Chapter 162 - Condition

Lucas mouth open with a big 'O' as if he had seen some ghost behind her.

"Don't give reason I know you knew who he is to me. I had heard you talk to him" she said and without being angry with him she hugged him hiding her face in his chest.

Snaking his arms around her he held her tight and let her calm. There was no point in hiding if she had already knew about it but then why didn't she talk to him about it.

"Then why didn't you confront me" he asked caressing her back.

"I just had my doubts confirm whether you were talking about the right person" she said still not looking up at him.

Pulling back from his embrace Lucas looked and her and asked," Then what answer did you get"

Lucas knew his wife was too smart when it came to let the culprit spill their secret and her ways were too sneaky.

"Then did you get the answer" he asked again and his wife nodded her head as a smile formed on her lips.

That tears where of happiness, that contentment of finding him after so long. She was overwhelmed to see him but was angry on herself that she didn't recognize him earlier.

"But why is he not saying anything. Mom and dad still miss him Lucas" she said recalling the days when her parents were heartbroken after he left. They thought that they were not good enough for him to make him accept them back.

"Let's give him sometime sunshine. What if he had his own reason" he made her understand that the coin had two sides and she can't judge him for keeping himself away from them.


Walking out from the mansion, Lingaa picked the call and sigh," Thank god you just saved me" he said getting inside his car and shut the door. He was about to have a panic attack thinking he was about to get caught.

Lingaa had made his mind to act normal but after what happened inside he thought Elena would get suspicious.

"Good to hear that but get back home there is someone waiting here for you" Aksa was whispering in low voice.

"Why are you talking so low" he asked barely able to listen his words.

"Dude just come fast" saying this he cut the call.

Starting the engine Lingaa accelerated the car and stopped near his apartment. Hopping out from the car the first thing he witness was his friend who was hiding near the bush and peaking out.

"Why are you hiding Aksa" Lingaa walked making the man flinch in surprise.

"Don't shout you idiot" he kept his finger on his lips ad asked Lingaa to shut his mouth.

Aksa was hiding from the time he was back from the base but the person he was welcomed was standing outside the apartment waiting for the owner. 

"Dude did she call you before coming here" he pointed the person who was a distance away from them.

Darting his eyes to where his finger pointed Lingaa eyes widen watching Cynthia standing at their door step waiting for them. From yesterday he was waiting for her call but he didn't thought she would just come here to meet him.

"You gave her the number or the address" Aksa whispered looking at his friend who was watching the girl like a lovestruck puppy.

Smacking his head he pulled him back from his attraction and again said," Don't tell me you gave her your card" he said waiting not to hear that he would be confirming his words.

"Yes and what's the big deal. Didn't you said that acting as a model I need to carry this card with me just to not get suspicious" like least affected person he said and turn to look at his friend who watched him in disbelief.

"Shift your stuff back to the base and don't come unless I call you. She will easily recognize you" saying this he left his friend behind and walked ahead to meet the visitor.

'Did he just ditch me' Aksa wanted to punch his face but he also knew that the girl knew him when he had helped her in her mother surgery. Not wanting to create any misunderstanding Aksa left the place silently.


Rosie mansion

Lucas was already done with his work and was sitting next to his beautiful wife doing nothing but resting his head on her stomach. Elena was busy reading some book as she had already finish eating lunch and her medicine. The nurse even came to change the bandage and was surprise how fast he wounds healed. The cut was not deep so it was easy it to heal. 

"Sunshine you know I'm very much excited for our trip" snuggling close to her bosom he said.

Closing the book in her hand, she kept on the side table and looked down at Lucas who was now trying to sneak his hand inside her dress. This man was just not enough of anything...

"Even I am excited" she said ruffing his hair and giggled when snuggled more making her smile.

"I had purchased an island over there a few years ago and I can't wait for us to reach there" he said getting up and sitting straight.

Yes Lucas loved Ethan's hometown and when a particular island got his attention he didn't waste time in purchasing it. 

"Do you like beaches so much" she asked remembering that Lucas had told her how he loved swimming but she didn't get the opportunity to watch him dive into the pool.

"Hmm and I can't wait to have wild sex with you inside the pool" he grinned looking how her face flushed crimson red just by the word sex.

"You are too much Lucas. Did you forget we have friends with us" she said telling him that they were not alone and the other two couples were also joining them

"So what we have our own suite and they will have theirs so no one is going to disturb anyone" he said and again laid back his head on her stomach.

Elena shook her head on how considerate this man was and how he was going to make sure she would never leave the suite and explore the place.


Cynthia was waiting for more then twenty minutes. From the time she woke up, she tried calling Lan but his phone was turn off. She first thought that he fooled her by just offering her work when they didn't knew each other so much. She was about to retreat when she looked at the card which had the address mentioned. Just trying one last time she decided to pay a visit and if he was just pranking them she would let go of the offer.

But it was more than twenty minutes and now she thought that Lan had just pranked her or else why would there be no one in the apartment and not to forget the phone number was not reachable.

'I think I should leave' she turn to head back when she saw a familiar face approaching her.

Lingaa was smiling like a fool and walking towards her when he noticed her looking back at him.

"What a surprise.. I didn't knew you would directly visit my place to accept the offer" stopping in front of her his smile widen more.

Embarrass by his words she pursed her lips and said," I tried calling but I couldn't connect so I thought to come at the address mention.. Sorry if I looked like a desperate person" 

"You called me" pulling out his cellphone he saw the message of missed call popping up..' I need to change the number' he mentally corrected 

"Sorry this number.. don't worry I will change the card" he said and unlock the door asking her to enter.

Following him silently, Lingaa asked to sit on the couch and went to fetch some water for her. He could tell she was waiting for too for him but if he had known he would have drop the plan of visiting Elena's place.

"Her have this" passing her the glass he sat on the opposite side.

"I won't take too long" Cynthia didn't wanted to beat around the bush so she directly came to point and said," I would like to accept your offer" 

Lingaa had this calm face but inside he felt like fireworks had started to take place.

"But I have a condition" her words poured water on his firework and his face finally broke into frown.

"What condition?" he asked

"You have always seen me doing this small job but in reality I use to work as an assistant chief but... due to my greed I was thrown out from my workplace and after that I was not able to get the reputable job again.. I don't know after this you will let me work for you but I didn't wanted to hide anything before I take a new step" she wanted to come clean and wanted to be true to the person she would work for and for that she wanted to tell him everything.