Su Lin's mood is a little complicated now.

In fact, he didn't feel sweet and greasy like milk tea, and he didn't want to drink it.

But she offered to buy him a drink.

As a result, he didn't expect this.

She looked a little nervous and taut, as if in a hurry.

The hair was blown loose by the wind, the eyes were wide open, black and white clear.

Like a little animal.

The hairy one.

Su Lin suddenly, a small smile, looking at her eyes are smiling.

"Good." He said.

Luyuanyuan was relieved.

"Where are you going?"

"Go Let's go to the library. Didn't Professor Yan assign homework... " Luyuanyuan took out the milk tea from behind, bit on the straw, said a little bolt, "just to catch the industry."

With that, she couldn't wait to take a big breath. From the transparent straw, she could see a string of black pearls coming into her mouth with liquid.

Sulin has an itchy throat.

He cleared his throat I'll go, too. "



Luyuanyuan still had a mouth of pearl in his mouth. After hearing this, he didn't speak, nodded and began to walk towards the library.

Su Lin is beside her. She needs to slow down a little so that she can be with her all the time.

The little girl's attention seemed to be focused on the milk tea in her hand.

From his point of view, her white face was bulging, moving, chewing pearls continuously, her eyes narrowed slightly, and her expression was satisfied.

The corners of the lips are inevitably stained with brown liquid.

For a while.

He was a little unnatural to keep his eyes off.

The new term has just started, and it's only four o'clock in the afternoon. There are very few people in the library.

Two people at random in the study area to find a long table to sit down.

Yan Chuan's assignment is a paper with only one side. Although it has only one side, it has 30 multiple-choice questions.

Lu Yuanyuan took out his pen and did the first three questions, his eyebrows wrinkled.

She found it was not easy.

A cursory glance at the following questions, she felt that some of them could not be found on Yan Chuan's ppt.

Some of the questions, she had the impression, should be the knowledge that Yan Chuan extended to them in class.

It's just an elective course

He's real So strict.

Lu Yuanyuan sighed, bit the penholder and began to write.

Again, she remembered that there was another person around her.

As soon as he turned his head, he ran into his line of sight.

I don't know if it's an illusion. She thinks that Su Xuechang just The expression seems a little unnatural.

"Senior," Lu Yuanyuan looked at the homework on his desk, but he didn't do any questions. He said tentatively, "don't you have a pen with you?"

"Well." The answer was quick.


Luyuanyuan wants to say that you even print PPT, but you don't bring a pen to class.

How can you do that.

But in the end, with a little sigh, she took a pen out of the side pocket of her schoolbag and handed it to him

Su Lin looks in front of him

A pen with a three-dimensional pig's head on the top of the pen.

I was stunned for a moment.

Luyuanyuan tilted his head and shook his pen: "senior, senior? Here you are

“……” Su Lin hesitated to take the "pig head", looked at her bright eyes and nodded Thank you

Her big eyes curled up: "you're welcome."

Luyuanyuan went back to the topic.

While doing it, I met the knowledge I talked about this afternoon.

At that time, she was wandering, even she did not know what she was thinking, so she would not choose.

So it began a new round of Shenyou.

She thought that it might be because they shared several classes at the same table, which added up to five or six hours. It seems that now I can get used to the mode of Su Lin sitting beside her.

In particular.

Occasionally, when I look at him, I will feel that this senior is really eye-catching.

"Won't you?"

A sudden male voice interrupted her thoughts.

Luyuanyuan turned his head and said, "hmm?"

Su Lin eyebrows light, no expression, drooping eyes looking at her desk homework, "you haven't written for a long time."

What's more, the problem she got stuck in was just the knowledge she talked about when she was asked when she was wandering.

"Ah..." Lu Yuanyuan came back and thought that before he lost his mind, he seemed to be suffering from this problem.

So she nodded honestly: "yes, I can't, can you teach me?"The words just came to an end.

She saw that Su Lin's lips seemed to be very quick.

Then came his beautiful voice.

Three minutes later.

"Senior!" Luyuanyuan's eyes widened. "You are so powerful!"

Without waiting for him to answer.

Luyuanyuan then said, "you don't even have a pen with you!"

Su Lin

Don't know what to say, he said.

Think of her "so powerful", and exaggerated expression.

Some of them couldn't help laughing.

The question that luyuanyuan won't do is the penultimate one.

Soon, she finished all the questions, packed her bag and went out of the library.

Luyuanyuan waved to him at the door, "senior, I'm going back to my dormitory. Thank you today."

"You're welcome."

After a pause, he continued, "milk tea."

Luyuanyuan has some doubts Well

"Remember next time, please."


When Su Lin went back to the dormitory.

The eldest and the second are not here. Only Qin Fang sits on the bed and watches his cell phone.

Hearing the news, Qin Fang poked his head, "yo."


"The University bully is back. Are you going to learn French tonight?"

Su Lin

Su Lin You want to be in a field team in the future, don't you? "

This sentence is most effective for Qin Fang.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no He grinned dogleg, his white face turned into a flower, "brother Lin, you are my brother."

