Warm air conditioning is on in the cinema, but maybe it's because of the large space, or maybe this hall hasn't played a movie for several hours. When I first came in, it was not only not hot, but also a little chilly. Lu Yuanyuan complained at that time.

Now she felt like she was going to be cooked.

Except for the flicker of the movie screen, there was no light around.

Especially if they're in the last row, or - double seats with partitions.

I thought it would be enough for her to sit on his lap.

I didn't expect him to start again

She knew that no one could see anyone in the dark, but after all, she could really feel the people sitting beside the partition, and the front row was full of people. He didn't mean to stop doing such a thing in such a place with so many people.

Luyuanyuan's unbearable shame is coming to the top.

Thinking of something else, I heard a deep "I like you".

Luyuanyuan turned back in spite of the itch on his neck.

On the big screen, under the starry moonlight, sitting on the bench - it's actually a bench, sitting beautiful men and women, that's what boys say.

It's not only emotional, it's also very pleasant to hear.

The sound effect of the cinema is good. What the people inside say is just like what they say in their ears.

…… So you like it?

But how do you like it?

It is clear that the last plot in her impression is still the beginning. The heroine squeezed the milk tea out of the male protagonist, thus laying the foundation for the wrong set. As soon as they met, they began to fight each other. In the early stage, they went to the funny style.

She did not watch this period of time, the plot has actually played to the confession!

Luyuanyuan felt as if she had missed 100 million yuan.

She reached back and pushed down Su Lin's shoulder, which, of course, didn't push.

She took advantage of no one to speak in the movie, lowered her voice: "senior, I want to see a movie, don't do it..."

He didn't move.

Or he didn't look up.

Su Lin clasped her hand around her waist and said vaguely, "soon."

…… Soon, what is it?

before his lips left, the force of sucking suddenly increased, the numbness of the original nibbling increased, and the deer garden was stimulated, and the conditioned "ah" sound.

She didn't control the volume. As soon as she finished calling, someone in the front row turned back.

She couldn't see the man's face clearly. Maybe she couldn't see them clearly either. She just looked back.

But the cheeks burned up immediately.

Su Lin had already lifted her head from her neck socket, sat upright, and helped her with her free hand to set up the collar of her coat again.

Luyuanyuan looked back and saw the light shining on his face occasionally. He was obviously smiling.

He made her blush, but he was as calm as if he had done nothing.

She raised her hand to touch the place.

Now without his lips, there is no itching, finger press down, a thin layer of skin only hemp, there is a little pain.

All in all, it's a strange feeling.

"Don't touch it." Her hand was caught.

Then, Sulin slid in a little.

Then he took her two armpits and moved her a little further inside - but the man was still sitting on his lap.

Luyuanyuan leaned back against him and didn't respond to his series of actions. As soon as his shoulder was loose, he reached out and put her shoulder back. She directly leaned against his arms.

Su Lin didn't know when she had fished out the popcorn she had forgotten. Without giving it to her, she put it beside her. Her voice came from behind: "eat it."

Luyuanyuan actually likes the feeling of relying on something.

In her family, when her parents were still in love with her in primary school, she also had the experience of being a little princess in the hands of her parents. At that time, her parents were almost responsive to her needs. She had many dolls, the biggest of which was a bear. When she bought it, she was as tall as her. Later, when she grew up, the bear only came to her stomach.

But it's still one of her favorite dolls.

The bear had been sitting on the floor beside her bed, next to the edge of her bed.

Every time she was unhappy, she would like to sit on the legs of the bear, leaning back, with the height of the bear's head just stuck on her back.

Like to do this, may be because it seems that there is something to rely on, the mood will recover faster.

It's fake, but it's better than nothing.

The appearance of the bear appeared in my mind for a moment, and luyuanyuan was stunned.

The posture is very similar, but - now it's not the bear behind.

It's su Lin.

He's hot, it's true.

She blinked, and when she didn't realize it, she suddenly pursed her lips and laughed.After a few seconds, simply completely relaxed the body.

I don't know why. I feel sour in my eyes and sweet in my heart.

In the middle of the movie, it's winter from the first summer.

After Su Lin's disappearance, Lu Yuanyuan obviously entered the state of watching the film again, and he couldn't turn his eyes. Occasionally, he would sigh with him about the plot.

Su Lin is still not watching the movie. His chin is just stuck on the top of his girlfriend's head in his arms. He doesn't put his weight on it. He just touches it gently.

