Chapter 130 - Why Did You Call

Elena stop her car a distance away from the signal and hopped down to the location where she had to reach. The text said that she had reached to correct location. Lucas was not going to pick her and taking the right opportunity she decide to go to the place mention in the text.

Walking inside the large gate of the garden, she saw kids playing on different swing and slide. She smiled watching them when her phone buzz," Yes I'm here" she said looking around to find the person who called her.

"There you are.. turn back" she waved her hand watching the person and cut the phone call before walking toward him.

"Why did you call me" she stopped in front of the man and questioned him.....


Rosie mansion

Lucas was back home after his boring meeting with the business associates. He was not even present there mentally when his mind kept drifting thinking about his wife. He was already angry on Ron when he said that his presence was needed for the meeting. 

Lucas wanted to be with Elena not parting with her for a second, but because of Ron's constant nagging he had to leave her alone and attend the meeting.

Reaching inside the living area he smell the delicious aroma coming from the kitchen. Thinking about his lovely wife he made his way to the kitchen but to his surprise he didn't found Elena there.

Martha had been preparing their dinner with the help of other maids. Sensing someone's presence she turned back to find Lucas standing at the kitchen door looking around like a lost kid.

"Young master.. do you need something?" she asked when she saw him looking for something inside.

Lucas looked at her and shook his head, he thought maybe he would see Elena inside the kitchen but his guess was wrong.

"Did Elena came home?" he asked.

"No... madam have not arrived yet" she said and carried back with her work.

Lucas retreated back from the kitchen area and went back to the living room. Getting her answer he pulled out his cellphone and dialed Elena's number when he heard the car sound entering the mansion premises.

Striding back to the main door he opened it and saw his lovely wife getting out from the car. A big smile formed on his lips when he saw Elena walking towards him with the same smile. Opening his arms wide, she came running to him and jump as Lucas took her in his arms.

They missed each other so much that their action was evident for everyone around to watch. Hooking her legs around his waist, Lucas carried her inside the house.

"I missed you.." he said and kissed her walking upstairs without breaking their link.

Elena had her arms around his neck as she reciprocated back to his yearning. She longed for him too and just wanted to be with him the way he wanted her to stay close to him.

Getting inside their room, the couple finally pulled back from their long kiss panting and touching their forehead while they tried to grasp air.

"What took you so long?" Lucas asked looking at her flushed cheeks. They had turn red due to the lack of air she felt to breathe.

"Too much work.." she said and climb of him.

Elena walked to the dressing table keeping her hand bag while Lucas followed her like a lost puppy. Walking in their walk in wardrobe, Elena removed a pair of pajama set and turn to back only to find Lucas standing there for her with his pleading eyes.

Elena raised her brow watching his puppy like face, she couldn't understand what he wanted and why was he following her around.

"What?" she asked not getting his action....

At first Lucas was acting all cute but then her question made him grin. Holding her wrist in surprise he dragged her inside the bathroom," Lets take bath" he said and shut the door with a loud bang.


Maira's apartment

"Are you still not going to talk?" Daniel followed Maira in their room. 

From the time they left the shopping mall, Maira was not even sparing a glance at him. Daniel was feeling guilty for his action earlier, his emotions took control over his mind and he ended up hurting her.

Maira stopped and turn back making him flinch in surprise. She didn't expect him to be so childish to make fool of himself in front of her ex.

"Do you really think after what you did earlier can make me calm...really Daniel" she flared in anger.

Maira never thought Daniel would act out of his character in his jealousy. She tried to talk to him that Chris was married and had a beautiful wife whom he loved but this man just went ahead and blurt nonsense to him. 

'What would they think of him' she thought and looked at the child like man who was now on the verge to cry.

'Argh.. not again' she cursed her anger and walked toward him cupping his face.

"Sorry.. I shouldn't have acted that way" he spoke as his blue eyes glittered due to the unshed tears.

"You should understand by now what is your value in my life Daniel. If it had worked with Chris then we wouldn't have broke up" she tried making him understand. He was not someone who would loose control but today she saw even he can act out of his character. She can't blame him, even she would get annoyed watching unwanted eyes gawking her man but the difference was she would communicate with her glare and the eyes would easily retreat form them.

"I couldn't stop knowing that he was your ex and you both had a history... I don't want to know anything from your past which doesn't have me in it" he whined like a kid and hugged her.

'What should she do of this child like man' she thought and went on embracing him back.

His action were so cute where she thought in this relationship she was the man and Daniel was her girlfriend. The way he act sometimes made her love him more even neglecting his insecurity.

"Do you want to eat something?" she asked.

Maira knew he didn't have his lunch properly because he was busy crying on his brothers shoulder probably complaining about her. She couldn't make fuss of it because she knew she went over board in making him feel guilty. But now everything was sort but this man didn't moved or opened his mouth to talk with her.

After what felt like eternity, Daniel finally pulled back showing his sleepy eyes making her widen her eyes as he pulled back and went to sleep on the bed with his dress still on.

All this while he had been sleeping on her shoulder without uttering a word. This man was too unpredictable sometime where she felt she is not aware of his actions.


Ethan's apartment

Samantha and Ethan were cuddling on the bed. Sleep was far lost from her eyes as she kept looking at he man who was resting next to her. Ethan was happy that she was better and her pain had stopped or else he didn't knew what he would've done. 

"What are you thinking?" Ethan pulled the strand from her face and tuck it back.

"How will we meet after I join my dad's company" she had been thinking about the time when she will leave PM Enterprise and join their family business. Even though there was still time for her to leave her job but still she would get sad thinking about the time she will get busy with their respective work.

"Do you want me to come with you?" he asked to which she nodded.

The idea was not bad at all, if he happen to join their company then the chances to meet each other was more and she would not have to find excuse to runaway from her work to see him.

Ethan chuckled watching her nod her head in yes easily accepting his words, He was just saying it to soothe her but to his surprise even she wanted the same.

"We still have time for that so lets not waste our time thinking about the future and lets concentrate on our present. In future I would follow you wherever you go so we don't have to be apart...okay" his words made her happy and she went to hug him hiding her face in his chest making him giggle on her cute way of getting happy.


Rosie mansion

Inside the bathroom Lucas fiery gaze made Elena gulp in nervousness. He just drag her with him inside the bathroom and now his hot gaze was melting her every ounce.

Whatever she was thinking right now was going to happen and she knew he would not stop unless he gets her.

"L-Lucas.. I think we should get fresh and eat something" she moved back when she saw him taking slow steps towards her.

"What if I say I'm hungry for you" his voice made her confirm that her doubts were true and now there was no going back.