste he gulped it down without even chewing it.

"How's it? " Samantha asked him, her eyes were sparkling waiting for his feedback.

Turning towards her when he saw her smile he could bring up himself to tell her that food was disgusting and never ever messed with the food, or let anyone try it.

"Its really nice" he said forcing a smile.

Samantha waited for him to complete the food. When she was that he had already finish the breakfast and had left, then she took the bite from her food.

Spitting out she drank water "Yak.... its so bad" she wiped her mouth to remove the taste.

"How can he eat it " she said looking at Ethan's door.

"He didn't even complain" she said feeling bad for asking him to taste her salty food. She thought her food was edible to eat but no it was unbearable.

She remembered how he ate everything without complaining to her and always smiled and told her that it tasted very good.

"Why didn't you say anything" she thought.

Flashback end

She kept smiling and looking lovingly at him. She thought why not he said anything about the food till now?Why was he so carring towards her? Why did he ate everything without any discomfort on his face?






Inside the cabin, Lucas was going through Pdf file that Ron had send him.

"HOW TO WOO A GIRL" Lucas said it loudly.

"Step 1:Try to flirt with her" Lucas knitted his brows on the first step. Elena will slap me this time if i try this step on her. He had seen her angry look, whenever he tried his act on her.

"No a big No" he said rejecting the first step.

"Step 2:Try to be touchy with her" Lucas closed his eyed in frustration. He knew Elena would twist his hand this time if he tries to touch her. He remembered how she pinned his hand with her safety pin "No.. no i can't waste my blood" he said rejecting the second step.

"Step 3: Pay attention on her" Lucas scoffed while reading. "I'm already doing it ,say something different" he said looking at the file.

"Step 4:Give her compliment" Lucas kept the file getting irritated by the stupid steps mention in it. He was going to call Ron to scold him when his eyes landed on a particular step.

"Step 7: Ask her what she likes, dislike. Take her to the place where she enjoys the most" Lucas read it and stopped. He thought for a while thinking about how he had memorised everything about her, but he didn't went through her likes and dislikes.

At that time he thought that these things didn't matter.He thought the he would get her with his sweet words. But it was not the case, she was the total opposite of what he had thought.

Looking at her through the glass wall, a small smile creeped on his face. She was the most beautiful person whom god had sent to him. And he wanted to cherish it. He was going to do everything his power to make her fall for him.

Elena was working when she looked up and saw Lucas watching her. They both kept looking at each other as if communicating with eyes.

Elena would always get hypnotized by his eyes, his eyes where like ocean where she wanted to dive in and get lost. They always looked at her with love and tenderness.

And today after he said that he liked her, she knew that his word were true like his gaze and she wanted to let him court her. She liked him but was sacred to get hurt, but now she wanted to give him a chance.

"Hope you won't break my heart" she said in her mind.






Somewhere in the dark room, a man was sitting on his chair swaying it back and forth. His eyes were looking on the photo's that where sticking on the wall.

Getting up from his chair he walked towards the wall and scratched the face on photo with the knife in cross.

"This time i won't let you keep alive" the man walked back and called on his phone.

"Are you keeping an eye on him? " the man said.

"Yes boss" the person on the phone said.

Cutting the call he walked towards the wall and smile "Lucas...... start counting your days" the man laughed maniacally and again scratched the photo destroying it completely.