Lu Yuanyuan's waist was tightly held by his arm, and her chin was on his shoulder. All these movements were sudden, and her mind was full of what he had just said.

Exactly, those words.

One billion, marry me, wife.

His tone is serious, but with a smile, tickling people's hearts, but also can not tell whether he is serious or joking.

But a billion must be a joke.

What about the remaining two words

Just floating in the brain of those two words, I feel that there is a heat on my face, and my chest is like a ballooning balloon, which is still growing.

Luyuanyuan really didn't know what to say. After a long silence, Su Lin spoke first.

He moved his arm, released her, sat up straight and looked at her. "Dumb?"

Luyuanyuan just wanted to say no.

Su Lin suddenly stretched out her hand and pinched her nose, laughing unkindly: "scared by my ten billion?"


The balloon on the chest was punctured.

she really can't help but make complaints about it: "do you think you're playing a TV show, seniors?"

One billion is too much It's a fake. How can you be scared.

"Oh," he didn't care, "anyway, that's it. I won't talk about it in the future."


Su Lin released the hand holding her nose and turned to rub her face. "My baby, besides eating and sleeping, and falling in love with me, doesn't have to think about anything else."

“…… That's a pig

Looking at the little girl frowning, speechless expression, Su Lin can't help but tease her: "yes, my baby is a pig."

“…… So you're in love with a pig? "


In order to describe her as a pig, he wanted to fall in love with a pig. It seemed that she was still at a loss, so he said, "well, yes, who let her be a pig? I have to give in."

Luyuan was in a daze for a moment.

She blinked to reflect the conversation they had just had. Anyway, she was the pig.

Su Lin began to shake with laughter. At the same time, he was patted on the back - by a pig.

He also calmed down with a smile. He felt that if he had been in love for a long time, his IQ would drop. I don't know. Anyway, his smile would drop more than ten times.

He cleared his throat, coughed twice, quickly took out his mobile phone to change the topic, "let me show you a post."

"No The little girl was not angry: "pigs can't read words!"

She deliberately made her original voice stiff, not only did not have the effect, but more funny.


Su Lin looked at her angry side face, and tried hard to hold back her smile. He put his arms around her shoulder and said, "it's ours, don't you see?"


Deer garden frowned.

When I go to school, even if I say it, how can I say it when I have a holiday?

After a while, curiosity conquered everything. She pretended not to be very interested and asked: "I'm not interested What is it

"See for yourself." He handed me his cell phone.

[hot] [fine] [theme] when the Spring Festival comes, open a building to wish our school the hottest CP (I know Su Shuai will see it! To be honest, I just want to be refined!!! Su Shuai, look at me #

- - -

1L [building owner]: Well, although the intention is very obvious, I've been playing for so long, and there's never been a post refined in the forum. I say it's a new year, and people are eager for it!

By the way, look at our sweet, single dogs. If you have any wishes, don't hurry to rub them!

I'll go first.

I wish Su Shuai and Lu are lovely. They will live together for a long time. The sea is dry and the rocks are rotten. The barren mountains have no edges. The heaven and the earth will never stop meeting you.

Make a wish, single dog want to take off single this year!!!

So I I wish Su Xuechang and Luyuan a stronger relationship than Jin. (good soil

with single dog qwq Make a wish to take off a single, CP bless qwq

- -

3L [purple rice porridge]: isn't this the worse the more you go down? Thanks to my third!!

I wish Sulu a long life together. (real earth... But I'm illiterate

I'm not a single dog. Maybe I'd like to have a good time with my male ticket, qwq


40L [I really can't think of it]: I'm really good at relying on you, and I really don't like you??? Then I don't have idioms. I wish you a poem.

I wish Su Shuai deer garden a bright future But what can I do

and then Single dog seeks to get rid of single qwq-- what kind of blessing is

41L[? ]My name says how I feel.

But you've said too much before. I'm kidding I'm just going to have to be dirt..

Learn from upstairs, send Su Shuai a poem, * * bitter short day high, since then the king did not early Dynasty. (emmmm…… W

after getting blue, the single dog rubbed his heart and asked to get rid of the order


What are you talking about?!

Just when I saw this floor, luyuanyuan was fixed on the interface for a long time. Su Lin leaned over and said with a smile, "do you understand this sentence?"

Deer garden face suddenly burned up, "do not understand." Finish saying, finger Shua Shua turns down, very quickly that poem can't see.

But it has been printed in my mind, can't go away.

"I don't know. I'll tell you," he put his arm on her shoulder, and his lips lingered in her ears deliberately. "That's to wish us sleep till --"

"Oh, shut up --" Luyuanyuan finally couldn't sit still. The hand that didn't hold the mobile phone "slapped" over his mouth, with powder on his ears and cheeks, "I know what's going on!"

Su Lin quietly shut up, but her eyes were bent all the time. After watching more than 100 stories of high-rise buildings quietly with her, he took back his mobile phone and asked her, "how is it? Is it cool to be blessed by so many people?"

“……” Cool?

Luyuanyuan choked on his adjective and decided to ignore it. "It's just so happy."

"Well, I'm also happy," Su Lin looked at the time, pulled her hand and stood up with her, "this post was sent the night before New Year's Eve, I wanted to show you that day, the result..."

