The second section has started all over again. Qin Fang is a substitute.

It's not until the next Festival.

The next person, in fact, does not have a great impact on the overall atmosphere, but the next one, from the beginning of the game, performed too well, which is different.

Therefore, even if the match has started, there are still many people in the audience of both sides who are searching for the figure of black jersey 07.

And black jersey 07 at this time, a blank brain.

He didn't have time to react, and he didn't have time to close his eyes.

With her strength, he could easily break away even if he was stunned.

But he didn't.

Because the body has made the first step to respond, because this is deer garden.

She didn't kiss for long.

About Su Lin didn't know how long it was. In a word, he thought it was very short.

He opened his eyes all the way, and her expression was clear. The little girl's eyes were still red, her eyes were closed, and her curly and slender eyelashes were trembling all the time.

Su Lin's heart began to beat quickly, making his heart numb.

After a few seconds, she felt that her warm hand on her back neck began to loosen. Her lips left and her long eyelashes trembled, as if she wanted to open her eyes -

not enough.

That's where it goes.

Immediately, almost instinctively, he raised his hand and hooked her back.

Luyuanyuan was caught off guard.

Although I didn't see what happened to him before, I just listened to Lindsey's description, and she felt very sad.

She thought of his face before the haze, a smile did not look, when talking to her attitude has not changed, but also with a smile to comfort her.

Then he asked if he could kiss her after winning.

She suddenly I can't help it.

Last time when she was in the classroom, several people pushed the door into the classroom, and she was scared away immediately.

Now, with her eyes behind her, she felt clearly and talked about it one after another. She didn't know whether she was discussing the war situation or whether she was discussing them.

It was an impulse.

After reflecting where I am, shame and other things come to my mind.

But I don't regret it.

Maybe she wanted to comfort him too much, she thought.

But She just wanted to comfort for a few seconds!

What is he doing!!!

Luyuanyuan didn't have time to think about anything. He just finished kissing him. Just as he was about to let him go, he was suddenly taken back.

He pulled fast, but he didn't use much force.

It's the same on the lips.

Luyuanyuan just pasted it - she didn't move, nor did he.

Now Su Lin seems to have been activated. After pulling her back with one hand, he turns to hold her face. The cool lips repeatedly press her back and forth, and the temperature gradually rises, and the breath gradually becomes hot. Maybe more than ten seconds, maybe dozens of seconds, he finally lets her go.

Usually because of her height, she always looks up at Su Lin, but now there is only a guardrail between them, but she is standing on the steps, basically looking straight.

She straightened slightly forward of the upper body, eyes focused on his face, there is a moment of trance.

Su Lin stepped back half a step, stood still, raised his hand to dial the slightly wet forehead hair, revealing the whole well-defined face. He didn't have the gloomy feeling when he just came. His eyes were full of light, and his sharp chin raised to the audience.

He said, "go back and sit down."

Then, he suddenly smile at her, because just kiss, thin lips ruddy, "watch me win."

They are in the first row of the auditorium where they meet the stadium, where everyone can see them.

It only takes five or six steps for luyuanyuan to walk back to his seat.

Because there were so many people watching, she ran back with her head buried.

After sitting down, Lin Xi and Wang Yihan were silent for a while and spoke at the same time.

"Our garden I've grown up. "


May be affected by unexpected events, the second section of the C big late retreat, early advantages are gradually disappearing, finally regret to lose this section.

At half-time, Linxi read the s post on the website and found that someone had posted it just now.

"Ai Ai Ai, come and see, someone is so handsome and dirty!"

The topic is very long: # although I am from our school, but the top person of the school team, you are also too immoral? But it doesn't matter. Why do you want to do this? It's a shame, OK? #

"Wow, the person who posted this can do three things, I like it." Wang Yihan went in with a smile and turned down.

As she turned, her face gradually changed.

The front floor is OK, but behind it, it seems that there are many boys fighting for big s players, saying that girls don't know basketball, don't talk nonsense, and the theory of "you can do it, you can do it".The first floor is the most extreme.

34L: Hey, what are you talking about here? You women just look at their faces, don't you think that man looks good? In s big fight for C big fight? Why don't you go to C University???

All the people who agree with the building owner are a group of rubbish.


Luyuanyuan couldn't believe what he saw.

Lin Xi and Wang Yihan have already begun to scold. Lin Xi is trying to type and reply, but her mobile phone is taken away halfway.

Luyuanyuan read the passage again.

In my heart, because of Su Lin's action just now, the small fire was burning, but although she grabbed the mobile phone, she didn't know what to reply.

After struggling for a minute, she clenched her lips and knocked on the keyboard, replying to the speaker on the floor:

[you are rubbish!!!!!!!! 】

Lin Xi, "..."

Wang Yihan

This is really It's so fierce.

