Chapter 156 - What Comes First

Lucas suddenly opening his eyes stopped her from breathing. His sleepy eyes and hoarse voice made her still as her face kept close to his with only an inch away.

Elena couldn't even uttered a word and kept looking at his devilishly handsome face which was making her drool over him. Her eyes which were looking at his features slowly went down on his lips which looked juicy making her want to taste them.

Last night he didn't initiate anything because he didn't wanted to hurt her but how was she supposed to hold back when his lips were just an inch away from her. She wanted to taste them. She wanted to forget for sometime that she was injured and was still weak for any activity.

Lucas who was watching her looking at his lips smirked at her drooling. Her mouth was opened a little as she wanted to kiss him if she get a chance to and watching her trying to pounce on him made him wanting to tease her.

Lifting his hand he trace his thump on her lower lips watching her close her eyes on his touch. He knew she was loosing it and would soon ask him to take her but he wanted to wait and see her seducing expression.

"Do you want to kiss me Sunshine?" his hot breathe tickled her face as his thumb kept lightly trancing her lips making her body hot letting loosing her rational mind. She knew her body had started to crave for him and his tease was making her loose it.

She opened her mouth and took his thumb inside sucking it hard before popping it out and she hummed letting out a small moan.

The teasing eyes were now turned lusty as she teased him back waking the devil who was only having fun for a while. Who would have thought the tables to turn this way. He wanted to tease but now she was arousing him on her seductive act.

Flipping her down on the bed, he hovered her body making sure not to touch her wounds. His eyes were blazing heat as he pressed her under his hard body.

"Are you teasing me sunshine" he asked looking how an mischievous smile formed on her lips. She clearly knew how to turn him on by using his trick on him.

"I know you much more than you know yourself husband" she tranced her finger from his forehead then to his nose and then on his lips just the way he did to her.

"So you must also know that your actions are provoking me" he said as his eyes bored into her as if he was watching her seducing with her action.

"So did I success in it " her eyes fixed on his face not blinking for once.

Without answering Lucas took her lips sucking it hard as he had been controlling for too long. He made sure to be gentle with her wounds as he kept kissing her sliding his tongue touching her wet one.

Only he knew how hard it was for him to control himself watching her naked body but couldn't do anything. He had to take cold shower to calm his hard member before he came out from bath.

Elena kissed him back with the same passion sucking and biting him. Her hands hold his torso lightly feeling his muscle on them while he kept sucking her hard.

When he felt them getting out of breathe that's when he pulled apart panting hard as he they calm their beating heart.

Elena eyes were close as her chest heaved up and down trying to catch air. Cupping her face he brushed her cheeks watching her slowly open her eyes and heard him say," I won't go further but will promise to make up when you recover" 

Elena nodded her head as she could fell dizzy with the toxic kiss she shared with her husband. He was like a drug which made her the need to want him more and more.

Getting up from her Lucas climbed off the bed. He made a call asking Ron to handle the work because he wanted to take care of his wife.

Walking back to the bed Lucas saw Elena struggling to stand up as she couldn't pressure her hand.

"Sunshine what are your doing?" he walked fast to her and made her sit on the bed before speaking," You should call me and not try to help yourself" 

"But Lucas I want to pee. It's very urgent" she said as she couldn't control because her bladder was full and wanted to release.

Lucas chuckled on her word and bend down hooking her arm around his should and putting his hand under her knee before he lifted her and said," Sunshine your slave is here feel free to make him work for you" 

Elena smiled listening his words which she knew were true because there was no chance he would leave her alone when she was wrapped all in this stupid bandage.

"Hmm.. slave.... sounds great. So Mr. Slave will you please be fast because my bladder is soon going to burst"

Nodding his head he rushed carrying her to the bathroom. Elena asked him to wait outside because she didn't wanted to again provoke his devil. After she was done Lucas again carried her back on the bed. She was not allowed to take bath because of the wound, so like the previous night Lucas helped her clean herself and brush her teeth making her wear comfortable clothes.

Making sure he didn't miss anything then he went ahead and got freshen up. They had their breakfast with Lucas feeding her which she did not mind because she was loving his pampering.

As the day was long the couple didn't knew how to spent their time doing nothing. Elena suggested to read books just to divert their attention from boredom but Lucas plainly rejected it. He didn't wanted to tire his eyes because they do it daily by reading mountains of files.

"How about we play truth and dare" he said excitedly.

"No need I don't want to give in to your stupid rules and let me tell you I'm patient here so keep that lame game with yourself" she said rejecting his idea as he purse his lips into thin line knowing what she was referring at.

"Then how about we cuddle. This one you can't reject" he was confident that she would give in but when she glare at him the confidence went out from the window.

"I know it's a no" he said getting her stare.

Elena wanted to do something to clear her boredom but she couldn't think of any. Anything she came up with will make use of her hands and if they move then she would be in pain and he then will ask her to sleep which she didn't wanted to.

"How about we play compatible game but the rules will not be the same as you had came up with. Lets keep the rules simple" she came up with quiz game.

"You mean that couple game which askes your favorite food, color and all that stuff" 

Elena nodded her head with a smile on her lips but her husband was not going to play it.

"It's too childish Sunshine. I already know everything about you and even you know me then why to waste time in this quiz game" Lucas shook his head saying a big NO...

Elena turn gloomy watching how he rejected her when he himself wanted to play truth and dare with her but the only difference here was the rules would be different and not the one were they have to remove their clothes.

"Fine if you don't want to play then feel free to go back to the company because you suit better there" huffing she was about to lay on the bed ignoring her husband.

"Sunshine.... please come with another game this one I will easily win" he knew everything about her and even she knew him like an open book then what was the use to play this lame game when it will turn out boring.

Lucas sat next to her waiting for her reply when she turn and said," Let play what's the first thing that comes in your mind" she sat resting her back on the backrest and waited for his answer.

"Fine this sound interesting" he said and an smirk formed on her lips.

'Caught the fish' she smiled thinking about her plan was working.

"So the game says I will say one word and whatever word come in your mind will be your answer. No thinking allowed and if you fail then the other person will give you the punishment" she said and Lucas nodded his head thinking the game was too easy. But he didn't knew his wife was up to something which was going to blow his mind.

"Then lets start the game" she asked.

"Okay my sunshine first" he smile cheekily and let her take the first turn.

Elena: Brown

Lucas: Your eyes

Elena: Ethan

Lucas: brother

Elena: Music

Lucas: Hobby.....