Chapter 63 - Bored

Health Care Hospital

"Can't you control your wild activity for sometime!" Elena was peeling the apple and making Maira eat it purposely . She knew this girl in front of her never like to eat fruits, but she had to eat them so she can recover fast and leave this hospital.

Elena had came early morning, Lucas had messaged her the previous night and said Daniel wanted her to stay with Maira , as he would not be able to be with her during working hours.

Elena had took a day off as she wanted to be with her friend and not to make her feel bore staying in the hospital. She knew Maira didn't like hospital as she hated the smell of medicines.

"What wild ha? I will tell you the same when you will be doing your wild activities with Lucas" Maira huffed at Elena lecture. She knew that Elena was right and last night both Daniel and her had already come to with a solution for it.

"Will see...." Elena avoided her words and feed her the apple. She was busy feeding her when Samantha rushed to their room.

"Can't you take care of yourself sister? How am I suppose to know that you are not feeling well? If I had not called I would've never got to know...." she came like a tsunami and flooded her sister with question. Following behind her came Ethan with a bouquet.

"That's why I told you not to tell her" Maira turned to look at Elena who rolled her eyes on her.

Samantha learned about Maira when she had called her in the morning to talk something personal.

But unfortunately it was Elena who had took the call and informed her about her sister health. She rushed to the hospital as soon as she got the news.

"Why are you shouting her.. Miss.. here look to me and talk?" Samantha snapped her fingers making Maira look at her. If she had not called in the morning her sister would have never said her anything and would have happily came back after getting a tour of this hospital. 

"Listen Sam..It just happened due to exertion and nothing serious" Maira tried to cool her over angry sister and guess she understood it.

"But still! am I not allowed to know about you? How is that right when you keep taking care of me and don't expect me to even get worried for you"

Maira had taken care of her every need like a mother and now when she was needed taking care of she did even tell her.

"Don't get angry...please I'm sorry" she held her ears and apologized Samantha, pouting making cute face.

"Fine..fine that cute face doesn't suits you. You better be my bold and fierce sister" Samantha said and took her into a hug.

" Take care of yourself and don't hide it from me. you know I'm big enough to look after you" they pulled back when Maira saw Ethan watching at sister having their sibling time.

He gave the bouquet to Maira,"How are feeling "he asked .

Though they had already met earlier, but still Ethan would get nervous talking with her.

He clearly remembered the time when Samantha had said her about them. She had barged into their apartment like a mafia boss pulling his color and investigating him. He thought that was his end and he would die not even marrying Sam.

"I'm good" she said.

Watching at Samantha she inquired," Don't you both have work today". She looked at the watch on the wall.

"Yes we do, but will go a little late" Ethan said and passed her the porridge that he had made before coming here.

When Samantha and Elena were busy chatting, Maira signaled Ethan to come and take the chair. Getting her look he knew what she was going to talk.

"Did uncle threatened you?" she knew her uncle very well and could tell that he won't go easy after finding his daughter has a man in her life.

"He is cool" Ethan replied with a smile making her chuckle at his words. 

"He is... but sometimes he looses his nut somewhere when it comes to his daughter" she knew both the brother's were too protective when it comes to them. 

When she had told him about Sam working at PM Enterprise ,he was not that angry that she thought him to be, but instead he was happy that his daughter was working in his friends company.

But few days before, he had called her and asked her about Samantha having a relationship, he lost his cool.

Taking the first flight he landed here and now was personally keeping an eye on her. She was busy because of her work and didn't get the time to tell Samantha about his arrival .

"Don't mind if he says anything, he is just a father who has grown his daughter alone and is protective about whom she is with" Maira knew Ethan was a sensible guy and would not take her uncles words to heart.

"Rest assured...I kinda like the oldy" he winked and laughed pulling Samantha and Elena's attention.

"Oldy! nice name " Maira laughed along with him making both the girls confused at their friendly behavior. 




PM Enterprises

Lucas was getting bored sitting on his chair and looking gloomily to the presentation that Ron was giving in the meeting hall.

From the time he came, Lucas was missing Elena and was looking at her cabin imagining her in front of him. They say Love make man go crazy and that was happening to him. He was imagining Elena everywhere in the office making him get frustrated.

After the meeting got over, he immediately went out and called Daniel ,but he didn't received the call . He entered his cabin and took the seat when he turned to look at Elena's cabin watching her working on her laptop.

"See I'm imagining her again" he said and smiled at his weird behavior shaking his head in disbelief. He looked at his laptop trying to work when again his eyes went to her cabin.

Lucas kept blinking ,but he still could see her sitting and working.

" Have I lost my mind... I can still see her" he rubbed his eyes to confirm if he was not hallucinating anything.

Elena turned to look up and smiled at him making him wide his eyes in shock.

" She just smiled... God I will go crazy at this rate".

Lucas got up from his chair and went to her cabin just to confirm if he was right or not or his eyes were fooling him.

Getting into her cabin, he slowly went to her and pinched her cheeks hard," Ahh..."Elena screamed when he pulled her cheeks hard enough to make her cry in pain.

She punched him hard on his face when he did that.

"Sunshine...."he loudly spoke.

" Is that really you?" he asked and touched her arms, and rubbed his head that was now punched by her.

Elena who watching him sneaking slowly into her cabin, she thought what had gotten into him now and why he is coming in her cabin like a thief.

She kept looking at him, watching his weird act not saying anything, but when he cupped her face and pulled her cheeks hard enough making her crying pain she couldn't help but throw a punch on his head. 

"Who do you think is working here.. my ghost?" she rubbed her cheeks that had turned red due to his pinch.

"Sunshine's really you" he went and took her into a bone crushing hug," I missed you" he was not imagining, it was really her and that made him squeal like a small kid. 

Elena who was angry melted in his embrace, she too had missed him and was thankful to Daniel who finished his work fast and ask her go and carry with her work as he would be there with Maira.

Pulling back Lucas look her lips as he had not tasted it since morning.

Kissing her to his heart content he pulled back," When did you come?" he asked circling her waist.

"When you were in the meeting" she smiled looking at his happy face. He was like an adult kid who would be easily get happy.

"God... I thought I was hallucinating " he said and drag her to the couch making her sit on his lap.

Elena smiled at him caressing his hair lovingly. He now made sense to her, when she saw him acting all weird when he came to her cabin. She had only texted him about her visiting Maira and didn't call him after that.

"Next time no leave for you. I get bore alone" he pouted when he spoke.

"Fine..if next time I take a leave, you come with me okay" she said and got up from his lap as she had some work to finish. But this naught man didn't let her go and pulled her back on his lap again and kissed her.

" You have to make up for my morning kiss" he took her lips and kissed her passionately.

Lucas couldn't get enough of her lips as his mind and heart was not satisfied with only one kiss. She was his drug that kept him sane and today he found that he can't stay right without her being around.

Elena kissed him with the same passion as she too missed him. She didn't hold back in devouring his mouth and smooch him to her hearts content.

After like eternity they pulled back , panting hard to grab air when Elena said," Sunday, you have to come to my house" she said making him look at her.