After I came to live with my grandparents, luyuanyuan was awakened for the first time.

When she opened her eyes and saw grandma patting her face beside the bed, she was very confused.

“…… Yuanyuan is up. It's ten o'clock. If you don't eat, you'll be hungry. "

Lu Yuanyuan blinked his sour eyes and subconsciously agreed, "well Grandma, I'll start now

As soon as I spoke, I felt a little sore in my throat.

Grandma had already left her room, and luyuanyuan slowly sat up from the bed, only to find something wrong with her head.

It's heavy, and it's a little stuffy inside.

As she got out of bed, she recalled what happened before she went to bed last night. Until she went to the bathroom and picked up her toothbrush to brush her teeth, her memory was still blank.

She squeezed toothpaste to brush her teeth and habitually looked up into the mirror.

The hand who wanted to pass the toothbrush to his mouth was in mid air.

She got close to the mirror, pulled her hair out of her forehead and looked carefully.

The eyes are a little swollen. One eye's double eyelids are gone. The dark circles under the eyes can't be seen. The skin is white, so it appears that the dark blue on the forehead is particularly obvious.

…… black and blue?

She is What are you doing?

Luyuanyuan used the fastest speed in history to wash her face and brush her teeth in one go, then went back to the bed to get her mobile phone, and found that there were dozens of unread messages on wechat.

Most of them are in the dormitory group.

Wang Yihan: [Yuanyuan comes home and says @ Lu OO in the crowd]

Wang Yihan sends another message at midnight: "I fucked you and Linxi. How much did you blow? Lindsey is now climbing on my bed and reciting Maomao with me. She can't write a word in the class test. How can she recite so smoothly now??? 】

and a live video.

Lin Qian was on Wang Yihan's bed, wrapped in a quilt, her hair was like a chicken nest, and she roared: "seek truth from facts! That is to start from reality! Combine theory with practice! What about the mass line! It's all for the masses! Everything depends on the masses! From the masses... "

After reading it, luyuanyuan couldn't help laughing. She replied that she had just got up, so she quit the group chat and opened the dialog with Sulin.

Ten minutes ago, three messages.

Su Lin: [wake up. 】

Su Lin: [when I first took a bath, I found that my shoulder was blue. 】Su Lin: How's your forehead? 】

Lu Yuanyuan was stunned

His shoulder is blue. How about her forehead?

This is what do you mean?

After thinking about it for a while, she didn't understand. She told me the truth. 】

she remembers that yesterday was a basketball match, and then several people went to a dinner party. After the dinner party She has no memory at all. But look at what Wang Yihan said in the group last night, she and Linxi had drunk too much.

So he added: "senior Did I get drunk yesterday? 】

Su linsechui: [well, do you remember? 】


And then Blue forehead and shoulders

Lu Yuanyuan guessed carefully: "we are going to talk to people There was a fight Is that right? 】

Su Lin 】

grandma called her once again in the living room outside. Luyuanyuan went out of the room with her mobile phone. When she got to the living room, she found that her grandfather was there.

She went to the table, looked at the time, some novel: "grandfather, why didn't you go to play chess?"

“……” Grandfather didn't speak.

Instead, grandma sat beside her, sighed and pointed to the things on the table, "you eat first."

Luyuanyuan noticed that it was not only his grandfather who was abnormal, but also his grandmother, who was keen on watching the morning theater TV series, didn't turn on the TV at all.

She was a little afraid of them.

But she still obediently hum, and then lowered her head to drink porridge. The temperature was just hot. She should have been heated many times by grandma. It was thick and tasted good, but her hand holding the spoon was shaking uncontrollably.

After drinking, the two old people were still silent.

She has lived here for quite a long time. She knows that her grandparents are usually relaxed and happy. Sometimes it's more fun to watch them bicker than to watch variety shows.

Their old life, if not happy, may be only one.

"Luzhi, I was hospitalized last night."


It took luyuanyuan ten seconds to remember that Luzhi in grandfather's mouth was her father.

Hospitalization means -

She pinches the spoon and looks at the old man and says, "drink too much Stomach bleeding, still alive. "

Luyuanyuan was suddenly relieved, and her heart was relaxed.

The atmosphere before, she thought

"It was his neighbor who found it. He called us in the address book and said that he was smashing things at home in the evening. It was very loud. They knocked on the door early the next morning and found that there was no response and they couldn't open the door, so they called the police He was sent to the hospital“……”

Grandma asked: "Yuanyuan, tell us the truth, before He always does the same? "

"Drinking Yes, he always drank alcohol when I was in high school. I would buy him medicine, take it or not I don't know

In fact, for a moment, she thought that her grandparents were going to tell her that your father was hospitalized and was not saved.

She didn't know why she was so worried.

Maybe it's because that man's life style has always been imprinted in the memory. She doesn't care about anything. Like a walking corpse, she can't find a person like that The reason why he lived, as if one day it would disappear in the world, is also possible.