The little girl suddenly reached out and pointed to the screen: "Wow! It's snowing! It's snowing

"Well." Su Lingang wants to say "it's fake". In a moment, he remembers the call from Ms. Su last week.

He thought it over and said, "do you like snow?"

"I like it!" Luyuanyuan nodded vigorously, "but my winter is above zero, and it's very wet. I heard that it can snow once in ten years. But I've never seen snow in more than ten years. "

I really like it when I say so much at once.

Su Lin is a little less nervous.

He then asked, "do you want to see it?"

"Of course Lu Yuan Yuan Teng stood up straight, "super think!" When she realized something, she turned back in surprise: "will it snow in Xuechang's city?"

“…… No He didn't know.

Looking at the little girl withered quickly, he squeezed her hand, "but there is a place where it will."


"B city."


"Do you want to go?"

The man in his arms was silent for a while, and his voice could not be heard clearly without careful discrimination That's not your house. "

"Yes, it's my home."


“…… It's fun, and - "Su Lin deliberately lengthened his tone:" it always snows. "

"Always, always snowing?"

"Well." He continued: "there is a week off before the final exam, we can review in B city, we can play, we have a lot of delicious food to take you to eat - and we can see the snow."

“……” She has shaken so thoroughly.

Lu Yuanyuan swallowed her saliva and asked her biggest concern: "then your parents..."

"They don't know," Su Lin lied and didn't draft. "Just the two of us, we won't see my parents."

"The one who lives in..."

"You don't have to worry about all this, just say if you want to go," he said to the little girl's ear? Are you going

Deer garden in his arms hit a thrill, slant away from him, touch the ear, expected reaction.

"Then..." She put her hand down and turned to look at him: "then go." The voice was steady with excitement.

After the decision, luyuanyuan seemed to be in a high mood for a moment, and she didn't want to watch the movie. After a while, she turned her head and asked, "are we going to travel, seniors?"


After a while, I suddenly thought, "I want to go to * * on the first day. I want to take a picture with my grandfather Mao!"


After a while, he said, "are we going to fly? I haven't sat yet


"Then I'll buy our two tickets. I can --"

"Shhh" Su Lin put her hand over her mouth, "you can play, don't think about the rest."

"But -"

"the movie is coming to an end."

“?!” Huh???

Lu Yuanyuan looked back in disbelief and saw the screen for more than ten seconds. He found that he could not keep up with the plot.

In a few minutes, men and women are obviously more mature dress up, standing in the university where they first met, looking at each other and smiling, holding together.

The screen suddenly turns black, and then begins to play the finale, scrolling the cast.

At the same time, the lights in the projection hall are on.

So what did she see.

Encounter, mutual connection, confession, together.

…… Well, I've seen the most important things.

So comforted oneself, as if also not how lost.

As she slid down his leg, she wanted to go back to discuss their coming week's journey. When she turned her head, she seemed to see the pure white color of her hair.

Luyuanyuan's movements froze for a moment.

Slowly looking back, I looked in the same direction again - on the top right, above the partition, revealing the old man's head, as if I had just stood up.

People in extreme surprise, the brain will appear blank.

Luyuanyuan didn't want to stare there. She could foresee what would happen next - but she was as if she had been fixed, staring and couldn't move.

Such a strong line of sight is still detected.

The old man looked at her.Luyuan opened her mouth, but said nothing.

The old man opened his mouth, but looked behind her.

Su Lin is answering the news. Just after sending it, he feels that someone is looking at him.

He is always looked at, so he is sensitive to his eyes, which is obviously not a kind feeling.

And the person on the body slides to sit on his knee, suddenly froze.

He raised his head doubtfully and looked at a pair of familiar eyes.

The skin around the eyes is flabby because of old age, but the eyes and the momentum of the whole person can see the face when they are young.

Su Lin was as stiff as the man on his knee.

It's not -

there's another female voice in his ear. It's the voice he heard at the beginning, "what are you doing here? You're gone."

The old man didn't move.

"Yuanyuan," his eyes fixed on Su Lin, but he didn't say anything like this Why are you here? "

Luyuanyuan doesn't know why it's so exciting to be caught in love in college.

Grandparents came by taxi. It's more than nine o'clock after the movie, so they also took a taxi to go back.

When she wanted to go back with them and let Sulin go first, her grandfather said he wanted Sulin to go with her.

Lu Yuanyuan wanted to say something for him, so he found a reason that it was so late that he should go back to school first.

Did not expect grandfather black face: "a big man still afraid of late?"

…… So, two old people took a car, and they took another one, following them closely.

