"I copied her."

Su Lin said that Lu Yuanyuan's face changed when he saw the box of chocolate cake.

Originally with a smile on the face of the moment frozen, black face like the bottom of the pot.

"Ha, ha." She said with a dry smile, "senior, don't be kidding..."

Smell speech, Su Lin pulled a lip Cape.

His face is soft and looks better when his lips are up.

"I'll give you a fart."


The girl's face turned red instantly, biting her lips, and her eyes were full of shame and reluctance. Finally, she turned around quickly without saying anything.


Luyuanyuan is still a little confused.

That person just now, not in front of her.

With her own character, even if she knows clearly that they are speaking for her, she will not take the initiative to question or clarify.

She looked at Su Lin's side face.

This angle is very similar to the photo she saw on the post bar for the first time, but it's clearer and more three-dimensional than at that time.

He regained his usual light, indifferent look, and the force of chocolate cake disappeared.

This episode seems to have never happened.

It's like he just came back from the toilet, waiting for class.

In fact, compared with the sad mood these days, she didn't feel much after listening to the words just now.

It's just because I was questioned and copied other people's, so I feel a little uncomfortable.

But when he did this

The discomfort disappeared.

After a while, Su Lin seemed to be aware of her gaze.

He turned his head and caught her eye.

Lu Yuanyuan blinked unpreparedly and said dryly, "that, senior..."


"Thank you."

He picked his eyebrows and said, "thank you for what?"


Thank you for what?

He said that he copied her and was defending her

But how to say that.

"Anyway..." Lu Yuanyuan scratched his hair and simply ignored his problem. He said, "well, thank you anyway..."

Her voice is very soft.

It's soft, like a kitten's paw scratching people gently.

In fact, it's not a matter of two days for the eldest to like cute girls in the dormitory. From the beginning of his freshman year, he can often hear them talk about the types of girls they like.

Every time he heard it, he not only had no waves in his heart, but also made a few mouthfuls of poisonous milk from time to time.

His eyes fell on luyuanyuan's face.

She wore her hair and blocked a small one on her side face. She could see that her expression was a little embarrassed. She looked at him with evasive eyes and fainted pink on her white face.

Today, she is wearing a white dress without any design. Because of the low temperature of the air conditioning in the classroom, she can be seen wearing a knitted coat almost every class.

I never thought I would know such a little girl.

In addition to the bicycle key was sent to the lost and found office, which led him to miss the make-up exam time, for a long time did not have a strong emotion of him.

When I heard her ridiculed openly, I felt that the fire in my chest was burning.

As soon as the break time arrived, Yan Chuan returned to the platform on time and began to rectify discipline.

He looked back, and suddenly he was in a better mood.

Sue finished her French and had a sports festival in the morning.

He thought to the dormitory that a few urine, skip what class also reluctant to skip sports, so went straight to the playground. As soon as I got to the place, I saw three people standing beside the basketball court, shooting the ball and saying something.

The four followed the boys in the PE class. They played ball for one class before they went to dinner.

"By the way, brother Lin," Qin Fang said to Su Lin, "there's another thing. At the end of next month's New Year party, don't forget that when brother Zhao was there, he was on the stage every year."


Su Lin stopped.

Qin Fang's brother Zhao, whose full name is Zhao Jian, is the head of his department and the president of the music club.

When they were freshmen, they had dinner together and sang K. Zhao Jian forced Su Lin and Qin Fang to go to the music club on the spot. At that time, they were not so addicted to games, and they were idle every day. They liked playing music very much, so they went there.

Zhao Jian was a junior last year. Most of this year, he was no longer in school. The positions in the club were not as troublesome as those in the student union. He didn't need to make speeches and vote for them. Unless most of the people in the club disagreed, the general president was who he wanted to give.

He wants to give it to Sulin.

The history of music club in C University is only three years. Before that, there were guitar clubs, piano clubs, vocal clubs and so on, which were very messy. According to Zhao Jian, there were not many people in each club, and there was no discipline. They were just fooling around.He just set up a music club himself.

As soon as Su Lin was beaten by his bitter drama, his brain became hot and he responded to the request of becoming the president, which led to these rotten things.

The club's president basically has to prepare programs, which is also the biggest attraction in the annual New Year party.

"I'm not going." He drank water and replied to Qin Fang, "when I promised him to be president, I said I would not participate in these activities."

"And he bet me a thousand dollars if I went on the show."

Qin Fang couldn't help asking: "then you don't go on the show?"

"No one gives it to anyone."

Qin Fang

What's the point of gambling? Just to prove your determination?

