Chapter 191 - Surprise

"Happy Birthday...."

The lights turn on and everyone screamed making the birthday boy getting startled.

Everyone was dressed up and were clapping their hands as they continued to sing the song.

Lingaa who had long forgotten to celebrate his birthday was given surprised by his family. His eyes welled when he looked at the happy faces and then turn to look at Cynthia who too had a smile across her face.

"You knew.." he asked and lowered his head not able to control his emotion.

Lifting up his face Cynthia wiped his tears and kissed him, "Happy birthday..." 

Walking downstairs he went to embrace his mother and then his father. Both of them acted out of their character the whole without letting him know about this surprise.

"Happy birthday brother" Elena walked and hugged Lingaa.

"You too knew about this" he still couldn't believe that they literally surprised him.

"You were the one who forgot" Julian walked with the birthday cake she had prepared and placed it on the table.

"I had long forgotten it" he never remember when he last celebrated his birthday after he left them.

Every year he grew one year older but had no one to wish him by his side. Though it was his mistake to drive himself away from them. But now he was not alone anymore and had his family with him.

"Lets cut this first" 

After they were done with the cake cutting everyone around settled down taking their seats. The family gathering was something which they loved very much and today was a birthday occasion.


Daniel was done with the surgery early today. After doing two consecutive surgeries he finally got time to exit from the hospital early today.

Taking it as an opportunity to pick Maira up from her company he directly headed to her place. They had not been able to spend time with each other after they returned from the trip. Both got busy with their respective work not allowing them to even have some private time

The car reached in front of the tall building. The employees in her company knew him and even the staff which worked there knew his importance in her life.

Walking inside the private elevator he went to the last floor of the building. Daniel was happy to finally meet her and talk to her freely.

The morning when she visited him he could feel she wanted to talk to him about something but before he could ask her Lucas and Elena came inside. Now that he was free and no one was around to disturb them he would surely want to know what she wanted to tell him.

"Babe..." he entered the cabin but was welcomed from utter silence.

Frowning he looked around when the door of the restroom opened and Maira walked out wiping her face.

Watching her come out Daniel went and hugged her. Not able to see her inside the cabin made his heart freeze thinking she might have already gone home.

"When did you come?" her weak voice asked when she felt his scent calm her nerves.

She was working on some project when she felt her stomach churn making her rush inside the restroom to puck. She had been feeling this nauseous from many days. Now that she knew the reason behind her uneasiness she wanted to talk to him but she doubted whether he was ready to brace parenthood.

She remembered the day when he had confess her to marry him but after that day he never brought that topic confirming her that he has forgotten whatever he had told her.

She had worn the ring he gave her before he went to sleep but he never asked her how he wore her the ring.

Daniel frowned when she pulled back from his hug and walked towards her desk not looking at him. Her heart was feeling heavy just by thinking her would not be ready to take such a huge responsibility and might not even bring the topic of marriage again.

Shaking the negative thoughts he walked behind her and spoke," I just finished my work early. Do you want us to have dinner outside" he took the chair and sat in front of her.

Maira didn't looked at him and started to work making him frown. He actions were not giving him any good signs. She was not the silent one who would ignore him even when he would throw tantrums but this behaviors of her was bothering him.

The pin drop silence made the room go quite with no one talking anything. Bothered by the silence Maira looked up and saw Daniel watching her. She thought she was behaving too childish by her action.

Turning the laptop off she looked at Daniel with a smile. She didn't wanted to show her sadness so she changed the topic.

"How about strolling small street side stall" she smiled trying to cheer up the mood looking at him.

Breaking the icy demeanor Daniel let go off the silence and smiled hoping he would take the chance to ask her after they reach home. 

Nodding his head he held Maira's hand and walked out from the cabin.


Carter house


Henry and Lingaa shouted loudly looking at Lucas who was proudly grinning after they told about Elena carrying twins.

He was sitting like a proud King who had achieved the biggest gift after he properly used his tools.

"You know I can't wait to hold my children's" he dreamily looked at the two open mouth which didn't closed even after he told them about his cute buns. 

Henry who was the one who was brought out from the shock looked at Lucas angrily," How can you smile like this when she would be the one to carry them for whole nine month" Henry loved Elena too much.

Elena was his precious daughter and he was happy that she was going to me a mother soon but he couldn't help but get worried because she was not carrying one but two lives inside.

"You dick head do you know how hard it would be to even walk for her" Lingaa agreed his father and started yelling at Lucas.

"You should have controlled you empty mind person. How is going to take the pain when she pulled them out" Henry was thinking beforehand were she would have to go through hell to push them out from her.

Lucas face turned pale when he heard his father-in-law. He didn't think about it as he was busy devouring his happiness.

"Stop you both. Don't scare the boy" Julian joined the group and sat next to Lucas who was looking like reality finally struck him. He was too blinded thinking about his kids but how did he forget what a women goes through when she delivers them.

"Mother.. I'm with father with this. Elena needs to be taken more care now that she would be carrying two with her. Let ask her to stay with us until she delivers" Lingaa propose the idea thinking being with them Elena could be pampered more.


Everyone turned to look at Lucas who oppose the proposal and looked at Julian," Mother...." he wanted to cry thinking how was he going to stay away from Elena for nine months. Just a few minutes away from her would make him go nuts then how was he going to survive without his wife and his future kids.

Julian shook her head and turn to look at both father and son who were scaring Lucas.

"You two just stop and don't think about too far" she then turn to Lucas and patted his head assuring him," Elena will stay with you but make sure to ask me anything which you feel hard to do during her pregnancy" she would make sure to help him and guide him with Elena.

"We are there to guide you" she smile making him relax a little.

While they were busy talking Elena and Cynthia were talking with each other. Elena had met Cynthia when she joined a the new chief in one of Thomson's hotel.

She never disclose that she was the person who caved the way for her. She just wanted to help her brother and if she would help him in any way then she would do it without holding back.

"How is you work place. Are you comfortable working there?" Elena asked watching Cynthia who looked more happy from the the first time she met her.

"Yes its all good. Thanks to brother-in-law people over there are very welcoming" Cynthia knew that it was Lucas's one of the new hotel which he had recently opened and had hired new staff to run the place. When she got the mail that she was selected as one of the chief to work there she couldn't help but feel grateful for Lucas who still hired her even when he knew what she had done with Elena.

"He knows people worth and you are one of the diamond he pick out from the stone" Both the girls where busy talking with each other when Julian called Cynthia out and she excuse herself leaving Elena alone.

She was feeling so overwhelmed how her life turned so beautiful. She placed her hand on her stomach and caressed it," You two are surely a blessing" she muttered when she felt an arm snaking her from behind.

"And you are my blessing"