Su Lin doesn't care about him.

"By the way," Qin Fang suddenly remembered, "next weekend is the second round interview for musical instruments. Do you remember what you said at that time?"


Seeing that Su Lin didn't answer, Qin Fang quickly got rid of the relationship: "anyway, I can't be a coolie any more, ha ha ha."

"I go to noodles, put my heart back in my intestines," Su Lin glanced at him blandly, "I don't need you."

Qin Fang

No, you don't have to.

What's the meaning of the sarcastic look in his mother's eyes?

There are still a few hours to go before dinner. After Su Lin answers, Qin Fang sits at the table and plays with his mobile phone.

Suddenly received a wechat.

[Lu OO]: [voice message]


Su Lin saw the pop-up window and cut to wechat for a moment.

After clicking on it, he put the receiver to his ear, and a familiar, soft voice came from that end.

"Wow, senior, I just arrived at the dormitory and checked my mailbox. Do you know, Professor Yan actually said that he would have a test in class next class! Well, I'm afraid you'll tell me without looking at the mailbox. Please remember to review it. "

Su Lin listens, the radian of lips is bigger and bigger.

He couldn't stop smiling. He was afraid that Qin Fang would make a fuss when he saw it, so he had to leave his face and send a message to her.

After that, I listened to her voice again.

With the accusation to the teacher, the indignant tone seemed to treat him as a comrade in arms.

He laughed again.

All of a sudden, the little girl's mouth full of bulging, serious and satisfied to chew pearls flashed through her mind.

My heart is in a mess.

Friday morning.

Su Lin learned the lesson of last week. He went to bed at 12 o'clock last night. Although he still got up at 7:20 today, he felt much better than last time.

Of course, peacetime sleep to wake up naturally at noon that kind of very comfortable level or can't compare.

When he came into the classroom, luyuanyuan was alone.

Seems to hear the footsteps, she quickly turned back, saw that it was him, and said hello to him with a smile: "good morning, senior."

"Good morning."

When Su Lin sat down, she seemed to think of something, and immediately took out a bag from the hole in the table, "senior, here you are."

“……” what the fuck.

"Did you forget, senior? This is the soybean milk you like to drink. "

Su Lin

When did he say he liked?

He was silent for a few seconds.

Finally, she took the soy milk from her hand and said, "thank you."

Before long, the class came one after another.

When Yan Chuan came into the classroom to announce the task of the class, dozens of nearly 100 people were almost surprised to overturn the roof.

Yan Chuan was not affected, and calmly announced the principle of changing seats.

There are three seats in a row, that is to say, there are two people in each row, separated by a seat in the middle.

It's just

Luyuanyuan looked at the stool on her right hand side with mixed feelings.Since she was a child, she was very afraid of insects, which was close to mental cleanliness. So much so that Su Lin just said it casually, but she always stuck it in her mind like a police flag.

The stool on her right has not been touched in so many days.

It's the place where insects once died! She doesn't even know what kind of bug it is!

What if it's green, hairy and

Lu Yuanyuan shivered all over just thinking about it.

Su Lin felt that something was wrong with her, and said in a voice: -- What's the matter with you? "

"No, not much."

The people in the classroom walked back and forth, Su Lin looked at luyuanyuan motionless, and reminded again: "to change seats, you go in?"

Nodding, luyuanyuan took out a paper towel and began to wipe the stool beside him.

When it's done, she gets up.

Hesitated repeatedly, or did not resist to ask the export: "senior, that you said before what kind of dead insects?"

Su Lin

He looked at Lu Yuanyuan's nervous face and began to recall.

The dead bug he said before?

Did you say that in the first class? He made it up casually, and she recorded it now?

She said, see Su Lin instant look very surprised.

Lu Yuanyuan was afraid that what he described to her was the same as what she thought, so he quickly stopped her: "forget it, senior, you don't have to tell me!"

Holding books and pens, she tried her best to build her own psychology.

The worm is dead! She! no Fear!

Luyuanyuan took a deep breath and was about to sit down -


“……” As soon as her name was called, she was confused.

Then he turned and looked at the person who called her.

"Come out." Su Lin stood on the aisle and said to her.

“…… Oh She didn't know what was going on and walked out.

Then -

she stood on the aisle and watched Su Lin sitting on the chair where the insect had died.


Luyuanyuan's eyes widened Senior

"Well." Su Lin to her Yang Yang chin, direction is his position: "you sit there."


She's still a little confused.

Then she watched as Su Lin took out her pen and began to play with her mobile phone.


He's sitting there.

He went in to sit after he knew she was afraid.

Lu Yuanyuan took the book in his arms and slowly sat on the outermost and Su Lin's usual seat.

In fact, she has no way to be afraid of insects. In particular, her brain repair ability is also strong, if you sit there, you may not be able to do any problems.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuanyuan pursed her lips and felt a little excited.

Su Xuechang

The person is also too good!!!