Chapter 31 - Enjoyed

Amusement park

Elena and Lucas were sitting on the bench as she was feeling happy and smiling after enjoying the ride.

After their Screaming swing ride, she decided to take Lucas on other on, but when she saw how he was running, fearing about the next horrible experience she dropped the idea and instead of take him there to the Carousel.

Waiting for sometimes , making him believe that she was not fooling him, he finally gave in. Sitting on the wooden horse they both enjoyed thier merry go round. Lucas was smiling like a kid ,who have been enjoying his ride acting like a soldier who run behind his enemy with the sword.

Elena laugh looking at his act, she saw him happy and the smile he was having was a pure bliss. That laugh was reaching his eyes showing how extremely happy he was.

From the time she had started working with him, she had seen him smiling but that smile never reached his eyes. As if he was forcing it. And today he was his real self. It was him who had brought her here giving a suprise ,but watching him enjoying she was suprised.

Elena took a lot of pictures of Lucas, his smile was the beautiful thing she saw in this visit, and she wanted to keep it on his face. Even though his image around was not nice, but her heart never accepted it. She had seen him crying in sleep for his mother. She could say he was just hiding his emotion behind his happy face.

Elena was looking in the sky and watching stars "The sky is soo nice today, hey look... there are so many stars shining" she said patting his shoulder.

Lucas who was busy watching her and in no mood of looking at the sky as his eyes was seeing the most beautiful person in the world.

"I'm mostly intrested watching my moon" he said looking at her.

Elena look down at him, he had a small smile on his face . Blinking at him she could only say"huh... "

Pinching her innocent looking face he held her hand and got up. Taking her to restaurant which was in the park they entered inside. The dinning area was empty as Lucas had already vacant the amusement park. Only hotel staff where there to serve.

Lucas order everything what she liked and when the waiter came with the food, Elena's eye opened wide as she could see stars sparking everywhere near the food. But her imaginary stars vanished when she thought how did he know about her favorite food?

"How did you know i like this? " she looked at him in suspicion and pointed on the plates that were served.

Lucas didn't knew she would ask this question out of the blue. Clearing his throat he looked at her narrowed eyes. Gulping his fear he finally got the courage to speak.

"I like this food" he lied. He wanted her to believe him, but looking at her he could say that she was not convinced.

"I didn't knew what you like, so i ordered what i like" he didn't wanted to get caught. If she gets to know that he stalks her, then she would crush his only chance of getting close to her.

Elena was still not convinced, but she let go of this conversation as she started smelling the delicious food place in front of her.

Without asking anything further, both enjoyed their dinner.






Lucas took her home, but Elena asked him to drop her a little far from her house. She didn't wanted to be seen by her father. She knew her father would beat Lucas black and blue without asking anything.

Removing the seat belt, she turned to look at Lucas,already finding him staring at her.

"Thank you for today, I really enjoyed it" she was genuinely happy. She was tired working the whole day and he helped her release her stess with the joyful fun in the park.

"It's my pleasure sunshine" he bowed down and said, making Elena smiled at him.

"Why do you keep calling me that?" she asked. Even that day when she was drunk, she heard him calling that name and even in the office he had called her by the same name.

"What? " he looked at her mischievously.He knew what she was talking about ,but he wanted her to say it.

"T-that name..... s-sunshine" she finally said after hesitating for a while.

"Why.... you don't like it? " he moved closer to her making her gasp.

"I-its not l-like that.... i'm just curious" she said watching him smirk at her startled face.

Moving back his rested his head on the headrest and laughed. He wanted to tell her why he called her by that name, but he needed her to trust him and not to brush his feelings off.

"I'll tell you when the time comes" turning his head to her he answered.

Elena was about to leave but was stopped by Lucas voice.

"Thank you for today" he said when her back was facing him.

She turn her head and looked at him in confusion as she shrugged her shoulder asking why.

"You wanted to try other ride, but taking my fear into consideration you took me to the merry go round" he was genuinely thanking her, "and i really enjoyed it" he said.