Qin Fang: "no, I don't understand. How can this powder sucking thing be like killing you?"

Su Lin didn't say anything and gave him a glance.

At this glance, Qin Fang suddenly remembered how Su Lin was known by the whole school.

At the beginning of his freshman year, Su Lin set off a small-scale sensation in his department. However, he became famous in the school because he played a piano solo after he joined the music club.

Originally, it was a small activity in the club, but later that video was put on the campus network for a long time. There were many close ups of his face, which were turned countless times by the campus forum.

The girls in our department and those in the Department of science and engineering are not bad.

He mainly studies art. Tut, he has seen the craziness.

Qin Fang grew up well. At that time, some people even ran into a wall in sulina, trying to save the country and hit him with the idea.

…… All right.

Qin Fang gave up his thought and said, "don't forget next week's second round."

Sulin tightened the cap Well

That, of course, he won't forget.

On Friday, Sulin used to get up early.

He found that habit is easy to form.

Because I went to bed earlier the night before, I got up earlier this third time, which was more comfortable than the previous two times.

When he arrived at the classroom, he saw the familiar place, the familiar figure, and walked over in a good mood.

"Good morning, senior."

"Good morning."

After greeting, luyuanyuan didn't speak any more, and then he bowed his head and didn't know what he was studying.

He tried to find some topic for several times, but he was rejected one by one in his mind.

Then, at last, he remembered the excuse.

Su Lin reached out and knocked on her desk. "Did you print ppt?"

"Well?" Lu Yuanyuan first turned his head and looked at him for a few seconds. Then he reacted. He immediately picked up a pile of paper from the table and handed it to him, "here it is!"

Without waiting for him to speak first, the voice from luyuanyuan was excited again, "senior, we are going to learn about musical instruments in this class."

Su Lin casually turned over the materials on his hand and answered with a voice: "well."

"Oh, I envy you so much." Luyuanyuan looked at it, and suddenly a sigh came out.

“…… Well

"The piano players are so cool..." Her face is almost pasted in the picture given by PPT, "this person is also very good-looking. In short, the piano player has good hands, so he feels different from others in temperament."

Su Lin

"I translated the meaning of this text yesterday. This pianist is really good. He..."

Luyuanyuan was still talking to himself. He didn't notice the lower and lower air pressure from the people nearby.


Even preview in advance?

"You..." He pursed his lips and inserted a line between her, "do you like it so much?"

"Yes, yes!" Luyuanyuan nodded: "and I don't seem to have seen a real person playing the piano in front of me."

She grew up in the county. No one in her neighborhood bought a piano for her children. Although she liked watching others play, she only watched it on TV.

"I think people who can play the piano and have studied it for many years are really excellent." Luyuanyuan made up the last supplement.


After class, Su Lin couldn't listen to Yan Chuan's class.

He was full of what luyuanyuan had just said.

In her eyes, people who can play the piano are good-looking, good-looking and cool.

The little girl's eyes, as if with stars, lingered in his mind for a long time.


It's really

Su Lin dials her hair and opens wechat.

He first found Zhao Jian's dialog box, which he hadn't contacted for a long time.

Do you confirm the transfer?


1000 yuan.

Then he opened the dialog with Qin Fang.

Su Lin: welcome party.Su Lin: give me a name.

After French class, he went back to his dormitory.

The first thing is to brush your teeth.

The second and Qin Fang are still snoring, only the first is awake.

The boss turned over in the upper bunk and said, "ah, you smoke all day long, every Friday? Brush your hair at noon? "


Su Lin didn't answer.

A few minutes later, his mouth was filled with the refreshing and spicy taste of toothpaste, which made him more comfortable.

Two hours ago.

After sitting in the classroom and sending a message to Qin Fang, he just put down his mobile phone, and a weak force poked him.

Su Lin looks back.

The pupils contracted for a moment.

"Senior, you helped me last time." Luyuanyuan seemed a little nervous. He raised his right hand and followed his long hair. His cheek was white and delicate, and his big deer eyes were clear and bright. When he looked at him, he looked very focused.

"Well, I just want to thank you..." Then she reached into the hole in the table.

Su Lin suddenly had an unknown feeling -

"NAH!" Luyuanyuan put the bag with soymilk in front of him like a treasure, "senior, until the cancellation of the activity in November, I can go to get it for you every Friday."

She smiles sheepishly, "but Monday to Thursday, you have to get up early."

Su Lin

The author has something to say: Lin Ge I really got on my knees.

Lu OO: isn't QAQ good?

Lin Ge: it's delicious.

Deer OO: > V