On the basketball court, there are many classic games, or many animation TV series, where the leading role or the main force of a team - in a word, the most powerful person, who was targeted, played black means by some people, hurt a little, and ended up.

But it doesn't usually end like this.

As long as that person can play after adjustment, as long as he is not completely destroyed, the game will be decided at the moment when that person plays.

In the NBA, Rondo was knocked to the ground by someone else, his elbow turned out 90 degrees, then went on the court with an injury, and won the game with only one hand and the whole team.

There are too many real examples to prove this point - it's an intangible thing, if you have to say it, it may be morale.

In the second quarter, C lost by a few points.

The third section begins.

There are two people in s University. They are veteran players of dirty routines. In the first section, they have no sign of fouls, and they don't take the initiative to touch porcelain. Now it seems that they don't do anything else because they feel relaxed, but they didn't expect to get dozens of points when there is a 07.

As soon as the sense of crisis appeared, the style of the game itself was exposed - to put it bluntly, no matter how unscrupulous, it was just to win.

Before that ball, Su Lin jumped up, and the people around him also jumped. He thought it was normal defense, but Yu Guang saw the action of the man's arm, and instantly understood his intention.

But because people can't do anything in midair.

Turning in the air is something that normal people can't do at all.

So in the end, the only thing he can do is to control his body, so that the first person to land is his large back, not his limbs.

He watched his teammates jump and felt the injury a little bit.

To tell you the truth, after five minutes' rest, my back is still very painful, spreading along the spine to both sides, and my muscles are probably bruised.

But it's obvious that my mood is higher than the first bar.

Deer garden sitting in the audience, also feel.

Not only her, but also Lin Xi and Wang Yihan have been shouting "lying trough".

After Su Lin went up, Qin didn't come down. What she came down was a player who didn't have much impression of luyuanyuan. She kept a close eye on the court and the huge "07". Is she a layman or can't keep up with everyone's excitement.

The whole third quarter, Su Lin is a play.

He didn't enter the inside line again, and all the rebounds were handed over to his teammates. He was responsible for passing the ball, passing fake moves, and jumping shots fake moves - in short, no one could guess his idea. His actions and speed were not obviously slow because of injuries. On the contrary, all kinds of fake moves were more difficult to judge. He was not only unable to prevent, but also had to be fooled into a mental collapse No, because he doesn't need to go into the two-point line at all.

In the fourth quarter of the game, the score became anxious again.

S big as if to find a breakthrough - Su Lin can attack can not defend, this iron can not kick, then for other. As soon as we come and go, you score one goal and I score one. The score is almost equal.

However, time is coming to an end.

Lindsey couldn't hold back: "the sleeper won't play overtime, will it?"

Wang Yihan immediately replied, "shut up, shut up!"

"Su Shuai's physical strength is not good. You see, he has to take care of the whole team everywhere. He still has a back injury. I feel that he has been supporting in the last second half. It's really difficult to add another game."

Wang Yihan's silence is obviously a feeling.

Lu Yuanyuan listened to them and looked at the timer. He was so nervous that his palms were full of sweat.

With half a minute left, the man who scored the most in s big got the ball, like the final sprint, and suddenly burst out a surprising speed layup goal. C big didn't respond at all.

Now the score is 71-70, C-70.

There are still 20 seconds left,

now the ball is in Qin Fang's hand, he carries it to the side of the three-point, and without hesitation, he turns his head and throws it high behind to pass it to Su Lin.No. 07 just got the ball in his hand and just stepped on the white line of the half court.

S big people expect, the last goal is definitely for the most promising people to score, but also so good at three-point people.

Ten seconds later, it was too late to enter the interior line. They were sure that No. 07 would throw three points. When Su Lin got the ball, several people were ready to take his shot in the three-point line.

Su Lin didn't hesitate for a second. He dribbled the ball and took off just after half-time. He raised his arm and pushed the ball out high.

At the same time, the whistle of time came.

The score was 71-73.

It's true that I still got three points. It's just that shooting three points at half-time line is totally different from normal three-point shooting.

Since s scored a goal, the audience has been watching quietly. The players of both sides are crowded in the three-point line and stand scattered. Only 07 is out of place, far away from them.

The whistle sounded and the scene was still quiet.

Until 07 was in the middle of the court, he raised his hand straight up and made a "1".

He is tall and straight with a dazzling smile on his face.

Everyone responded.

At that moment, the cheering voice was decibel stronger than all before. The scream that luyuanyuan was going to make was in her throat. She saw that Su Lin was surrounded and hugged by people in the same black shirt. People in the audience of both sides stood up and heard the roar of Lin Xi and Wang Yihan.

"Ah, my mother, what the hell am I watching?"