Elena didn't think he would notice this. She smile at him and got out the car. She bend down and peek through the window.

"Never ever impose your position when you are out for fun" she said and winked at him. Waving her hand she bid him goodbye and started walking to her house.

Lucas waited until he saw her getting inside. When he saw that she got in, then he drive back home.






Elena's house

Elena got out of the bathroom wearing her minion pajama , she slumped on the bed lying down and recalling the evening she spend with Lucas.

As she was in her world, her mobile phone starting ringing. Getting out of her thought, she got up to look who was calling. The screen flash Maira name on it, she was face timing her. Without waiting a second she took the call and was welcomed with Maira blushing face.

"Whats with the blush your face ?" Elena asked her as she raise her eyebrow. She had hardly seen her blushing and it came like a surprise to her.

"I'm dating! " Maira couldn't wait to share the news with Elena. After Daniel left ,she immediately called her to tell about him.

"What... " Elena screamed loudly making Maira flinch in fear.

"How..? When..? Where?" she kept questioning her.

Maira asked her to stopped shouting and calm her self down. How was she supposed to say when her friend was being dramatic all of a sudden. Settling down her emotions Elena breath in and out.

"Who is the person? " she said finally calming down.

"Daniel" she said avoiding her eyes.

"What....? " she shouted again making Maira cover her ears.

"Isn't he the same man we met in the club, stupid Maira how can you go out on date with the man you met only once" Elena lectured her like a strict mother.

"It's not like that" she tried to make her understand but our lecturer couldn't stop talking.

"What? it's not like that, and what about the man you spend night with. Didn't you said you felt something for him" she said as Maira had told her about the person , but she didn't said her anything that the man was none other than Daniel ,whom they met at the club.

"Are you going to listen to once Elena" Maira spoke loud enough to make her stop being dramatic.

"He is the same person, i spend night with" she said and saw Elena covering her mouth in suprise.

Removing her hand that was covering her mouth,she looked at Maira with disbelief, she didn't told her about him in the club even though while dance Elena had seen Maira being distracted and her eye's where always watching Daniel. But at that time she thought, she must only been watching him cause he was handsome and nothing more.

"How can you hide this thing from me, you stupid girl" she throw the pillow on the screen making the mobile fall on the bed.

"Calm down..... I'm sorry...i didn't tell you anything that time, even you were drunk and i couldn't drop you home" Maira explained her everything.

"I'm sorry..... things happen so fast" she again apologize her.

Elena was happy for her friend, she finally found someone who she could love and thats what matters to her.

"So when are you going introduce him to me? " she said smiling.

"Soon..." she said finally confirming that her friend was actually happy for her.

They both kept talking for sometime, before ending the call and going to bed.






Lucas Mansion

Entering his room, Lucas found Daniel sitting on the couch smiling like a shy girl and blushing every now and then ,as he was reminded of something that made him happy.

Slowly walking to the couch, he sat next to him.Daneil was so busy in his Dreamland that he didn't notice when Lucas came and sat next to him. Resting his chin on his hand, he kept looking at his brother's girly behavior.

Daneil covered his face and chucked remembering something, when he turned his face he saw Lucas looking at him in disgust.

"Ahh..... " Daneil shouted and jumped back, when got scared finding Lucas in front of him.

"B-bro.. when did you come? " he asked forming a smile, but it soon faded when he heard Lucas.

"A longg...time ago, when you were acting all girly and blushing every now and then" he said what he had seen. Jesus, why was his brother like this, can't he be a little manly with his actions.

Daneil cleared his throat, and held both his hands, taking a deep breath he finally opened his mouth.

"Bro.. I'm dating! " he said and again gave him a shy look.

"What..... " Lucas was more than suprise. Here he was thinking of helping his brother in courting the girl, but his brother was few steps ahead. He was already dating.

He facepalmed himself, realising that he was the only one who was left behind in wooing a girl.

"Poor me..... " said his subconscious mind.