Chapter 61 - Meet In Person

Elena came to her room and sat on her bed absentmindedly. She was still not able to digest the fact that her parents didn't argue with her when she said she was dating the world's famous playboy.

How was that suppose to happen, when she was ready to face a war with her parents if they would've not accept her love. But that turn out to be the other way, her mother was happy for her and her father didn't show any anger on finding who was the man she came with and who was he known for.

"How can that happen?" she kept thinking, not able to get that her over protective father who wouldn't let her talk with any boy and would always tell her mother that he would not even go easy on the man whom his daughter would fall for. If he happens to mistreat her in any way he would show him the road to hell.

"Is there something that I don't know?" she thought when her mother came in to her room only finding her busy in her thoughts.

Julian slowly retreated back not wanting to disturb her and went to her husband who was now walking back and forth in his room.

"STOP.. Henry or you will faint due to exertion" she said and went to her bed. She very well knew what was he thinking...

"Honey how should I relax. Look my pulse rate it's getting high" he came to the bed and showed her his pulse.

"You need to accept your defeat Henry..... Our kids are in love and we can't change the fact" she said in her sleepy voice and lay down on the bed.

Henry who saw how his wife was also not giving any look to his nervousness and just slept like that. He felt he had already lost the battle.

"'s okay if our baby likes that stupid son of my friend, but listening to Blake....No.. no I can't do that" he shook his head in no when he imagined himself being Blake's slave.

"NO....."he blinked his eyes and turn down to see his wife," Honey that scary cat cannot win" he said.

"Don't eat your brain so much and sleep, I'm really tired Henry...."she said and pulled him down on the bed turning off the light.

" Now sleep...goodnight" she said and doze off to deep slumber leaving Henry to deal with his own thought.

Henry just felt like crying...




Lucas penthouse

Lucas had too much to eat today.. He didn't like street food as he was very picky with his taste. Never in his life he thought that one day he would end up tasting every street food dish and would actually like it.

He was busy with his thoughts when he remembered that he didn't call his sunshine that he was back home.

Picking the phone from the side table, he called his love. It was ringing for a long time before she picked up," Hello! Sunshine" he said.

"Hmm... Lucas..." Elena was sleeping when he called her.

Listening to her sleepy voice. he pulled back the phone and saw that it was already 11:30 pm.

"Sorry sunshine, I didn't see the time when I called you" he was not aware of the time and he knew she would be tired and forgot that would be sleeping.

"You sleep sunshine... I'll call you tomorrow. Good night" he said when he heard her sleepy voice," Good night.... Lucas.. I love you..."she said and became quite.

Lucas smiled at her," I love you more sunshine".

He cut the call and lay down on his bed. He had lost his sleep, as his mind kept drifting to the evening they spend together. It was the best day of his life.




Knight mansion

August was waiting for his daughter arrival at home. She was out for a party with her friends. He had asked her nanny to call her and she informed that Natasha would be back in fifteen minutes.

August was about to go to his room, when her heard the door opening sound. He turn back to find his daughter stumbling due to too much drinking.

Natasha was a total spoiled kid, she would often get drunk and loose her sense and this was one of the thing August didn't like about his daughter.

He walked to her holding her with her shoulder," Dad.... "she slurred and stumbled on her feet not able to stand still.

August asked the maid to take her handbag, as he carried her to her room. Putting her down on the bed, he removed her heels and covered her with the blanket.

"Dad...I'm so....happy today..."she said as she was barely keeping her eyes open.

August let out a sigh and patted her head making her sleep," Go to sleep honey..."he kept caressing her head until she doze off.

August had told her about the deal being accepted by Lucas and that he was ready to work with them.

She was so happy that she ended up partying with her friends and got drunk. He could only look at his daughter sleeping self," You need to change this habit of yours honey or... how are you going to make Lucas fall for you" he said and walked out of her room.

He knew... Lucas would not spare a glance on her, if she doesn't look presentable in front of him and would just shoo her away if she keeps getting drunk every now and then.




Next morning, Elena went alone to the office as she message Lucas not to come and pick her up. She didn't said anything to him about her parents knowing about their relationship.

Reaching the office she went to her cabin and waited for Lucas to come. She was already getting nervous of how would she tell him about being caught by her father and how will Lucas react, when he will know that her parents have ask him to meet them.

"Oh...God help me" she was praying for help when Lucas entered her cabin," Tell me girl what problem you have..."he said and walked to her.

Elena stood up and ran to him taking him into a hug, "Oh.. Lucas you came" she said and pulled back. Lucas saw her tense face and frowned.

"What happen sunshine. Is everything okay" he asked as he cupped her face with his palm.

"Lucas I....I "she stammered on how to disclose this news to him. She had been thinking about the way to expose about them being caught by her father.

"What happen sunshine.. be more clear ,you're scaring me" he asked, now he was getting scared because of her nervousness.

She closed her eyes and pulled back from his hold," Lucas my parents knows about our relationship and they have asked to meet you in person" she said without taking a break and opened her eye to look at him.

Lucas chuckled listening her words," Wow finally they got to know...I'm so happy sunshine" he went and took her into a hug. Elena was dumbfounded with his reaction.

He pulled her back and looked at her face which was confused looking at him," Lucas did you fall somewhere?" she asked and checked his head before continuing," Shouldn't you be nervous..."

"Why! Do you think I will get scare for loving you. Sunshine I was waiting for this to happen. I don't mind in getting caught" saying this he sat on the couch pulling her by her wrist and making her sit on his lap.

"Sunshine ..when it comes to you, I don't want to feel scare or nervous. My heart knows that I love you and if I have to proof my love to your parents then yes, I would do it happily" he said stealing a peck.

"But...Lucas my dad...he is not to easy to know" she said and cupped his face," How will you do that" she asked.

"They want to meet right. I will meet them after all they are my future in laws. And for you sunshine...I can even rub my nose to his feet if he doesn't approves me"

Lucas was determine to impress her parents and not to disappoint them. He knew his image was not good to start with, but now he was change man and he loved their daughter dearly.

Elena was touched by his words and she would support him to help her father impress. She loved him and that's what she knew and she even knew her father that he would understand his daughter happiness is with him.




Maira's apartment

Daniel was snugging close to her bosom, he liked sleeping on her. The previous night they ended up performing more than they usually do. Daniel loved it whenever she initiated first and ended up begging him to stop after one round.

Maira opened her eyes and looked down at him.

Caressing his hair lovingly, she pulled him down resting his head on the pillow and got down from the bed. She had a meeting to attend and would be having her lunch with her clients. She quickly went to the bathroom and got ready. When she got out, she found him still sleeping.

She wrote him a note and place on the side table before kissing his forehead and leaving.