It's quiet in the classroom, but there's enough space for Qin to talk in the back. He doesn't worry about being heard at all.

The phone call was a little long. As soon as he leaned over, he saw two members in the front row waving to him.

The harmonica girl is still standing in the front.

Qin Fang didn't answer and didn't hang up.

After a while, Su Lin asked again: "do you hear me?"

Listen to the tone.

Who is he working for?

Qin Fang felt that he had a good temper.

When he was resting, he didn't play games. The more he tried, the more he thought that Qin Fang couldn't swallow his breath. As he walked back, he said, "be more conscious tonight and take me to the trump card."


Before Su Lin opened his mouth, Qin Fang took the lead and said, "you owe me."

With that, he immediately hung up the phone and turned it to silent.

Damn, tell him to learn some French last night.

This is called one report for another.

After venting, Qin Fang went back to his seat and gave the application form for the second round interview of luyuanyuan musical instruments, "just fill in this form. When the time and place of the interview will be announced, almost at this time next week, remember to pay attention to the SMS."

"OK, thank you."

After the deer garden was filled in, he said thanks again before leaving the classroom.

She's gone, Qin Fang is still in the aftertaste.

He didn't know whether Su Lingang was doing something or was possessed by something.

Anyway, he likes to see and hear the beautiful girl.


The little girl is very lucky to catch up with Su Lin.

After the interview, the lucky girl answered the phone when she came back to the dormitory.

She was informed of the scholarship.

C University has set up a number of scholarships. Lu Yuanyuan won the top three awards for each major. The amount of money is low among all the scholarships, but she is still very happy.

After asking about the location, she and Lindsey said hello and left the dormitory.

The most beautiful building in C is the auditorium. It has only one floor, and the top is arched. It is not far from the school gate. This is one of the few buildings that deer garden can go straight without thinking about the route.

This is where the scholarship comes from.

Push open the carved gate, inside stood a row of students, seems to be doing registration. Luyuanyuan, with her student ID card and ID card, was also behind them.

After half an hour, it was her turn. When she was ready to leave the auditorium, she was stopped by several people.

"Hello, classmate," the head of the boy nodded politely to her, "excuse me, my name is Li Yan, deputy director of the Information Department of the student union."

"Ah," luyuanyuan, a little confused, blinked and nodded slightly, "good deputy minister."

"It's OK, don't be nervous," Li Yan said with a smile. "Well, there's a special area on the campus network that is dedicated to the interview videos of scholarship winners. It's the tradition of the school that everyone's videos should be put on. We want to leave your contact information for convenient interview. Is that ok?"

Luyuanyuan understood.

She left them a cell phone number before leaving the auditorium.

On the way back to the dormitory, she couldn't help looking at the things in her hand.

It's a light envelope with a picture of the campus of C University and a special seal on it.

There's two thousand dollars in it.

Luyuanyuan pursed her lips, and she was very happy.

Just now, she heard several students in front of the line complaining about the lack of money.

But she thought, two thousand dollars is a lot.

It's hard to find a tutor at the beginning of school, so the money

It's really important to her.

It's seven twenty on Friday morning.

Su Lin turned off the vibration alarm, took off the eye mask and earplug, took a shower in the snoring of several pigs, then put on his clothes and went out.

There are only two elective courses a week.

2 p.m. on Wednesday and 8 a.m. on Friday.

Last night, Su Lin just took Qin Dakeng's trump card with him. At the end of the game, his eyes were a little dazzled.

When I lie down at three in the middle of the night and get up at seven thirty in the morning.

In fact, he was a little confused.

Su Lin used to skip as many classes as he could. Like last night, if he was a freshman, he would never bring his class today.

Then, he walked on the road to the teaching building.

I'm not sleepy, but I still haven't earned it. I'm a little bit confused after waking up.

When he had plenty of time, he swayed slowly. In the early morning, he had nothing in his mind.

Su Lin so shook to the teaching building, into the back door of the classroom ladder, a glance, the seats are empty.Not many people.

He looked at the seat he had taken last time.

Luyuanyuan is packing her schoolbag and sitting in the same seat as last class.

His inexplicable energy seemed to disappear in an instant.

Su Lin went over and put his cell phone on the table before he sat down.

People around hear the movement, Shua look back.

Today, luyuanyuan is wearing a bright yellow T-shirt with short sleeves. Her long black hair is tied into a ponytail. The broken hair hanging from her temples makes her face smaller.

She had a small skeleton. Without her long hair, her shoulders were thinner and thinner.

Compared with the first time, I feel that she is younger.

Su Lin nodded to her dark eyes, "good morning."

Luyuanyuan curved her lips slightly, and then she laughed a little embarrassed. The dimple on her right cheek flashed by, "good morning, senior."


After greeting each other, there was no more movement.

Luyuanyuan table still has the things of the last time, but there are a few more breakfasts.

Usually at this point, Su Lin is still in a dream. Of course, he can't feel hungry.

He didn't feel anything in his stomach until now.

But now, with the fragrance nearby, he felt hungry almost instantly.

He sighed.

Then I dial my hair in front of my forehead, pick up my mobile phone and brush my circle of friends to divert my attention.

Next second -

"senior, have you eaten yet?"


Su Lin was stunned for a moment and then turned his head.

She also looked over and was waiting for his reply.

He hesitated for a moment, several ideas flashed through his mind, and finally said honestly, "No."

"Then..." Luyuanyuan brought a bag to him and asked tentatively, "do you want to drink soymilk?"


He was stunned again.

This is Do you want to buy him a drink?

The little girl shuilingling's eyes are looking at him. Although she has such an early class, she has no color at the moment. She looks very energetic.

May be because just drink water, pink lips have a layer of luster, full and bright.

Su Lin quietly looked away, reached for the bag, a little dumb voice: "good."

"The straw is in here," luyuanyuan pointed to the bag. "It's new. I haven't moved it."

Su Lin nodded, put on a straw and took a drink.

Feeling the warmth in his hands, he swallowed it and remained silent for a few seconds before saying, "thank you."

"You're welcome," I don't know if it's an illusion. I always feel that her voice is full of inexplicable joy.

She asked: "senior, is it good to drink?"

“……” In fact, the number of times he drank soybean milk was very few, and he could not tell whether it was good or not.

But She bought this cup.

Su Lin then nodded: "good to drink."

"Really?" Luyuanyuan looked very happy: "I tell you, senior, this soybean milk is a recent activity in the school canteen. I always give it to people who go to buy breakfast before 7:30. I'm allergic to bean products, and I think it's too wasteful to throw it away. So I carry it all the way."

Her eyes were bright, as if a big deal had been solved. "It's so nice of you to drink, senior."

Su Lin

Su Lin: "Oh."

Luyuanyuan's interest remained unchanged: "send soymilk until November. If you like it, you must remember to get it every day."

Soft voice, like a salesman.

But Su Lin still nodded to her as if nothing had happened. "I see. Thank you."

Fortunately, he realized that there was still bean dregs in his mouth, and there was a kind of honey taste.

It's so fuckin 'heartbreaking.


Like it?

Get soymilk at 7:30 every day?

He likes a hammer.

The author has something to say: # it turned out that I was reluctant to throw it to me #

# alas_ (:з」∠)_ #

it's not Mr. Su who slaps his face today.

It's Mr. Su. ;)