Chapter 194 - Rip

Lingaa and Elena exited the hospital after meeting August. Doctors had asked them to leave the room when all of sudden August began to breathe heavy. His health started to worsen making him unable to breathe. Only after sometime the doctor came out declaring him dead.

"Hope he finds peace" Elena looked at Lingaa who had this lost expression on his face.

She knew he would not show any emotion to the man who had killed his biological father in front of his eyes.

Even though she wanted him to let of the burden he had been holding inside his heart for them but she also knew even if he forgives him he still can't forget it.

"Hmm.." opening the cars door Lingaa helped Elena in and the left the place.

Inside the car Elena was preoccupied with the chat she had with August. She closed her eyes and a tears roll down.

Even if he had nothing to do with what his daughter had done still he begged for her forgiveness.

Amidst to that, Lingaa had other thoughts when his mind went to recall the conversation he had with August before his health started to deteriorate, 'Sorry for everything' his red eyes turn to look at him once before he closed his them. 

While Elena was busy in her thoughts she didn't realize she had not informed Lucas about it.

Searching for her handbag on the back seat , she pulled out her phone only to find thirty missed call from Lucas.

Cursing herself she called him back and guess what she was bombarded with question

"Sunshine how are you and where are you?"

"Why didn't you answer my call?"

"Why didn't you call me even after I called you so many times?"

Lucas was worried for her even if he knew she was Lingaa but still he couldn't help but concern for her whereabouts.

"Lucas I'm fine" she paused and took a deep breathe and spoke again," August died" her words froze Lucas.

Elena thought the call was cut. The silence on the other end made her pull back the phone but then he spoke," Are you fine?" 

Lucas couldn't help but ask. He could slightly guess why she was Lingaa and he didn't wanted to show his anger for not informing him. He knew she needed to end this blame game because he knew she was still blaming herself for Natasha's death.

"Hmm.." she only hummed and then both of them again went silence.

The car soon reached the mansion and Elena walked out.

Lingaa left the place once her saw his sister walking inside.


Lucas soon reached the mansion and headed straight to his room. He knew his wife needed him the most and he didn't wanted to leave her alone to handle with the emotions.

Entering the room he found Elena sitting on the chair and looking outside the window. Walking to her he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and in an instant she broke down into tears.

"Its okay sunshine. Now he will finally be at peace" stroking her arm he let her cry until she felt better.

Lucas had asked Lingaa to bury August next to his daughter's grave and he agreed to his request.


After doing all the rituals Lingaa went back home. He was tired emotionally, he thought he would be happy once he watch him die but he was not happy. He was not heartless like them he had emotions in his heart which made him feel things.

"You came" Cynthia walked out from the kitchen when she saw him entering inside.

Morning he left without telling about his departure and didn't even call her to tell about it.

Standing near the kitchen frame she watched Lingaa who was sitting on the couch resting his head on the headboard with his eyes close. 

Walking to him she massaged his temple making him open his eyes.

Pulling her into a hug he buried his head in the crook of her neck and said," August died" 

Cynthia hand stopped in the air which was going to pat his back but she soon composed herself and hugged him back.

"It's okay if you want to cry" she knew why was Lingaa sad when he wanted to celebrate for taking revenge for his father's death.

Tears rolled down from his eyes and he hugged her even more tight," I should be happy for his death but I'm not at all happy" he spoke while he cried.

Cynthia let him stay like that and when felt his body relax she pulled back and cupped his face.

Wiping his tears she looked into his eyes and said," Because you are not like them Lin. You have your fathers generous heart and Julian's and Henry's upbringing"

Lingaa nodded his head letting go of the heavy feeling he was feeling recalling August words.

In the end he begged for forgiveness in his last time and was forgiven.


Inside the room Lucas and Elena were resting on the bed.

After Elena settle down her emotion she finally smile and asked Lucas to pick her.

Carrying her in his arm Lucas walked to their bed and place her down. He too joined her and embraces her in his arms.

"How was the meeting?" Elena tiled her head and watch Lucas who was looking up at the ceiling.

"This stupid employee are not taking their boss seriously" he chuckled remembering how sacred everyone was when he left the hall.

Propping her head up she looked at Lucas who smiling at his employees," Don't tell me you again scared them" 

His smile dropped when his super intelligent wife even read his devil thoughts.

"AHEM" clearing his throat Lucas gave her a cheeky smile.

"What are you talking sunshine. Do you think this handsome face can even scare anyone" Lucas knew even if he was good looking but still he was able to peel the skin out from his employees by sacring them to death.

"You are devil Lucas so stop self praising yourself" slapping his arm Elena tried to get up but was pulled back and in an instant she was hovered by her husband.

"So you are calling me devil.. hah" Lucas blue eyes suddenly turned dark when he heard his wife praising word.

Smiling at him she snaked her arms around his neck and pulled him close until their lips brushed," But this devil is mine" saying this she sealed his lips.

It had been days since they had indulged in any physical activity. She soo wanted to feel him inside her but her pregnancy was not allowing it. Daniel had clearly warned them to not pounce on each other until she pass her first trimester.

After the hot smooch Lucas pulled back panting and cupped her face," Sunshine don't do this to me I wont' be able to control" 

Lucas was having a really hard time but still for her safety he let go of his desire. But now she had initiated kiss breaking his resolve and now he was yearning for more.

Elena saw his frown and she could even feel his bulge poking on her stomach. Pushing him on the side she changed their position and settle on his lap.

"Daniel said not to pounce on each other but he didn't said I can't give you a blow job" Raising her brows up she removed his belt and slide down his pant.

Lucas could only stay still and watch his wife undressing him. He then remember that whatever she told was right but what if her hand hurt.

"But sunshine I.. ahh.." before he could voice his thoughts Elena had already gripped his rod and was slowly moving up and down.

His word died inside his mouth when he felt her slender finger hold his member and slowly massaging it.

"Do you like it" she watched Lucas slump his head back on the pillow and his hand went to hold the sheet tightly.

He was feeling on cloud nine with the performance she was giving him. She surely knew how to shut him down with her bold move and Lucas loved this thing about her.

"Love it.." he growl when she suddenly fasten her pace and began to move her hand holding his member as it started to grow more bigger.

Lucas closed his eyes tight but shot open when she felt it lick. He couldn't believe she was torturing him like this. Her wanted to be obedient but his naughty wife was doing all opposite.

Elena bend down and licked the tip of his shaft. She could feel it hot on her tongue. Slowly taking it inside the cavern she sucked it making him growl in pleasure. 

His hand went to hold her hair and guided her more deep until it touch her throat.

Elena was tasting him like a sweet candy fully taking it inside her mouth licking and sucking it.

"Sunshine you're such a tease" his hoarse voice made her look at him but she didn't leave him and continue her torture.

After consuming it for some more time Lucas finally exploded in her mouth and pulled himself up and take her mouth. He tasted himself through her mouth until his salty taste vanished and her sweet taste engulf his mouth.

"You know how to satisfy me" he pulled back looking at her satisfied smile before he again kissed her endlessly.