Not only was she nervous, but Sulin's hands were sweating all the time.

He asked, "your grandfather Are you not allowed to fall in love? "

"I don't know." Luyuanyuan tells the truth.

Su Lin rubbed the bridge of his nose and heard the little girl's worried voice, "senior, my grandfather asked you to go. I'm sure I'll talk to you, though I don't know what he wants to say Anyway, if he says he doesn't agree with us, don't listen. "

“……” Su Lin is one Leng: "why not agree?"

"You just said -"

"yes, yes," Lu Yuanyuan nodded, "I don't know if he let me fall in love, but I suddenly thought of something..."

"What's the matter?"

"My grandfather, he..." The little girl looked at him with a bit of caution. "He seems to like the grandson of grandfather Li's family. I have been playing with him during the summer vacation."

Su Lin

Oh, grandson of grandfather Li.

There's already an ideal type of coauthor.

Mr. Lu felt that he had not been angry for a long time, except for the news that his son was hospitalized last month.

Recently, it has been very good. My wife is clamoring to go to the cinema. At first, the old lady wanted to go to the premiere in the early morning, which made him surprised. After persuading her, she changed the time.

After watching it, I don't feel much, but my wife is happy.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly He saw his granddaughter who was always obedient and good at everything Sitting on a man's lap.

And this boy also came to his house - at that time, he smelled out that something was wrong!

Sure enough, there is a problem!!!

There is no such serious conversation place as the study in Mr. Lu's family. He is old and has been showing people diseases for almost a lifetime. The things of TCM have been engraved in his bones, and his memory is weak, and those things will not be weak.

At this point, many books are bad, need to turn no more than five, so when moving here did not want to study.

He took the little rabbit to the room where he had been acupunctured.

Shut the door.

He has only one son, and he didn't worry less when he went to school. But after so many years, he has long forgotten how to educate his children.

Or How to start.

Lu Yuanyuan and her grandmother sat on the sofa, and her grandmother talked with her excitedly about how well the couple on the screen just now matched and how beautiful the movie was. Lu Yuanyuan responded with a sound, occasionally perfunctorily echoed, and her eyes always fluttered to the door of the hut.

Think about what happened in that hut.

She really couldn't hold back, interrupted grandma's emotion, "grandma, grandpa won't want to stick a needle..."

The old lady was stunned for a moment, and then began to laugh. She was so full of tears.

Finally, after laughing, he wiped the corners of his eyes and said, "ouch, how can it be? What do you think of this child?"

Luyuanyuan was relieved.

Also, how can she think of her grandfather like this -

"your grandfather didn't bring a needle, I saw it." Grandma added.


About ten minutes later.

Just when she felt that she was going to go in the next second, they came out.

Their faces She didn't see any changes before she went in.Su Lin walks up to her and suddenly sits down.

Luyuanyuan sits on the left with her boyfriend and on the right with her grandmother. Before she could react, she saw her grandfather go to the front of the coffee table - facing three people on the sofa.

"Well," he said after clearing his throat, "the first one who made mistakes today is luyuanyuan."

Lu Yuanyuan, who was called to Daming: "ah..."

"You don't have to," he pointed to her. "He didn't even tell your grandmother and I about such a big love affair! What's the matter? I'm afraid our two old arms and legs will tear you apart? "

Lu Yuanyuan felt like a student who had been trained. He blushed silently: "no..."

"Hum," said Lu, with his back straight and momentum in training, "you said that you have been to university. Tell us what we can say, and don't help you! If I hadn't been caught today, when would I have said that? "


Next is his own home, grandma has begun to play mobile phone, only the two of them quietly listen to the old man's endless words.

With that, it seemed that he was a little bit off center.

“…… Ah, now these children, how can they fall in love so early? Ah? Yuanyuan, how old are you? Did your grandmother and I celebrate your 18th birthday? A little girl hasn't grown up, and she doesn't know many people. When she looks at a good-looking little boy and says a few good words, she falls in love? "

The more he said, the more wrong he was. Luyuanyuan felt that his grandfather had fallen into his own strange circle.

It's not easy for anyone to say. He can only wait for himself to come out.

"Her grandmother, tell them!" The old man salivated excitedly, and the stars were flying: "when did we fall in love at that time! Tell them how old you were at that time! "

Grandma didn't say a word.

A few seconds later.

"What are you doing there? Say it The old man was worried: "tell them! How old are we to fall in love

Grandma locked the screen of her mobile phone with a click and sighed 16、 "I don't know
