Chapter 179 - I'm Not A Model

The group spended another day with Susan and finally headed back home. Lucas just wanted to first take Elena to have her checkup. 

It was already night when they reached back to the mansion. Elena had already informed Julian and Henry about her pregnancy and Lucas had informed it to Blake too. They were so in rush to meet them but they asked them to visit in the morning as their arrival time was already at night.

Agreeing to them the over excited grandparents decided to visit them the next day. Holding her hand Lucas took Elena upstairs

"Lucas its too early for you to guide me" she said watching how he was already not letting her roam alone. Like a bug he was around her all the time. Even when Daniel told him that it was fine for her to walk alone still he brushed his words and stuck by her all time.

"No sunshine mother said I need to pamper you more than before and I don't want to leave your side for a second" 

Reaching their room Lucas made her sit on the bed and went to fetch a glass of water for her," You have to keep yourself hydrated and tell me anything which would cause you discomfort" he then sat next to her after placing back the glass.

"You will surely spoil me" she smiled shaking her head knowing that he was now going to be with her all time and not let her leave alone.

"Off course.." he put his hand on her stomach and lightly caressed it," I always wanted a girl just like you pure, loving and caring a perfect replica of her mother" her stomach was still flat but she could feel a new body growing inside her womb.

"But I want small Lucas naughty and mischievous just like his father who would run behind me all the time" 

"Let him come after my daughter's birth" Lucas words made her giggle.

They had plenty of time to plan for their second child. Now the one inside was spreading happiness into their life and this moment together was blissful.


It had been two days Lingaa was acting strange with Cynthia. He didn't talk to her much and maintained a distance with her. It bothered her because he was not the one who would not initiate conversation with her. He fulfil his words of dropping her back home but also through their ride he didn't talk much.

'Should I ask him if anything is bothering him' Cynthia thought standing at the door.

She was about to put the passcode but the door suddenly opened and she was pulled inside.

Pinning her against the wall Lingaa caged her pinning her hands above her head.

"Lan what's wrong?" she was not at all bothered being held by him but his eyes which showed pain was stabbing her heart.

This was the first time she had seen him helpless. 

" I don't know what is happening to me. Its hard for me to let go of the emotion which his storming my heart" creasing his brows he slowly loosen his grip on her hand and slumped his shoulder in defeat.

All these days he was acting that her presence didn't bothered him but what was he supposed to do with his heart which moved only for her.He tried to divert his mind by limiting his talk with her but whenever her sad face popped up in front of him he loose it all. 

What should he do about his identity which he has been hiding from her. Everything was a mess and he was failing really badly. 

Cynthia watch his torn expression and her hands went to cup his face making him look at her," Tell me what is bothering you" she said gazing straight into his eyes.

She have never seen him act this way from the time she had started to know him. But his early behavior did made her think that he was not in his own self.

"Will you not envy me if I tell you my deepest secret. Will you not take me as a selfish man. Will you try to not leave when I will tell you everything" Lingaa didn't knew from were he got the courage to talk to her but he was loosing his heart to her and lying to her was killing him alive.

He knew the consequences were not good but he wanted her to trust him and believe him that he truly liked her and her presence was warming his cold heart. 

Cynthia could sense his words were going to shock her but she was ready to face it because his fearful eyes was squeezing her heart.She could see the fear, the hope in his eyes dimming slowly. 

He held her hands which cupped his face and took a deep breathe and opened his mouth," I am not a model but investigation officer. I have my hand stain in blood because my profession make me punish the criminals" 

Cynthia smiled listening to him but his next words froze her," I was the one who took your chef license pulling you into a plan which was baseless" her hand that cupped his face slowly fell down.

Lingaa knew even before he could confess his love for her he had lost her. The way she looked at him showed her inner torment.

Falling on his knees Lingaa held her waist and buried his face in her stomach," I just wanted to mend my mistake by offering you the job but even before that I started to get attracted to you. I know you will not believe me but I have lost my heart to you Cynthia and I don't want you to hate me"


Lucas and Elena arrived at the hospital for the checkup. Daniel had already made the arrangements and he took Elena and Lucas to do the ultrasound.

Applying the gel on her stomach, he moved the probe handle on her stomach showing the couple a small dot on the screen in front of them.

"Do you see this small dot. Its my would be nephew or niece" the overwhelmed uncle watch the small fetus along with the parents.

"Its just three week big but soon it will grow as full human" pulling back the handle Daniel turn to see his brother who again started to cry.

"Why do I feel sister-in-law brother would be having mood swing instead of you" hearing his words Lucas shot a glare at Daniel making him shut his mouth.

"I will tell you the same when you will become a father" 

"Don't worry I will soon join the league" Daniel just wanted to tell his parents about his plan of getting married. The proposal was done and now he just have to take a step ahead in rushing his wedding.

Nodding his head Lucas kept watching the screen smiling and giggling. Elena just slept and let him enjoy his time with their baby.

"Sunshine see how its sleeping inside you" happy father was on cloud nine and he just wanted the time to fly fast and his baby soon come to this world.

A nurse soon came with the reports in her hands and gave it to Daniel. Before he read it he tease his brother to see how he would react.

"By the way brother let me inform you one thing no more sex till the first trimester" he smiled when his brother face showed horror. He knew his brother very well.

Daniel was going through Elena's report. She had recently lost blood due to the accident and her body still needed nutrition.

"What does the report says" Elena asked watching Daniel's serious face.

Lucas who was watching the screen looked at his brother," Daniel" 

"Brother her reports are normal but she need to fill her body with nutrition. She had a drop in her blood rate so make sure to give her healthy food" he then looked at Elena and continued," You will feel nauseous for the first three months and if you feel any discomfort just call me I will be there and make sure to move around do some exercise so that your legs don't swell" 

Daniel gave all the instruction to the couple letting them know what all precautions they had to take through her pregnancy. Yes he also warned him to keep his tool in his pants for the first trimester and make sure not to worn her out.

Lucas memorized every word Daniel said him and engraved in his mind like a vow.

After the checkup, both headed back home. Lucas had asked Ron to transfer his every work in their mansion and only call him to office when it too urgent.


Lingaa's apartment

Aksa walked inside the apartment and found the place dark. Turning on the light he marched towards Lingaa's room but what he saw made his heart drop.

The room was filled with alcohol smell which was hitting strongly to his nose. He turn on the light and saw Lingaa sitting down hiding his face in his knees and silently sobbing.

"Lingaa" he called him out watching him lift his head up showing his devastated state.

"I'm a loser Aksa" he smiled sadly.

"What happened and what is all this" he walked and made him sit on the bed. He was so drunk that he reeked of alcohol. Falling on the bed he laughed but his eyes never stopped crying.

"I am born to be alone" he said hiding his face in his palm and cried his heart out.

"What are you spouting" he asked and Lingaa told him everything that happened.