"Well," grandma suddenly raised her hand and touched her hair, "I really hurt you At that time, we asked about the status of students in s city. There was no hard relationship. We couldn't transfer at all. Your grandfather and I couldn't help you transfer. We also wanted to let you borrow it. But when you were a sophomore in high school, they said that the examination questions and teaching materials were completely different. When you came, you had to learn from scratch Alas It happened that your grandfather wanted to retire at that time and sold his place to see a doctor. The people who bought the house had problems again... "

Grandma said, has some choking, luyuanyuan Leng for a moment, reflected that their abnormal today is not because of her father's hospitalization.

It's because of her.

It's because I regret that I didn't pick her up at that time.

"Oh, grandma," she took the old man's hand, rough and warm, "I've always been very good. He drinks and drinks from him. I'm still so good at my study. You can't transfer me to another school. I'll pass the exam."

At that time, he didn't ask why he had the money to pay the tuition every year.

In fact, now think about it My grandparents gave me all the tuition.

Cost of living She doesn't want to ask, even if he takes the money from her grandparents to buy wine or something, she has her own way to make money.

She's really stupid. She can't figure out the reason why her father did this, why her mother made a mistake, and why he just wasted the rest of his life.

“…… In fact, I have three years of junior high school and senior high school. I always hope my father can get better, but later I I don't think about it any more. "

"Maybe it's my mother's business that makes him completely lose the motivation of life. Even my daughter doesn't care."

"If you were to pull me away at that time, I might be too stupid to want to," she helped grandma wipe off the water mark on her face. "I don't want to die. I think I'm his daughter. I don't care who cares about him. Maybe he will return to the way he used to one day? "

She is not without expectations, she hopes that the father's simplest love for her daughter, I hope he can ask how many she got in the exam, it seems that learning is more motivated.

It's not that every time you look at your number one, you can only hold a parents' meeting for yourself, stand on the platform to share your learning experience, and accept praise from other parents. When you go home, you still have to clean up his empty wine bottle.

One of her two parents didn't contact her again after reorganizing her family. The other lived with her every day and didn't even know when she would take the exam.

Every time after the loss, the heart is at a loss.

Again and again, no matter how small or big, no matter how sad she was, the man didn't care. He didn't even notice her emotion.

Luyuanyuan thinks that learning is much easier than these things.

She is so stupid that she can't figure out these. She thinks, forget it.

I'll recognize this reality.

He gave birth to you and raised you, but he didn't love you.

What can I do? Can I ask him to love you, even if I ask Does it work?

I've worked hard for so many years, but I can't change him at all.

I don't want to be sad, and I don't want to hate anyone.

I can only paralyze myself and tell myself.

You don't want me, and I don't love you.

“…… At that time, I was stupid, now I don't care about him so much, "luyuanyuan went to hold grandma with a smile, but suddenly felt sour," really, I live with you and grandfather now, you treat me so well, my university is also very good, I know a lot of, very warm people. "

She quickly went through the faces of many people, roommates, classmates, and many people who had given her kindness.

The last one is Sulin's.

It's his smile many times. It's so beautiful.

How nice.

She put her chin on Grandma's shoulder and blinked. A tear fell down quickly and disappeared in the cloth on Grandma's back.

Only a small round spot of water is left.

She stared at the dot, her voice shaking uncontrollably, "I really So happy. "

The conversation ended quickly. Although the home didn't return to the normal atmosphere, it was much better than when she just got up.After lunch, she cleaned up and went out.

In fact, grandparents seem to know about making up lessons. But they never asked, never interfered, never forced to give her money, luyuanyuan felt very grateful.

In fact, if she didn't have enough money to live, she would certainly talk to her grandparents. After all, she still can't afford the university tuition.

At this stage, she can't tell her mood clearly.

The closest thing is that she wants to try to be independent.

On time to Shu sweet home, chatting for a while began a routine tutorial.

Towards the end, Shu Tian was doing the last few questions, and Lu Yuanyuan was a little distracted.

Just saw Shu Tian, was asked about the forehead of the green, she prevaricated in the past.

I suddenly thought of the conversation with Su Lin in the morning.

Since he first came to pick her up as a tutor, he has come every time as if he was addicted.

Luyuanyuan thought again that it seems much colder today than yesterday.

Before she took out her cell phone, she said to Shu Tian, "nono, I'll wind up the news."

Nono is the nickname of Shutian.

"Hair, hair!" The girl's voice is full of vitality. "Hee hee, my sister must be chatting with her boyfriend. I know, I know!"

Luyuanyuan smiles and doesn't speak.

She called up Su Lin's chat box, thought about it, and typed: "seniors are cooling down today. If you come to me, remember to wear more ~]

in fact, she doesn't want him to come.

Because of the morning, she was in a low mood. She tried to adjust it, but it didn't work.

But And because I'm in a bad mood, I want to see him.

It's contradictory.

I'll get back to you soon.

Su Lin: it's too late. 】

Lu OO: [mm-hmm? 】

Su Lin: [picture] is already on the way. 】

in the picture, he took a picture of his leg sitting on the taxi seat.