"I don't know if Su Shuai was my idol at that moment! I'll see half court whistle in my life!! I'm fuckin '!! I'm going to cry! "


Luyuanyuan fully understood their excitement.

After all, as a layman, she felt that she was always painting the "handsome" bullet screen.

Next, the winner was announced and a certificate was issued to C. after the players of both sides shook hands one by one, people in the audience rushed down crazily. In just a few minutes, they were already full of people and basically took a group photo.

Lu Yuan Yuan saw Su Lin one second and lost him the next.

She was worried when her cell phone rang in her pocket.

Looked at the caller ID, she immediately picked up: "Hello, senior, where are you?"

"Where are you?" His background is quieter than hers.

Luyuanyuan took the phone in one hand and blocked his ears with the other hand. He tried his best to shout out: "I didn't move here in the first row of seats!"

He seemed to smile, and then said: "then you go as I said."

According to what he said, luyuanyuan walked around the gymnasium and went up the stairs. Finally, after getting out of the elevator, he saw the familiar black figure.

She hung up the phone and tried to walk closer to him, only to find that she couldn't control her legs and walked faster and faster.

When he was about two meters away, he looked over as if he were aware.

Su Lin stood by the window sill, behind him was the afternoon sun. The white 07 was very eye-catching. He was calm and relaxed. Except for the sweat on his forehead and body, and the slightly wet black hair, he could not see that he had just had such intense exercise.

Luyuanyuan walked over slowly and called him in a low voice: "senior..."

"Well." He answered and reached for her, "come here."

She is now used to holding hands, and immediately hands over to the past, "why - ah!"

As soon as he put his hand on his palm, he used a little strength to pull her over. At the same time, he put his other hand on her back and took her around.

When she reacts, Su Lin is facing her, very close, and she becomes the one with the back against the window.

The windowsill behind him was a bit harsh. Luyuanyuan blinked. He didn't know what he was going to do.

"I won." He said suddenly, in a low voice.

"Ah, I see it," she said of the competition. The picture just appeared in her mind, and her tone changed: "senior, you are just super handsome!"

It's only when you say something that you realize it's not right.

…… Why do you sound like a dog.

Su Lin smiles again. He is facing the sunshine outside the window, and his features are clearly in her field of vision.

Luyuanyuan looked at his face, and then he was distracted to a drop of sweat on his forehead.

It slides down his white side face, to the smooth line of the jaw, then to the neck, through the protrusion of the Adam's apple, and then along the clothes -


After watching the journey of a drop of sweat, Lu Yuanyuan was about to look up at him again when he heard a series of low laughter coming from his head.

She didn't understand. Before she asked, Su Lin stopped laughing.

He stopped laughing, but his face was still curved. He lowered his head, and his voice was three-dimensional in the empty corridor: "is it beautiful?""Ah?" She didn't understand what he was asking.

"Didn't you just look at me, from top to bottom," the smile in his voice was more obvious, "forget so soon?"


He's saying But she wasn't looking at him, she was looking at his sweat Ah, how to explain

Lu Yuanyuan felt that the temperature on his face suddenly soared. He was ashamed and angry. He just stood in the same place and opened his mouth. He could not explain why.

Forget it.

Break the pot.

No matter whether her face was red or not, she answered directly, "it's beautiful."


This time it was Su Lin's turn.

Lu Yuanyuan looked at his frozen smile and felt happy. She said it again with a smile. She also stood on tiptoe and came to him: "good looking, senior."

She clearly saw that Su Lin blinked twice, and her Adam's apple rolled, as if she wanted to say something. At last, she looked at her with a complicated face.

She's happier.

Just as he was about to laugh at her, he repeated what he said at the beginning: "I won."

"Well..." She thought about it and said to him, "yes, you win. You're great."

How can a senior be so naive and listen to others all the time.

In a moment, she thought of his back, "ah, senior, do you want to go to the hospital?"

"then it's time for you to keep your promise." He interrupted her.

Huh? promise??

Luyuanyuan didn't understand: "What promise?"

"I won. Kiss me."

She glared and couldn't believe it: "but I'll give it to you -"

he suddenly raised his hand and sealed her mouth with a finger. The corner of one side of his lip was raised high, "baby, that's what you want me to kiss."


Su Lin pressed her on the windowsill again, her face getting closer and closer to her, and even felt her breath.

He moved the finger away and stroked the skin of her cheek, his long eyelashes drooping like crow feathers.

A very light voice came into the ear, "now this is what you owe me."

Next second.

His lips replaced his fingers and covered her lips.

Before I close my eyes, my brain is like a fireworks display. My eyes are full of his eyes that are clear by the sun. The feeling of his whole body is faded, and the windowsill is no longer touching. It seems that the whole world is only warm and soft on his lips.

And there's a pounding heartbeat, one more than one.