Luyuanyuan has a problem.

She likes to eat but for a long time did not eat things, pick up again will always miss.

Like an old popsicle.

Since she ate one that night, she went to the campus supermarket every day for the next three days to buy it for one yuan, and then she ate it outside.

For several days in a row, immersed in nostalgic snacks, and there was no abnormality in her stomach, she completely forgot about her aunt.

And now.

She felt that her intestines and stomach were not really normal, but they had been together for three days, and all the stamina came back to her aunt.

On Wednesday, because most people have few classes, many extracurricular activities will be set on this day. Kuge and Wang Yihan have activities in the student union and the club all day.

Lin Xi's elective Garden Aesthetics is not in the classroom this week. The teacher organizes activities to take them to visit different gardens.

She was the only one left in the dormitory.

When the course time is not tight, luyuanyuan is used to taking lunch break.

Before going to bed, she just felt that her back was sour, and the pain in her lower abdomen was not so obvious. Every time before her aunt, she would have this feeling. She went to the toilet to change the tampon and went back to bed.

I didn't expect that when I woke up again, I felt very different.

She opened her eyes and looked at the wooden bed board on the top of the bed a little confused. The pain in her lower abdomen was transmitted to her nerves very clearly. After a while, she shook her voice and said "ah".

…… It hurts.

Every time she has menstruation, she will have pain on the first day, but it is also the kind of pain that can be tolerated, and this time

Luyuanyuan props up her upper body, picks up her pillow cell phone and looks at it. There are still 40 minutes left from the set alarm clock, which is more than an hour from class.

She felt that she should have been awakened by the pain.

She lay back and felt it for a while.

Then he covered his face with the quilt, turned over and curled himself up. He couldn't hold it down and groaned.

Luyuanyuan has never had dysmenorrhea like this. She knows that Wang Yihan has this problem. She seems to be full of vitality every day. In the last few days at the end of last month, she was so painful that she collapsed on her upper bunk that she couldn't move. She had no choice but to sleep after taking painkillers.

I didn't expect that she would feel the same way.

After a while, the persistent pain did not abate. Luyuanyuan picked up his mobile phone, opened wechat and wanted to go to Qunli to ask if there were any painkillers in Wang Yihan's dormitory.

Just entering the wechat interface, a message pops up.

Su Lin: what time will you leave later?

Su Lin: I'll find you. Let's go.

He means to go to French class together.

…… But she felt that she should not be able to go to class.

Luyuanyuan two hands together, slowly typing, told him that he had a stomachache, did not wait to send out, and received a message.

Su Lin: it's cooling today. Remember to wear more.

See this sentence.

At that moment, she thought of the evening of the New Year party. He gave her his coat and said that she ate popsicles in autumn, with a reproach.

All of a sudden, I feel a little comfortable in my stomach.

She cut out all the typed words.

Senior, is it convenient for you to call?

There was no reply, but a chat invitation was soon launched.

“……” Lu Yuanyuan bit his lip, straightened up and sat down. Looking at the invitation, his heart beat a little faster.

She picked it up. Before she could speak, she heard him ask, "what's the matter? What are you doing

He seemed to be outside, and she heard the car whistle.

Luyuanyuan said, "well, senior, I won't go to class I have a stomachache

“……” There was a sudden silence.

Then he said, "yes What kind of stomachache? "

“……” She thought, "that's what girls do once a month."

So he should understand

The end of the pause again, he asked: "very uncomfortable?"

“…… Well

"Is it useful to take medicine?"


"I said," his voice came clearly, "is it useful to take painkillers?"

She's not sure: "there are There should be... "

"Did you eat it?"

"Not yet," Lu Yuanyuan changed his hand and put his other hand into the quilt to feel his stomach. "I was going to ask my roommate in the wechat group, and I saw the message you sent."

"Ask first."

“…… "Oh," she thought, "I'll hang up first. I --"

"don't hang up," he interrupted her, "you can type in the group with hands-free."

"Oh, good."

Luyuanyuan finished, obediently opened the hands-free, found the dormitory group began to type.

"If not, let me know." He said suddenly.At first hearing his voice, luyuanyuan's hand trembled.

It seems that the voice of the hands-free is much louder than that of the hands-free.

