Chapter 58 - Let Him Know

Elena was drawn to the man who was sleeping with her taking her in his arms protectively, as if she was his precious possession. She could not help but keep staring at his peaceful sleeping face.

"How did she got so lucky to have this heartthrob as her boyfriend" she thought.

Her hand lift from his waist, as it moved up slowly letting her finger touch his face. He had the most beautiful features a man could have, but her favorite was his ocean blue eyes. They were always crystal clear, whenever they saw her. No lie, no betray just pure love and she was always ready to get drawn in them.

Her fingers brushed his cheeks lightly making him groan, as he moved his face to her more. She liked how he slept, his hair were fallen on his forehead and his lips pouted every time she brushed his cheeks.

Slowly removing her palm that cupped his face, she trailed her finger on his eyes slowly moving and brushing his eyelashes. He had long one and were more curved, "How can you have so big eyelashes? " she mumbled.

Elena then moved her fingers to his straight pointed nose, she could feel him slowly fanning at her finger. Her finger then went to his lips and trace it lightly as she remember their last night.

A small blush creep on her cheeks making her shy when she reminisce their previous night activity. His lips were her new addiction and she felt like tasting them.

Elena was about to take back her finger, when Lucas spoke with his eyes closed, "Do you want to taste it sunshine" his hoarse voice were making him sound more sexy, as he slowly opened his ocean blue eyes and looked at her.

"If you want you can taste it" he said taking her hand and kissing her palm.

Elena hide her face in his chest when she heard his words, "Lucas.... " she said feeling shy and pulled back, "Do you read minds? " she asked teasing him.

"Hmm... well no.., but its only your mind that I can read" he smiled making her pout in confused.

"How so? " she asked.

"Well my mind and heart is linked with yours as it keeps thinking and feeling what I feel and think for you" he said explaining his logic. When she still didn't understood his words he moved up over her taking her under him.

"And now no talking... " he leaned and kissed her as he already had enough of talk.





Samantha was having her breakfast as she was late for the work. Ethan was waking her up for so long, but she slept like a pig even moving a inch.

Ethan watched her, as she stuff her mouth with her cereals, "That why never snooze your alarm after every ten minutes" he said and look at the watch. They were getting late.

"Hmm... why didn't you wake me up then" she said and drank her juice before keeping it in the sink.

"Yah... it was my ghost that was trying every tricks to wake you up" he took his bag and they left the apartment. They went down as their cab was waiting for them.

Ethan let Samantha sit first and went to the other side, when he saw the same man watching him hiding behind the tree. Brushing his thought he went for inside and asked the driver to leave.

"Ethan.. what were you watching last night on the CCTV" she asked.

Samantha had seen him looking at the footage very curiously, but he shut it down when she came in front of him.

"Oh that... I saw a cat that was chasing a mouse" he lied.

Ethan didn't wanted to let her stress her brain, as he didn't wanted to scare her by telling her that her father's men were following them and keeping their eyes on her.

"Oh I see... " she said nodding her head believing his lie

"Sam... when are you going to tell your father about your job" he said and looked at her.

Samantha looked at the her fingers playing with it, "I.... I still need time, I'm just scared of what he will think" she said.

"Don't you think the more you delay, the more he will feel bad of your lie" he said putting some sense in her brain.

Ethan wanted her to talk to her dad and tell him everything. It would be better for her to speak to him and not wait for him to find it by stalking her.




Lucas came to pick Elena at her house, after their morning kiss he left her place as they both needed to go for work.

After his breakfast, he went to her place to pick her. He liked when she didn't argue with him whenever he asked to drive her to the office.

Getting inside the car, she put the seat belt and turned to look at Lucas. He passed her the packet that had her breakfast in it. Lucas insist to bring her the breakfast as he very well knew that she can't even make a proper coffee and a whole breakfast was out of her league.

"Sunshine have your breakfast first" he said and started the car. Lucas didn't wanted his driver to drive them today ,because he liked spending his alone time with his sunshine without any disturbance.

"Lucas the sandwich is so yummy" she said munching her bite.

"Do you like it" he asked and a big smile formed on his face when she nodded.

"Yes.... tell the chef I like it" she said and took a sip from the latte that he had brought along with the sandwich's.

Lucas smile vanished listening her words. How can she say like that without even asking him. He was the one who made it with the help of the chef and why will the credit be given to the chef when the whole credit belonged to him.

"Sunshine.... I am not going to say that to him" he pouted and frowned not looking at her.

"Why? " she asked when she saw how funny face he made.

"It's me who should take the credit not him" he said and park the car on the road side.

Lucas turned to look at her, and pouted even more. Elena gulp the last piece of sandwich that she had in the mouth.

"Oh... didn't say anything to me... so how am going to know who made it" she said and drank her coffee.

"But now I'm telling, so.... were is my thank you gift" Lucas pouted his lips as leaned forward asking her to kiss.

Elena burst into a laugh, he was actually looking like a baby duck with that long pout on his face.

Lucas frowned deepen even more when she laugh at him. He moved sulking back,  with his hand on his chest.

"Don't talk to me " he said and looked at her again making her stop her laughter.

This man was too much when it came to throwing tantrum and, Elena thought she had to coax him every time as if he was a small kid.

"Lucas... " she called lovingly.

"No!!! don't talk to me" he said while he peeked at her once again puffing his cheeks.

He was looking like a balloon with that puffy face. 

"Lucas..... you don't want your gift" she said and she saw him making faces. Elena was biting her lips trying hard to control her laugh, not wanting to burst again making him angry.

"Fine if you don't want then.... I will go and kiss the chef" she said making him turn to her in a swift. She was teasing him and his face looked very funny after hearing her words.

"No.... " he screamed.

How can she think of doing like that, her kisses were his possession and she giving one to the chef will make him to chop his lips with that sharp cutting knife of his.... 

"You said you don't want to talk then fine, let me giv- " her words buried in her throat as he took her lips in surprise.

Tasting her latte flavor mouth, he kissed her while he bite her lower lips making her mouth open. Her kiss were his charging button which he needed every now and then.

Pulling back he touched their nose sighing deeply, "Sunshine never say that again" he said as he pulled back and looked at her blush.

"Those lips are mine to devour and dare you tell me that you will kiss him.... I will chop his lips before they even touch yours" he said and turn to start the car.

"I was just going to kiss his hand" she murmured as she pouted and looked outside the window. A smile formed on her lips when she remember what he said earlier.

Lucas smirked listening to her small whisper and continue to drive.





Ron was waiting patiently for Lucas, he had been keeping a track on August Knight and guess what he found about him.

Entering the cabin Ron rushed with the information what he had got.

"Sir.... you need to know this" he said passing the file to him.

Lucas who went through the file thoroughly smirked as he looked up into Ron's eyes.

"Tell him that we are ready for the deal and I have accepted it" he said.

Nodding in yes Ron left the cabin.

"August Knight, you are really a thing to play with" he said.

Picking up the photo that was with the file he laughed.

"Lets play the game like your way.... " he said fisting his palm.