Chapter 173 - Slavery

While Lucas and Elena were busy with their cozy session, Daniel and Ethan were having hard time coaxing their partners.

They didn't thought rather than enjoying and having alone time with them in the club, they would turn out to be their servant for the whole night.

"He can't even make a proper cocktail" Maira took a sip from her drink and spat it out glaring at Daniel who was now handling the position of a bartender.

"Sister he works as a surgeon not as a bartender" Samantha was enjoying her drink which was served along with Maira and the person who served them was none other than the famous hacker Ethan Smith.

"He should have been careful before nodding his head for his friends mind blowing idea" 

Yes Maira had turned Daniel into a bartender and Samantha had turned Ethan into a waiter.

Since no one was there to watch them being slave to their respective partner both the boys agreed to mend the mistake they have done. The entire club was empty and now the only people who were present were the staff.

Daniel was trying to make the drink but was badly losing because he didn't knew how to make them. He was not someone who like to drink, he was fine with champagne. His alcohol tolerance was worst and Maira had seen how he easily gets drunk with just one shot.

"Dude make it quick" Ethan who was back with the tray in his hand placed it on the bar stand.

"What be quick huh. Do you think I work here daily serving drinks" Daniel was loosing his patience very badly.

He tried to shake the bottle but it all spill on him making him more annoyed," I can't do this" he pushed the bottle and cleaned his clothes.

"We shouldn't have came here at first place. I was better inside my room, at least were in each others company" Ethan sighed and turn back to look Samantha who was happily enjoying her drink.

"Ha... I so wish I could go back now" shaking his head in defeat he looked back at Daniel who had the same look on his face.

"Dude what do you think brother must be doing?" Daniel and Ethan were sure Lucas was definitely not going to let his girl stay angry on him for long. He was good when it came to coax a girl and they were sure he would've manage to calm Elena down by now.

"Using this time as an opportunity" Ethan took the beer can and started to drink. He was not fond of them too much but now that he knew that he had to stay like this having cold shoulder he thought a beer could would keep him warm.

" I took want to have one. This slavery is giving me blue balls" Joining his friend both the boys got engage in enjoying their beer.


Lingaa's apartment

Cynthia was done with her work and was about to leave. After coming back from the market, she cooked for both of them. Since she had nothing to do much after making lunch for them Lan propose to watch a movie with her.

Before the movie could reach its climax Lan had fallen asleep on the couch. She walked back to the living area and saw Lan was still sleeping. She made sure not to make noise while cooking disturbing his sleep. She knew he was a model and  would always be awake the whole night for shoot. Giving him the time to relax she quietly walked and slowly took her bag from the side stand.

She turn to take a final look before leaving when she found Lan sweating profoundly. He was mumbling something but couldn't voice it out loud. The pillow he held against his chest crumbled more when he firmly hold it.

Letting go of her bag, Cynthia quickly walked and kneeled down next to him and slowly brushed his hair. He was not awake at all and was holding the pillow like he was fighting with someone strangling them.

"Lan.. relax. It's just a dream" she softly said leaning next to his ear letting her words reach him.

Lingaa huffed breathing heavy but soon cooled down when he heard a soft voice reach his cord making his body relax and loosen his grip on the pillow making it fall down.

"Shh.. it's just a dream" until his body relaxed Cynthia kept repeating the words and soon found him calm down.

He went back to sleep again and she retreat her hand back looking how child like he was sleeping. Standing up she went back and brought a towel to clean his sweat.

Lightly patting the towel on his forehead she went to clean his face and then his neck when her eyes caught a strange mark. She lightly pulled down his t-shirt and saw a long stiches mark which started from his collarbone and went down hiding inside his clothes. Due to the clothes on she couldn't see deep inside and getting embarrassed she pulled her hand back and stood up.

"Did he get hurt recently" she thought and watched him sleep.


Back inside the VIP room Elena and Lucas were busy exploring the room messing around like there was no tomorrow. Like a never ending session finally Lucas slumped on Elena and buried his face inside her chest.

"Don't you think we are getting out of control" Elena bit her lips trying to steady her breathe. She was here to punish him but she was the one who got punish instead.

"I can't help when its you" pulling up he balance himself and smiled making her shook her head. 

Elena kept thinking this for while how she was actually becoming like her husband day by day who kept doing it anywhere.

"You know you are not yet forgiven" she said remembering that his punishment was not yet complete. His crafty words only manipulated her and like a fool she got swayed easily and ended up exploring the club room.

"Sunshine... I told you I will seduce you and entertain you and see I have succeeded then please let go of this punish and forgive game" Lucas thought maybe he was winning the game she started but here she was again making him think about how he fooled her.

Elena pulled his ears making him whine. How on earth she fell for a child like adult. His lame reason only made her think how he handles multi national company. Did he fooled his employees and client like this..

"You are still to be forgiven" she let go of his ears and stood up putting back her dress which was badly crumbled.

Joining his wife even Lucas got dressed up and followed Elena out from the room. As soon as they reached the downstairs the scene they witnessed made their eyes wide and opened their mouth saying "Woah..."

Daniel and Ethan were doing pole dance while the girls sat on the couch and watched them moved and rolled on the pole showing their moves.

Leaving Lucas behind, Elena ran and sat next to Maira and Samantha who were laughing hard watching them dance.

"How did this happen?" she asked not knowing the girls would give them such a hard punishment.

"This..." Maira showed her vodka shots and grinned showing how they got them drunk.

Samantha who was sitting next to Maira saw Ethan struggling with his steps to stand as he held the pole for support.

"I think it's enough for today" she said getting nervous fearing Ethan might fall down.

Lucas who walked toward the boys watched how flushed their cheeks were and he knew both were wasted.

"You two why did you drink" he asked pulling their attention on him.

"Brother... c-come join us it's really fun" Daniel who walked around holding the pole and moved his hips enjoying the music showing his dance to his brother.

Lucas rolled his eyes and then turn to see Ethan who was blowing air out from his mouth. Like a wounded warrior he slumped down on the floor holding the pole and giggled.

"Are you okay" Lucas walked and helped him sit properly. He knew Ethan never drink because of the poor alcohol tolerance.

"The music is great but I can't find the pole to dance" Ethan who was holding the pole like a possession started blabbering rubbish.

Lucas stood and turn back to see Samantha walking towards them," I think we should head back both are wasted" 

"You better not come up any such plan Lucas" Maira who was now holding Daniel said and winked Elena before she walked with him.

"What did she mean" he asked Elena but she only shrugged her shoulder not answering him.

"Get prepared for the punishment Lucas you are not forgiven plus you added another punishment in your list" leaving him alone she followed the girls.

"Do I have to sleep in another room" he thought and ran to butter his wife from diverting the topic.