His wind, human voice, and his highly recognizable voice spread all over the dormitory.

Even And there's a very light breath.

Her face suddenly warmed up.

She found that after the call, many times her attention was completely turned away, and even forgot the unbearable pain for a short time.

Luyuanyuan made a sound and settled down to send messages in the group.

Wang Yihan, who has been attacked, returns almost in a few seconds.

After reading the reply from the group, luyuanyuan's shoulder collapsed and she was a little depressed: "she said there was no more..."

Suddenly she didn't want to switch back to the receiver.

Hands free sounds better.

And you don't have to hold it.

Luyuanyuan lay down again and wrapped herself in a quilt. She put her mobile phone on her pillow and turned her face to her mobile phone. "Senior, are you free now?"

When she was lying down, he didn't say a word. Now when he heard her question, he quickly replied, "yes."

Then he asked, "what's the matter?"

Lu Yuanyuan was a little embarrassed and bit his lower lip, "well, I can't sleep because of the pain Can you talk to me for a while? "


She added in a low voice: "just Just 20 minutes before class. It won't take you long

He was silent for a few seconds.

She seemed to hear him chuckle at that end.

With that kind of breath, with his answer came to her ears: "yes."


Without waiting for her to speak, he said, "you can speak as long as you want."

This time, the smile is more obvious.

Luyuanyuan's heart began to beat faster again.

What is he laughing at

She didn't ask the exit, so she had a chat with him. In the process, she seemed to hear the "Di" sound when the supermarket checks out and sweeps the goods.

"Are you shopping, senior?" she asked casually


Lu Yuanyuan looked at the time. There was still half an hour to go before class. If he was out of school, it would be time for him to go back to school.

Actually, she didn't want to hang up.

Using hands-free to make a phone call with him, his voice is amplified and over charged. It's easy for her to divert her attention. Although she doesn't forget dysmenorrhea, it's much better than trying to get through it.

But Mr. Su always has classes.

"That..." Lu Yuanyuan suggested: "senior, there is still half an hour for class. I won't go today. Don't be late --"

her words were cut off for the second time.

"I'm not going either," he said

Luyuanyuan didn't respond: "ah, why?"

“……” He didn't speak.

She asked again: "senior? What are you doing

He seemed to sigh.

Luyuanyuan didn't know why, but suddenly she was a little nervous.

He first said: "I'll find someone to deliver the medicine to you later."

Then she listened to him slow down and said, "you don't go to class So I'm not going either. "

When luyuanyuan woke up again, the effect of the painkiller was still there, and it didn't hurt much. The hot water bag around him had become warm and cool, and he still had some sweat from the pain before.

She got out of bed to take a bath. When

was in the shower, someone came back to the dormitory. She was absorbed in the bubble and suddenly heard a scream.

Lin Xi was very busy before and after the New Year party, and her favorite forum was put on hold for a long time.

Today, when I came back from the outdoor course of landscape aesthetics, I thought about it.

When you click into the eight trigrams group, you will see several red stickers on the front page with [fine] and [hot], and all the titles with Su Lin.

She turned her lips and found the most attractive title.

She read this post's journey of mind, is almost - this person actually said, know Su Lin like the person's name? ——Tut, it's too young. Can someone like President Su have someone to like? ——Is the Louzhu talking about our garden? ——Su Lin said he was chasing Yuanyuan?! ——The trough! Su Lin likes luyuanyuan, and I think it's a little sweet?!

She glanced at the deer garden bed.

Beige thin quilt, a pink hot water bag in the middle, very tender girl.

It's totally right with the post.

“……” A thousand words, Lindsey couldn't hold back a cry.

Then she rushed to the door of the shower compartment and yelled, "Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan!"

Luyuanyuan turned off the shower and returned to her: "what's the matter with sissy?"

"Did you see our school forum?" "Did you download the post bar app?" she asked"No, what's the matter?"

"You didn't look at the trough!" Lin Xi wants to take out the deer garden and show her the post, but she still suppresses her impatience: "I'll give it to you! What's your phone unlock password? "

"There's no password. Go ahead."

When Wang Yihan comes back, he meets the scene of Linxi lying at the door of the bathroom.

