Chapter 44 - Following Her

Elena reached the office early today, she had work that need to complete before she takes half leave. Today she and Maira were going for shopping, even though they had decided that they would go in the evening when her work would finished, but Maira text her saying that the dress selection would take time so they have to go early.

So keeping that in mind, she didn't want to leave her work half way, she came early so that now no work would be left pending for the next day.

Elena waited for Lucas to come, she had made his morning coffee and kept on table before starting her work. Entering the cabin he turn to look at Elena's cabin to find her working.

"Why is she early today! " he thought and took the seat. Taking the sip from his coffe he was satisfied by its taste. Now that making him coffee everyday, she was aware of his taste by now. "Hmm... you learn every fast sunshine" he said and started his day.

Elena who was working, found that Lucas had arrived and without wasting anytime she went to his cabin with the daily schedule of the meetings he had. Ron was busy with handling the other company matters and was out for business trip.

Getting inside his cabin she told him about the full day schedule. After giving him his file she spoke, "Sir..I want to leave early today"

Lucas who was reading the file stopped and looked up. "Why do she want to go early? Was there any problem? Is she not feeling well?" he thought of so many things and finally opened his mouth to ask her.

"Is there any problem Sunshine? " getting up he walked to her, Touching her forehead he checked her temperature"You don't have fever sunshine" he said looking her with concern.

"..... " Elena kept looking at him "What was he doing? can't people leave early if they have something to do or in his dictionary people take half day when they are not well" She thought.

Removing his hand, she smiled politely "Sir I'm fine, I don't have fever" she said making him relax but again he spoke, "Then why to leave early... sunshine is there any problem that I can help you with" he said still not getting the reason for her leave.

She waved her hand, "No... no Sir...I don't have any problem. Its just that I have some work outside... t-thats why I have to go" she said and saw his expression turning sour.

Lucas who was concerned for her, drastically changed his face after listening to her words. Again his mind went to the thought of her meeting someone one. Even if he wanted to brush that thought out of his mind, he still couldn't do it.

Elena could feel the coldness in his eyes, she gulped in fear not wanting him to speak anything and make her run out of his cabin due to his anger, that was starting to show up on his face

"Where are going.... ?" he didn't stopped himself from asking her, even though he knew she can go wherever she want but his doubts were not letting him do that.

Elena raised her brow, "Doesn't he know privacy" she thought.

"Its personal sir and I need to go..." she said not disclosing to him why was she going.

When he didn't say anything, Elena thought that he was convinced with her words but then again his mouth spoke, "With whom are you going" his cold voice send chills to Elena.

"Sir... I have work and I don't think that I must say everything to you before doing" she said looking straight in his eyes. Even though she was scared ,but still she didn't want to show him.

Lucas who was looking at her didn't asked anything further, he was sounding like a possesive hubby. He could see that she was getting irritated by his question. Not wanting to argue futher, he nodded his head in yes before going back to his seat.

Elena who was holding her breath finally released it and bow down before leaving his cabin.

Getting inside her cabin she saw him looking at his laptop without blinking. "What has gotten into him? He should not ask personal question" she said and carried on with her work.





Maira's company

Maira was missing Daniel, though its only five hours since he left still she couldn't help but miss him.

She was used to his presence and today he was going to shift to her place, but now due to sudden emergency he had to leave to seminar and their plan was shifted to Sunday.

As she was in her thought, message popped in her phone, it was Daniel

Daneil:" Just reached.... but I'm already missing you... "(sad face emoji)

Smiling at his message she texted back" I miss you too.... "(kiss face emoji)

Daneil:" Should i come back? "(smiley)

Maira:" I really wish you could its getting bore her" (sad face)

Daneil:"Only one day babe.... I'll be back...not leaving you from my hold"(grinning face)

Maira laugh at his words, she knew he was neglecting to attend the seminar, but she didn't wanted him to give his personal life more priority than his profession. He was a reputed doctor and many people trusted him.

Maira:" Will wait for you ,come soon.... "(kiss)

After chatting with him, she texted Elena to meet her at the Fashion's boutique by 5:00.





Lucas cabin

Trying to concentrate on his work Lucas tried to divert his mind from that repeated thought. Even if he wanted to brush it off...he still could.

Looking at her cabin every now and then, he kept thinking about her going early.

"I shouldn't have heard that stupid Ron's words. That idiot only knows to give silly answer" he said thinking to have Ron in front of him, so he could punch him like a punching bag.

"That stupid man, I should have not asked him to keep an eye on her. He can't even do a single work" though Ron was good with his work, but still Lucas thought that he didn't get full information related to his sunshine.

After cursing Ron multiple time in his brain, he decided to follow Elena were she was going not trusting fully on Ron's words. He should find out or else he would loose her even making her fall for him.

"I will follow her and thats final" he thought and looked at her one final time before getting up and leaving his cabin.

Elena who had finished her work and was ready to leave, when she turn up to look at Lucas cabin only to find it empty.

"Must have gone to attend the meeting" she thought and took her handbag before leaving.

Elena first had to go home, than to the boutique.

After getting home she got freshen up and got ready to leave. Elena was riding her scooty unaware of car that was following her from a distance.

Lucas who was following Elena from the time she left the office waited near her house for her to come out. He was keeping a safe distance from her, so she don't feel any suspicious.

Elena stopped near the boutique and waited for Maira to come. Lucas who was watching her was boiling in anger, thinking about why was she so nicely dressed up and for whom she was waiting. Holding the steering wheel tightly he tried to calm his nerves.

As he kept looking at her, a car came and stopped in front of her. Lucas was loosing his patience every second sitting in his car. Elena was talking with the person inside the car and smiling, making Lucas boil in rage.

Losing his last string of patience, he got out of the car and walked towards Elena. Pulling her back he opened the cars door.

"I'm not going to leave you..." saying this he opened the car door only to get his eyes popping out like a socket.

"What the fuc- " yelled Maira from inside.

Elena who didn't know what happened in a spilt of a minute stood looking at Lucas and then Maira.

"Lucas.... Thomson are you out of your mind.. ..You can't get into anyone's car" Lucas step backwards when he saw Maira yelling from inside. Getting out from the car she stood in front of him.

Lucas stood like a non living ,getting shocked by how he made himself ridicule in front of his sunshine and now her friend Maira.

Elena who folded her hand and kept looking at Lucas in disbelief spoke, "Did you follow me Lucas....? "Elena had seen a car following her, but she didn't knew it would be him. He had a meeting to attend, but this stupid man followed her leaving his work.

Lucas who was brought out by his statue mode ,gulped in fear not moving his eye to look at Elena. He could feel her eyes piercing hole in him.

"I should have listened to Ron" he begging in his mind to help him with this situation..He thought to get invisible in the snap of a finger, but he was not a superhero, so he could only pray.