"- you have to sleep with me."

When luyuanyuan first heard this sentence, he didn't care what the content was. All his attention was on his voice.

Usually, even if he pressed the voice line, she was not used to it. She would still have red ears.

Every time, for example, he just got up in the morning class, although he didn't like to talk, he was heard many times by her.

The nasal sound is very heavy, and the voice line changes a little, especially the juvenile sound.

Very nice.

Like now.

But when he got up early, he didn't talk so close to her. She didn't realize the lethality.

But now, not only close, but also With a little coquetry, the moment I heard it was really Half of the body was numb.

She turned red quickly in the dark, a little glad that he couldn't see her.

Although Su Lin had a fever, her hands still trapped her to death. Lu Yuanyuan couldn't get rid of it. He wanted to tell him, "senior, you have a fever. You need to take medicine."

He made a perfunctory sound, turned his head down, and finally buried it back in her neck socket.

When he rubbed, his hair would sweep on his face, itching and fragrant - the fragrance that luyuanyuan smelled just now was not the woody fragrance that he smelled before, but the fragrance of bath gel and shampoo.

Because she just used it and liked it very much, she was very impressed and remembered it.

It's green orange.

At the beginning, she didn't know who was pressing her, and she forgot where she was. She didn't wake up and subconsciously alert. As a result, half a second later, she smelled the same smell on him as herself.

It's like giving her a signal that the nerves are completely relaxed.

Su Lin rubbed over and said, "do you promise?"

"Promise --"

he quickly cut off her words: "sleep together."


Lu Yuanyuan's words choked in his throat. In fact, he was not sure whether he was confused or serious.

But his whole body's hot is true, and so is his fever. After thinking about it, Lu Yuanyuan decided not to tangle with him You take the medicine first

"Take the medicine..." Smell speech, Su Lin raised his head, adapted to the dark eyes, let her be able to see his outline, he said: "it's OK, right?"

As if afraid of her repentance, he quickly straightened up: "OK, you said."

Luyuanyuan only felt light on his body, and then he got out of bed.

Just a few seconds.

It turns out that if you have a fever, you can be so quick

The light in the living room was on all the time. Lu Yuanyuan was out of prison. He got out of bed and followed him out of the room.

Listen to Su Lin's voice, this house should be long uninhabited, so there is no medicine

Luyuanyuan's worry stopped at the sight of Su Lin's action.

In addition to a little red on his face, he was no different from usual. He was holding one hand on the table, and the other hand was holding a glass to drink water. There was a pile of medicine beside the table.

Lu Yuan Yuan walked over and glanced at it casually. He found that there were not only fever abating, cold clearing and cough relieving, but also a bottle of Cough syrup.


She was really stunned for a while, until there was a clear sound of the cup on the table. She raised her head and asked, "senior, you said you haven't come back for a long time, so these medicines --"

"I bought them in S City," he said, pulling her hand to the room. "I was afraid you didn't adapt to the weather here, acclimatized or anything."

…… So you bought Xiaoer Zhike syrup?

Luyuanyuan was pulled behind him, looking at his clothes and frowning silently.

White T-shirt, black shorts above the knee, although this is at home, air conditioning warm, so wear it seems nothing.

But he doesn't wear much outside.

She couldn't help saying, "senior, don't always stink!"

“……” Su Lin just turned on the light in the room, looked back and said, "what am I doing?"

"Smelly beauty," Lu Yuanyuan tried to make her voice sound serious: "it's January now. At the coldest time of the year, you wear so little when you go out. Of course, you will get sick. Look at me. I wear so much every time. You still let me wear a scarf and a hat. Why don't you wear it yourself? You're not - Oh!"

He had stood there in silence, listening to her reproach, and suddenly, without warning, he quickly blocked her lips - with his own.

He was holding her arm. The temperature of his hand was abnormally high, but his actions didn't look like a patient at all.

Luyuanyuan thought that she would kiss for a long time like before.

Unexpectedly, in just a few seconds, he let go. When his eyes were facing each other, she saw a trace in his eyes Surprise?

It was just a blink of an eye, and Su Lin soon returned to normal.

He released his grip on her arm, suddenly raised his hand, wiped her lips with the back of his hand, and said, "it's OK."Luyuanyuan What's all right?

"Go to sleep." He snapped off the light and brought the door to shut off all the light.

Luyuanyuan followed his strength in the dark. When his leg touched the edge of the bed, he heard the slight sound of Sulin sitting on it.

She grabbed a corner of the quilt to say something, and he just like night vision, suddenly dragged her to the bed.

She lay on the bed with an unsteady weight and was immediately picked up by his two hands and stuffed into the quilt.