She Leng next, tease: "Yo, this is what?"

When Linxi saw her, her eyes lit up, "come on, come on! Do you know our garden has been chased

"Ah?" Wang Yihan asked as he walked: "who is it again?"

Before Qin Fang came to luyuanyuan to show her affection and open the back door for her to enter the music club. In the end, Wang Yihan discovered the essence of a scum man.

This time it's the same.

Wang Yi Han took off his coat and sat on the foam board. He was surprised to see his post by Lin Qian.

She asked Linxi, "Sulin is your president, right?"

"Yes, yes."

"Is the vice president Qin Fang?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

“……” Wang Yihan choked and asked, "they Is it a good relationship? "

"Of course! Our president and vice president have a dormitory. It's wonderful! "

Wang Yihan Good enough to like the same girl?

"No, I have to download our forum app for Yuanyuan!" Lindsey ran to one side to play with luyuanyuan mobile phone.

Wang Yihan thought about it, frowned, took out his mobile phone and began to send messages.

Because some two people don't go to class, Qin Fang's class is really meaningless and miserable.

Before the class starts, it's OK to be asked why.

He hesitated for a long time and said, "because I like French."

Then I feel wrong.

Sure enough, the man asked him, "why don't you choose French?"


Until later, he did not give a suitable reason.

Maybe he didn't want to delay the class, so the French professor asked him to sit down.

This is undoubtedly the most difficult lesson Qin Fang has ever had.

As long as he plays with his mobile phone, the professor is like a thousand mile eye. He can catch him, call his name, make him rise and falter, lose a person, and then let him sit down.

After coming here twice, he was convinced.

He can't play with his cell phone!

He really regretted that he ignored the warning given by Yan Chuan by the insider in the post bar. He was idle.

But there's one thing he didn't understand.

Su Lin! How does he and his girlfriend develop adultery in such a stupid class???

At six or seven o'clock in the evening, Su Lin went back to the dormitory.

Qin Fang complained about him in his heart, but he couldn't help but want Su Lin to see that all the things he did were hung in the post bar.

In the end, the latter defeated the former.

He turned over and sat up: "brother Lin! You know what? You're in the headlines again! "

Su Lin didn't speak.

"Now the whole school knows." Qin Fang continued his efforts, "you are chasing luyuanyuan."

Now he had a reaction and looked back: "what?"

Qin Fang turned his eyes and broke the computer on the desk in the direction facing him: "see for yourself."

Then he went to the toilet.

Su Lin sat on the stool, after reading this post, there was no accident.

Since the beginning of that pink car seat video, he has actually been very open to these.

He likes luyuanyuan. It doesn't matter that other people know it. He wants all the men to know it. It's better for them to retreat in the face of difficulties.

Be afraid of She won't like it.

Su Linzheng holds his temple in one hand and turns over the post on the mouse in the other. Qin Fang's computer suddenly pops up several wechat prompts.

The person who sent the message was "dog egg King Yihan".

He didn't want to read other people's news.

But his name was in the message.

Qin Fang comes out of the toilet, fresh and fresh. One of his favorite moments every day is after taking a dump.

He hummed a little song to the table, "what's the matter, brother Lin? What's the feeling after reading it?"

"Feeling, thinking?" Sitting on the chair, master Su seems to be gnashing his teeth.

Qin Fang doesn't know what happened to him.

Su Lin pointed to the screen: "you mean after watching this feeling?"

Qin Fang:?

Qin Fang looked at the past.

There are five pieces of news, all from "dog egg King Yihan".

[I said Qin zhasha, you like luyuanyuan. What's the matter now? 】

[that night, even if we drank 419, we were firemen. I calculated the time. Did you like our garden before we drank? You've got someone you like. Why don't you have a drink with me??? 】And isn't Su Lin your president? Isn't it your roommate? It's not a relationship, OK? What are you two doing? 】

[besides, they are going after Yuanyuan now. 】

[what do you think???? 】

Qin Fang:????????

He likes deer garden????

How did he fall in love?

Qin Fang looked at Su Lin's expression.

Tight lips, dark eyes.

Suddenly the whole body was cold.

Damn it.

Qin Fang also began to gnash his teeth.

Wang Yihan is really a dog's egg!!!