Chapter 81 - Mysterious Girl

Elena didn't knew that she would let her emotions take control over her calm mind.

Yes! she felt envious about Natasha. The way she looked at him made her feel bitter in her heart. She couldn't explain what her mind was thinking the moment she openly said what she felt. She knew this man would never betray her but.. she couldn't trust any girl.

Lucas kept looking at her for a while, she was lost in her own thoughts. He caressed her cheeks with his thumb and spoke again," Sunshine, say something".

Elena was brought back from her thoughts when she heard his plea. She looked at his face which was waiting for her to talk to him.

"I... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said that" she stammered making him frown. 

Lucas wanted to know what was making her think so much, he wanted to hear it out loud, what made her feel insecure.

"Sunshine.. what are you thinking?" he asked as he couldn't take her silence.

Elena could now see that he was getting angry by her silence. She was not sure, but how can she say anything just by looking at Natasha. She didn't had any proof that could confirm her doubts on her. But she can't hide anything from him, she needed to clear things that were bugging her.

"Lucas.... I don't like the way she looks at you. I know, I shouldn't say this.. but I feel she likes you. Though its just yesterday she had joined but.. I could say that she is into you" she said without any filter.

Lucas heard her words. He himself wanted to talk to her about Natasha but he feared if Elena would understand at what circumstances he went to her.

Would Elena leave him if he confess everything? Will she never see him again? What will happen of him is she thinks to breakup with him ? or worse leave her job.

Lucas mind was playing games with him. His heart said to come out clear to her, but his mind thought of different scenarios. He kept looking at her, as his body started to loose his strength just by the thought of her leaving him. He felt his vision getting blur and sweat forming on his forehead. His head started spinning and his palm that was caressing her loosen as he lost his control and fall on her.

"Lucas... what happened?" she screamed, but he could only listen her voice as his body had already become limb on her and his eyes closed making him fall into the darkness.




Elena sprinkled water on his face, making his eyes flutter. Lucas slowly opened his eyes and found himself on the couch," What happened?" his throat was dry and was hardy able to speak.

Elena looked at him in concern, it was after an hour he had gain his consciousness back. She was scared to find him go limb and fall on her.

"Lucas you fainted" she said.

Lucas got up and was trying to sit," Water..."he asked.

Elena immediately poured in a glass of water and passed it for him to drink.

After gulping down the whole glass of water, he looked at her. She was still worried for him, how did he faint just like that when he was talking to her.

Lucas wanted to talk with her, but would she understand him. He held her hands tightly and closed his eyes calming his beating heart.

Elena saw him struggle to speak. He was the person who wouldn't hold back before talking to her but now, he was finding words to speak.

"Lucas... are you stressing on something? Did my previous words made you worried?" she asked.

Lucas sighed and opened his eyes looking straight to her. He couldn't hide anything from her, they were couples and no relationship survives on lie. He took a deep breathe and spoke," Sunshine, will you judge me if I confess you something"

Elena couldn't get his words. What confession he wanted to confess? she wanted to know but the way he was struggling made her think if he was ready to talk or she should give him some time to calm down.

"Lucas it's okay if you are not able to speak. We can discuss it later" she said not pressuring him.

"No sunshine, this must be cleared. I can't keep things from you it will only make things go worse. But promise me you will not leave me after what I will say" he said watching an uncertain emotion in her eyes.

He had finally made the decision to talk to her and it will be her who will decide whether she wants to be with him or not.

"Sunshine.... she is the girl I spent night with" he said making her eyes go wide open in shock.


Lucas came back from work like a failed person, when his informer couldn't find the mysterious girl he was looking for. He slumped on the bed feeling tired and lost.

From the time he had seen her, there was not a single day he tried to find her. He had even asked Ethan to search for her but he couldn't get hold on her.

Her smile had knocked his heart making him go crazy, that he searched the whole city only to find a single glimpse of her. Her smile and beautiful face had occupied his mind making him loose his interest in work.

Today he would have lost an important deal, if wouldn't have made him come back to his sense. He was so lost in her thoughts that he forgot ,when was the last time he went sleeping with any women and enjoyed his life....

Lucas sat on the bed in frustration," What happened to you Lucas Thomson. How can you loose your mind over a mere girl whom you just saw passing by" he said and got up cursing himself.

"You need to get back to your previous life style and should not dwell on any stranger" making himself understand he stood up and went to get fresh.

Getting out from the bathroom, he got ready to got to the club.

Lucas thought maybe going there would help him to divert this mind from her..




Entering the club, he went to his regular seat and enjoyed his drink. There were so many hot girls out there dancing on the dance floor. He scanned his eyes everywhere finding a suitable one for himself. His gaze stopped on a particular girl who was watching him from far.

Lucas smirked watching her looking back at him. He got up and went to her, she had a perfect body which would make anyone starve for touch.

"Hello beautiful..."he said with his mischievous smile.

"Hello" she replied.

"Are you alone here" he asked, when he saw her standing with no one around.

"No I'm here with my friends" she said showing him her friends that were busy enjoying their dance.

"If you don't mind, can I have a drink with you?" he asked.

Lucas maintained his smile not showing any discomfort. He just wanted to enjoy and forget about the unknown girl.

"Sure "she said and they went to the private room.

Lucas had made up his mind that today he would forget about the mysterious girl and get back with his playboy life. And this blonde will make him forget her.

Inside the room, Lucas kept sipping his drink and looked at the girl who was watching back him with the same intensity. His eyes travelled her whole body and stopped on her face, he found her face familiar as is he had seen her somewhere.

"By the way we didn't introduce ourselves. I'm Lucas... Lucas Thomson" he said forwarding his hand for a handshake.

"I'm Natasha" she said shaking his hand.

"I've never seen you here before maybe it's your first time in club" he ask

"Oh no... I'm the regular one maybe you didn't notice me before" she said seductively as she kept her one leg on other exposing her thighs.

Lucas eyes were watching her every movement, he could feel she also wanted to have some quality time with him.

Lucas moved a little closer to her," So now that I noticed you, what do you want me to do" he said tracing his hand on her legs.

"What you are good at?" she asked moving closer to him.

"Everything.. do you want me to show you?" he asked pulling her face closer to him.

"I don't mind" she said and touched his lips with her.

Lucas body was burning with desire when there lips met. He kissed her lightly, but when she reciprocated him with the same passion he could hold any longer.

They kept kissing each other, as her hands went on touching his broad chest.

Lucas was enjoying his moment but stopped when the smiling face again came to his view. The girl beautiful face again flashed in front of his eyes...

He snapped opened his eyes in shock and pulled back from the kiss. His heart was beating fast. This was the first time it had happened, when he lost his track in making out with a girl.

He pushed her with force making he fall back on couch. He stood up and looked around trying to calm his unsteady heart," What happen to me?" he said looking here and there. He brushed his hair in frustration ,his heart was beating like drum and the face was still stuck in his mind

"Lucas is something wrong?" Natasha got up and went to him.

Circling her arms around his neck she again started to seduce him.

"Don't worry.. if anything is bothering you, I will make you forget that" she said and again went to kiss him, but he pushed her hard this time making her fall on the ground.

"I'm sorry I can't do this" he apologize to her and left the room without turning back.

"Lucas...... Lucas you can't go" she screamed but he was gone even sparing a glance at her.