Chapter 53 - 'I Love You'

Lucas thought his heart stopped beating when he didn't find her. Did he make any mistake by exposing Mark openly? Will she hate me because he didn't listen to her? Will she leave me? many thoughts came in his mind at the very moment.

Her still body was making him loose his sanity. She stood there like a statues when he hugged her.

When she didn't responded to anything he spoke inhaling her fragrance," Sunshine...are you angry t-that I didn't l-listen to you... and just went ahead with my plan of exposing him in public" he said and pulled back looking her with concern eyes. Lucas was nervous because her silence was killing him.

Elena saw his fearful eyes that were eagerly waiting for her to speak at least once.  " Why was this man so cute, even now he is thinking that I'm angry with him" she thought and moved forward to kiss him.

She knew this man was the love of her life who made her heart race with unknowing speed and today, he proved her by protecting her who tried to cause her harm . What had she done to find a person like him, who loved her unconditionally.

Elena realized that he was her only one, whom her heart has fallen damn hard and now there was not turning back. Whatever he was earlier ,that was his past and it had nothing to do with their present and future. And from now on, she would never judge his love for her.

Elena poured her all emotions in that one kiss and pulled back when she saw tears flowing through his eyes. She wiped them from his cheeks and rested her forehead on his. Closing her eyes she whispered," I... I love you Lucas" she finally said those words which she had been keeping in her heart for long time.

Lucas was always the one to confess his feeling every time to her, but now she didn't want to hold back in expressing what she felt for him and how much she loved him. There was no doubt she will ever leave him. How can he think that she was angry with him after what he did inside. No.... she can never be angry with him as she was happy, when she saw how he was controlling himself from punching Mark for what he did to the poor girl. She saw the new Lucas who was actually feeling what the girl went through.

Lucas who stood still listening her soft voice. Though it was just a whisper but he heard it loud and clear making his heart ready to explode by her confession. He moved back not believing what she just said and covered his mouth in disbelief. Brushing his face he walked back again to her and hold her by her shoulder.

"Sunshine...please be clear ,I-I think I'm just hearing something wrong. C-can you just say again" he pleaded her just to make sure if he had heard the right words.

"Mr. Lucas Thomson....I LOVE YOU...."this time she said loud enough for him to listen properly.

Lucas was on cloud nine, when he heard her declaring her love for him. He strode, taking big steps to her and carried her in his arms swirling her around. He was so happy that he wanted to shout and tell everyone that she finally accepted his love for her. He wanted to scream his lungs out that this girl was finally his.

Putting her down he kissed her passionately ,not thinking of being caught by anyone.

Today he was feeling as he was the happiest man in the whole world who had the women he loved reciprocating him back. Elena gave in kissing him back pouring her love in it. He bit her lips as she opened her mouth giving him access to enter. Tasting every bit of her mouth, he pulled back ,when both were out of breathe and panting.

Resting their forehead both were trying to calm their beating heart, "I want to take you somewhere" he said and took her hand intertwining with him and left the place silently.




Meanwhile the news of the Grey Corporation scandal spread like fire. Mr. Grey who was having his rounds, ended up being caught red handed by the media, confirming the allegations to be true. Their share fell down into rapid speed as their bad doing behind was exposed publicly.

Ron ,who had given all the proof as he was the one to leak the information to the media. Lucas was a walking devil, who wouldn't let go of the people, who even try to have bad eyes on his loved ones. And this loved one was none other than his sunshine who was harassed by him, and how was he going to let them go so easily without showing them hell.

After doing his work ,Ron went to take down all the business deals they had sign with the Grey's, making sure to let the company go bankrupt and putting the father and son due to rot in the jail for forcing poor girls to sleep with them. They were doomed and that was the live example for everyone who thought to cross their line with them.




Lucas was driving, when he stopped the car on the Corner's road where he had first met his sunshine. He parked the car on the side of the road and turn to look at Elena, who was confused thinking why he stopped the car here.

"Do you remember this place sunshine" he asked her to which nodded in no. Lucas smiled at he pouty lips that where still confused. His life had taken a new turn after this mysterious girl had came into his life.

"This is the place.. where I saw a young girl feeding a road side puppy and talking to him as he would understand what the girl meant" he smile reminiscing the day he saw her and this rock like heart started beating profoundly. From that day ,he didn't remember if he slept with any girl, as this one particular girl had made him go crazy and sleepless, as he kept searching her everywhere.

Elena thought for a while, when she remember that she had came with her friends to the bookstore when she had feed her snacks to the road side puppy. Gasping in shock she looked at him with wide eyes.

"This is place where I first met you sunshine..." he took her hand and kissed her knuckles, "Didn't I say.... I will tell you when the time comes" he said lovingly cupping her face and brushing it with his thumb.

Elena thought he was just teasing her, but it was not that she thought it would be. Her heart was going to burst with happiness, "Why was he so....loving, he is surprising he every single time" she thought. Taking his hand from her face she kissed his palm. Her eyes were on the verge to well up.

"Did you fall for me that time?" she asked curiously to which he shook his head in no.

"No...I was just attracted to her smile that day which made it beating like drum" he pointed his chest and smiled." You don't have any idea sunshine... how madly I searched for you" he said and started the car again.

Reaching at the top of mountains, he stopped the car and got out. Opening the door for Elena he asked her to come out.

It was all dark outside ,only the headlight of his cars were on. Slowly and steadily taking small steps he brought her to see the view.

Elena gasp in surprise watching the beautiful city light, it looked like star has fallen on the ground making it look like wide sky. Circling his arms around her waist he kept his chin on her shoulder, "Do you like it? " he asked.

Elena eyes were shining seeing the beautiful city lights . She didn't knew a place like this exist. Her heart was beating fast, as she couldn't find words to describe the ticklish feeling she was feeling at the moment.

"I loved it" she said keeping her hands on his hands holding it tight.

"This is my favorite place, I come here to release by stress and spend some time alone. These light help me to forget the stressful day I have" he said and kissed her cheeks making her chucked.

"Sunshine that day when I saw you.... the first time. I didn't knew that I would fall crazily in love with you..  at first I thought that it was just an attraction that I felt towards you, and that made me curious in searching you everywhere but... " he paused and inhale her scent, " but... every day I was disappointed when I couldn't even get a single information about you and that made me to give up on you until the day, I collided with you again at the companies entrance " he chuckled thinking about her innocent face she made that day. She was just cute.

"I fell for you everyday, as when this little monster of mine didn't needed any girl to get in.. that day I realized that I had fallen for you completely and I wanted you in my life" his word made Elena tear up as she turn to look his face and caressed it.

She kissed him gently as she wanted to save this moment in her memory. This man came out like a open book for her to read. And she wanted to be the person whom would understand him even without his words. He was the precious gem she had got surprisingly.

"I love you so much " she said and again kissed him.

"I love you too " he said in between their kisses.

That night, both were expressing their feeling nakedly to each other without keeping any doubts inside their heart. That night was the most beautiful night for both the love birds as they got know their inner feeling for each other.. They had finally confessed their emotion to each other.