A series of actions are very fast, she felt as if she was still standing by the bed one second, and then she moved to the bed the next.

"Wait for me." His voice came.

Then luyuanyuan saw the weak light, probably looking at the mobile phone.

Really want to We went to sleep together.

Yes! Sleep together!!!

Luyuanyuan closed her eyes, covered her face in the quilt and held her breath for a few seconds.

Because of the bright light, you can see the silhouette of Su Lin's back. His T-shirt is the kind he wears in summer. It's very thin. It seems that his whole back is very thin.

It's dark again.

Then, the mattress around her sank, and she unconsciously grasped the inside of the quilt. Her body was getting closer and closer to her. Luyuanyuan felt that he had covered the quilt and lay down completely.

"I searched," he said in a deep voice. He was not in the same mood as before. He didn't touch her honestly and said, "it seems that I have a fever. I can't Kiss. "


"It's said on the Internet that it could be contagious."

Ah So, he wiped her mouth with the back of his hand?

But the infection seems to be through the respiratory tract?

Luyuanyuan wanted to laugh a little. She was so nervous that she lost most of it.

"That -" she just said a word.

Su Lin suddenly turned over and took her words: "then - I still want to sleep with you."


He said, "do you want me to go? It's impossible. "

The voice is still a little proud.

Is this happening again.

Su Xuechang is the child in his heart.

"I didn't..."

Lu Yuanyuan explained dryly and thought about it. He really didn't know what they could talk about when they were lying in bed.

Simply direct proposal way: "that sleep, the person with fever wants to have a good rest to be able to get better quickly."

"Don't sleep for a while." He suddenly said, "you turn around."


"Turn around, my dear."

This time, not only to coax her, but also to help her turn around.

Luyuanyuan turned over quickly. His heart beat a little fast. He didn't know what he wanted.

"In fact," his voice came from behind, "a good rest can't get better quickly."

Then -

one arm was inserted between her neck and pillow, and the other arm was put on her waist, and then the whole back was covered by him.

"You can sleep better with your girlfriend in your arms," he said



Luyuanyuan felt his chin resting on her head.

She whispered "um.".

Her biological clock has passed. Although she can still fall asleep, she is not very sleepy.

This winter, warm indoor, more warm quilt, and like people lying together.

He hugged her from his back, making her feel like being loved and cared.

Luyuanyuan suddenly wanted to say something to him.

I want to talk to him about the things that I used to think I would feel uncomfortable and cry secretly.

"It seems that for many years They all sleep by themselves. "

As soon as she opened her mouth, she felt the change of his movements. The arm under her neck was bent, and her fingers touched her hair and rubbed it around.

"What's the point," he said, "I've been sleeping on my own since kindergarten."


Luyuanyuan ignored his boasting words.

"In fact, I'm afraid of many things. I'm afraid of the dark, loud sounds and all kinds of insects. I remember when my parents just divorced in junior high school." Speaking of this word, his hand pauses, and luyuanyuan spontaneously reaches out and grabs his hand down and holds it tightly.

She continued: "at that time, I learned about insects in biology class. There were all kinds of beneficial insects and pests. I was not afraid of butterflies, but some Alas, the pictures in biology textbooks are super clear. I feel numb when I look at them. I don't know whether it's a disease or something... "

"Then, I find scissors to cut all the pictures down. My deskmate found that she was surprised and said to me," luyuanyuan, you are so timid. "

"But later, when I came back from the toilet, she didn't see me sitting in her seat. I heard her say to others that I can pretend to be a real hypocrite. My parents are divorced and still have a problem. I regard myself as a princess.""I told her about my parents' divorce when I was too sad. She comforted me at that time. We were always very good..."

"Well, it's a small thing. I don't know why I suddenly think of it." Luyuanyuan broke off his motionless finger.

From just now on, the man behind didn't move at all.

"She said tentatively Are you asleep? "


"What are you doing?"

"In my heart."


Luyuanyuan could not help but raise his lips and broke his fingers again.

I don't know if it's the end of heartache. He made a new move and hugged her closer. He just wanted to change her and him into a body temperature.

He put his lips to her back neck and ears. "You don't remember that. That person is stupid."


Oh, it's coming. Su style curse.

He then said, "she thinks princess is a good thing, who is rare to be." It's hard to fight for her.

Lu Yuanyuan was amused by his tone, blinked, pulled his hand, and asked: "what is that?"

Su linhui took her hand and stroked her knuckles little by little, as if to appease her.

Then, with a high temperature kiss fell on her ear, itchy and numb, "Laozi's baby is."