The slender legs were wrapped in black trousers and bent between the seat and the front backrest.

I don't know why. I imagined him sitting lazily and taking this picture. Suddenly, he wanted to laugh.

Half an hour later, she finished everything.

After going downstairs, I went out of the villa and thought that I would see him soon. My heart began to beat faster. The closer I got to the gate of the community, the more obvious my chest bulged.

For meeting Su Lin and her boyfriend.

At the beginning, she would bump into each other, but since November, she hasn't been in such a tense mood for a long time.

I don't know why it is today. It's like meeting him on his first date as a boyfriend and girlfriend. His heart beats incessantly and his breathing rhythm is chaotic.

Maybe it's not all nervousness. There's something else. It's all blocked in the chest and can't vent.

Finally at the door, luyuanyuan saw him at a familiar place.

She took a deep breath and calmed down before she came to him.

Su Lin is very sensitive to the sound of footsteps. When she is a few meters away from him, he looks over.

Luyuanyuan remembers that when she first met him, it was summer, and the color of his clothes was probably black and white, gray and blue, but it seemed that he preferred black clothes when the weather was getting colder.

And always like today, black windbreaker, black pants, and yesterday's sportswear are all black.

His face is angular, with black will feel the whole person is a little cold.

She received his eyes and stood there and gave him a smile.

Su Lin's originally expressionless face became soft in an instant. She walked towards her with a step up. The radian of her lips became more and more obvious, and her panic feeling was gradually calmed.

When luyuanyuan didn't realize it, he put his hand in his.

She looked down.

It's the way that she corrected when she held hands for the first time.

Cross your fingers, tight.

In fact, the reason of "so comfortable" is also made up by her.

She didn't hold hands like that.

And the best friend, is just ordinary hand in hand, most of the time is arm in arm.

There was an impulse that drove her to do something to him.

Some things she never thought she would do before, such as kissing his eyes And lips.

Luyuanyuan followed him for two steps. He pulled her up a step with a little force.

The steps are not high, but also make the height difference between the two people instantly narrow.

"Don't move." Su Lin said.

He released the hand holding her, took out a small box from the windbreaker pocket, colorful she did not see.

He turned and walked to the nearby garbage can a few steps away. She still didn't see what he had in his hand when he came back.

When Su Lin lowered her head to stir up the things in her hand, she didn't have the heart to see them, so she kept staring at him.Staring at the corners of his lips, pale lips, and long, slightly trembling eyelashes that he never put down.

"Come on." After more than ten seconds, he looked up and wanted to raise his arm. His expression was a little stunned.

"You..." He slowly lowered his arm. "What's the matter?"


I can still see

Luyuanyuan tried to put away her emotions, blinked and put out a smile that she thought should be happy: "it's OK."

She pointed to his hand: "what were you doing, senior?"

"Ah." After being reminded, he raised his arm again as if he remembered.

Luyuanyuan felt his cool fingertips caressing his forehead and gently plucking away his hair. He and she looked at each other at the same height. When she saw him doing this, she looked very happy.

There was a faint touch coming from her dark green place, and then something was covered, as if he had pressed it gently with his fingers,

"in fact, it seems that there is no need to stick a band aid," he put down his hand, looked at her forehead with satisfaction, looked at her face with a big smile, and extended his hand to her: "but when I saw this band aid, I couldn't help but want to buy it for you Post. "

Lu Yuan Yuan was stunned and looked down.

In the long, white palm lay pink band aids full of Hello Kitty.

Sulin put the band aid in her coat pocket and looked at the little girl up and down again.

The pink band aid in such a prominent place on her forehead is not against her will, but more like a sign.

For example, when he saw the beautiful girl soldiers often used by girls to make head portraits, the signs on the forehead.

He rubbed the girl's soft black hair, approached her and rubbed her with the tip of his nose. "My baby is so cute."

Gentle, deep, with a little nasal, a little hoarse.

Full of love and warmth.

In the past, she cut her hand when she was cleaning the wine bottle. She was the cheapest band aid she bought. The wound was not deep, so she just wrapped toilet paper to wait for it to heal.

When cleaning up the housework, because we have to be in a hurry, we always bump into the place, which is blue and purple, and we don't care about the pain for several days.

Luyuanyuan looked at the people close at hand and blinked.

She broke down suddenly.

How could he be so good.

The end of her nose that he rubbed was too sour to bear. She heard herself calling him, and her voice trembled uncontrollably: "Su Lin."


For a moment he thought he was listening.

Su Lin smiles and discovers that something is really wrong with her.

The little girl finished, biting her lower lip, her eyes were more and more red, her big eyes were filled with a layer of water mist, what was there to gather and fall down.

Then she let go of her teeth and turned her mouth down uncontrollably.

Like a child who has been wronged a lot and finally meets someone she can rely on.

She slowly raised her arm, and the water vapor that had just gathered in her eyes finally condensed and dropped.

He had a sharp contraction in his heart.

It seems to be held tightly by the hand from somewhere, almost out of breath.

She red eyes, and called again: "Su Lin, hold me."