Chapter 35 - Ice Cream Time

Lucas penthouse

After getting home from the office, Lucas went to his study room to work. After his words with his sunshine, he was feeling a little scare about what he told her. Though he confidently told her that she would flaunt their relationship with front of others but, he was a little sceptical of whether she would want to be with him or not.

After finishing his meeting ,he went down for dinner. He scanned the whole dinning area only to find it empty, he was wondering where was Daniel and how come he is not home yet.

"Where's Daniel? " he ask the maid.

"Young master, second young master Daniel will have his dinner out" she said and set the food on plate.

After eating his dinner he went out in the garden to have a walk. He wanted to have some alone time. After leaving their mansion he didn't have anyone to share his words with.He would miss his mother alot. If she had knew her son has fallen for someone, she would have been so happy that she would have let him get married the next day itself.

After his mother's death, his father would always travel to the place where he had went with his wife. He thought in that way he would still feel close to her. After taking the position, Lucas had work day and night to get his company to the top. If it was not Daniel he would had gone mad in loneliness. His brother was his best friend and he was missing him.

Today he wanted to talk to someone even Daniel was not with him, he just wanted to have someone's company, it happens with him once in a while were he would feel like this.

Taking his phone out from his pocket, he called Elena. He thought talking with her would help.

The phone kept ringing for a while when she picked the call and said, "Hello? "

Elena who had just had her dinner came to her room when she heard her phone ringing. Seeing who was calling she picked up the phone, she felt bad when she spoke with him rudely in her cabin. She knew he was being extra with his actions but he needs to know that he can't do that things in office which would point finger on her work ethics.

Picking the call she spoke"Hello? "

A big smile formed on Lucas face listening her melodious voice. How can her voice soothe his heart so easily.

"Did you have your dinner sunshine? " he spoke.

"Yes and you? " she asked him. She knew he was smiling ,which formed a smile her face too.

"Yes.... " he said.

"Why did you call? " she wanted to know what he wanted to talk.

"Why ! can't i call you" he said looking at the sky above.

"No you can, but won't you be sleeping at this time? " said looking at the watch. She knew at what time he slept and what time he woke up. Ron had given her every details of him when she joined his company.

"Yes.... but i just wanted to talk to you" he said and again went quite.

Elena thought he sound a little different, his jolly and flirting self was silent now and that made her remember ,when she had visit the site where he wanted to build a company under his mother's name. He sounded the same way.

"Do you want to have ice cream?. If yes then come at my place" she said.

Thinking that he was not his real self, something was bugging him she asked him out for ice cream hoping he would talk about it. She knew he was leaving alone in his penthouse and had no one to talk to. So she thought he must be feeling lonely and wanted someone to talk .

"Okay.. " he answer.

When he said he would come, she went down and said her mother she wanted to eat ice cream so she had to go and buy it and she would be back soon,her mother didn't question her and let her go. If her father was not in his room sleeping he would have came along with her.

Getting out she saw Lucas car parked little far from her house, smiling at how fast he came she walked and got into the car.

"You came so fast" she smile and put her seatbelt. Lucas who was watching how she was smiling from the time she came out and saw his car, his heart was feeling happy.

"Well.. when you ask me to come, so how can i be late" he said looking at her. She was looking like a pikachu in her pajamas a cute one though, she came out in her night clothes with a pikachu woodie that went along with her pajamas.

Looking at her for a while, he drove to the nearest ice cream parlor where she asked him to take.

Taking the ice cream they drove to the park near her house. Sitting on the bench they had their ice cream watching the stars. Lucas was happy to spent time with her, though they didn't talk much but they were comfortable with each other presence.

Turning to Lucas,she saw him smiling. She raised her brow looking at his smile.

Getting alert by her gaze Lucas turn to look her.

"What? "he asked her when he saw her raising her brows.

" What? what, why are you smiling? "she asked taking one bite from her cup.

Elena found him quite amusing, he was very different everytime they came face to face. In office, there's not a single time when he trys to flirt with her and here now that they are alone he was only smiling. Where was the playboy Lucas she heard about. Though she was use to with his moods but still she found the flirting Lucas good. The one who was sitting silent and only smiling was new to her.

"It feels nice to be with you" he looked at her with tenderness. Lucas didn't knew when this girl become the most important part of his life. He didn't thought just spending time with her would make him feel at ease.

When he use to sleep around with different women he didn't feel the peace he wanted. It could only satisfy his pleasure, but peace was something he wanted the most. When he lost his mother, he lost himself too. And now with Elena he was getting back again.

He wanted to be the real self in front of her, the true Lucas who didn't want to be labelled as playboy anymore. His situation and circumstances made him the person he was before. But after she came, he left that person far behind and wanted to start feesh with her.

Elena also felt the same what he said, she knew her heart was comfortable with being around him. She knew she liked him but she just wanted to be sure if he would not hurt her. But everytime she was with him, she could see that he truly cared for her, his eyes, his words where making her to accept him.

"Me too... " she said looking at him. Lucas cute smile was so adorable that she wanted to kiss him. But thinking it would be too much she dropped the idea.

Widening his eyes on what he heard, he stood up from the beach and looked left and right as if searching if anybody heard her or not.

"What did you just say" he bend down and asked her again to say it.

Elena wanted to hide somewhere, how can she say it so loud enough for him to hear.

Clearing her throat she said, "Nothing... i-i didn't say anything "and started avoiding his eyes.

" Sunshine... i know you said that you also like to spend time with me"he squat down and hold her face.

"Come on say it again" he said shaking her shoulder and make her look at him by cupping her face again.

"No... I'm not " she said removing his hand was holding her face.

"Please sunshine.... say that again please" he begged her. He felt that it was a lifetime achievement he had got when she spoke what she felt.

When she nodded in no, he gave up and sat back on the bench again.

"You are very cruel, can't you make me happy for one second" he frown and folded his hands sulking on the bench.

Elena laughed looking at his sulking face, how can he be so cute. Avoiding him she continued eating her ice cream. When Lucas saw she didn't do anything to coax him, he got annoyed at pulled her towards him surprising her by the sudden pull.

"Sunshine, you know you are seducing me with your act" he said touching his nose on her face. Lucas knew she would get flustered everytime he gets close to her.

He wanted her to accept that she said she like to spend time with him. And he had no other option but to seduce her.

"Sunshine.... what did you say a few minutes ago" he said fanning her face with his breathe. Slowly touching his nose to her cheeks , he traveled down her neck breathing her scent.

"Say sunshine, don't you like to spend time with me" he said inhaling her scent and making her tickling there.

Elena who was drown in the intimate moment moaned, when she felt his lips near her neck, "hmm... "

"What? " he asked her making her week with his tempting touch.

"Hmm..... I like to spend time with you" she said absendmindly and bite her lips to control her moan.