As a result, she called him and cried so pitifully.

“…… As a result, I forgot. I just remembered. "

"Mm-hmm, it's OK," Lu Yuan Yuan said with a smile and big black eyes when he came to the unit door. "I'll go back first, senior. See you tomorrow!"


Lu Yuanyuan felt that he knew the meaning of this sound, so he was ready to turn around and open the door.

As soon as the key was inserted into the hole, it was pulled back by a force.

She was unprepared. She fell into Su Lin's arms and looked up at him a little confused How -- "

he pressed his lips very quickly before he finished speaking.

After the kiss, he licked his lips, a layer of water in the night some moving.

Deer garden dizzy, see his lips open and close, said a few words: "good night kiss."

When luyuanyuan came home, he was satirized by his grandfather sitting on the sofa.

But grandfather's temper is like this, she knows.

Grandma usually dances a square dance with her old sisters. When she comes back, she tells her granddaughter that when she is accosted by the old man, she has to talk about it behind her grandfather's back.

If the grandfather heard it, he would be jealous for a week, and he would have to go with the square dance. In grandma's words, he would not give her any time.

Nearly ten o'clock, luyuanyuan took a bath and was ready to go to bed. As soon as she went to bed, she did not expect her grandmother to come to her room.

So she sat up straight and laughed at the old man, "Granny, what's the matter?"

"Yuanyuan," grandma also wore pajamas, took the door of the room, slowly came and sat by her bed, "I just want to ask you, your father How's it going? "

“…… Ah, "luyuanyuan didn't think it was about Luzhi. She was stunned for a few seconds and quickly adjusted her expression." I think It's better than before. He usually asks me... "

Luyuanyuan probably talked about the place where the deer got better, but didn't talk about what happened on the road that time.

After hearing this, grandma was obviously happy. "You don't see your grandfather didn't ask, but in fact he was thinking about it. He just didn't say it. After waiting for a long time for the new year, I said if you want to call, he immediately put on a bad face."

"Go to sleep. I'll talk to your grandfather." Grandma said, and she got up with a smile.

"Mm-hmm," luyuanyuan waved, "good night, grandma."

"All right."

The door "click" shut, the voice is very light.

It was quiet all around, her mouth a little bit flat, and she didn't know what she was thinking when she sat on the bed.

The sudden shock of the mobile phone made a big surprise.

Luyuanyuan slides open and unlocks. It's Su Lin's wechat.

Su Lin: [the alarm bell tells me it's time for you to go to bed. 】

the time above the mobile phone is ten o'clock sharp.

No wonder he is so punctual at this point every day.

There's an alarm

Lu Yuanyuan laughed again and replied to him: [yes, good night, senior ~ (≥ V ≤) / ~]

snacks are coming back in seconds. This time, I haven't come back for a long time. I don't know why.

Luyuanyuan took the mobile phone, turned off the light at the head of the bed and lay down. The mobile phone vibrated again.

She tucked in the quilt to open his new news.

Su Lin: good night“……”

Luyuanyuan held her breath and glared.

He Just now so long, is to check this expression?

She stared at the expression for a long time, finally locked the cell phone, still couldn't help but smile with closed eyes in the quilt.

The next period of time was very regular.

In the morning, I go to Shutian's house to make up lessons - go home for lunch and take a lunch break - and go out on a date with my boyfriend in the afternoon.

Because during the Chinese new year, there is no shortage of movies in cinemas, and sometimes with good luck, they even see private shows.

It's just the one in private She didn't remember what the movie said at all, and then proposed to see it again the next day

Maybe it's too cold, and it's reserved.

Again Well.

Then luyuanyuan gave up the movie.

There is no fate of things, can not be forced.

It was the first day of a new movie.

It's the seventh day of the lunar new year, the last day of the holiday, the venue is full, the only time to buy not so remote seats is at noon.

Luyuanyuan answers Su Lin's phone next to the subway station and knows about it.

The poster and publicity of the film are so good that she wants to see it for a long time.

If tomorrow, we will have to wait for one day forget it!

She quickly made a decision, "seniors, let's go to see it. It doesn't matter if we don't take a nap for a day!"

"Then I'll pick you up and wait." He said over there that he hung up without waiting for her to refuse.

Today, there are few cars on the road. He may not be in a jam when he comes from school. He saw people in less than 20 minutes.

"Senior, actually I know all of them, where we always go." After getting on the bus, she told him seriously, "you don't have to come to pick me up every time."

"No way," he said, touching her hair. "Dating has to be ritualistic. I have to get you into the habit."

“……” What is that and what

Luyuanyuan ignored his wrong idea, "but you have to take the bus twice, and you have to send me back, so you are very tired."

"Oh --" his voice dragged on for a long time, with a sense of teasing, "love me?"


Luyuanyuan opened his eyes wide and was touched by his hair.

Pausing for a few seconds, Su Lin's expression didn't change. She gave a light smile, took her hand and said, "then you'll be my leisure."


Three hours later, luyuanyuan realized that he had made a mistake.

The biological clock is really terrible. She can still concentrate when she is watching a movie. As soon as she comes out and sees the light outside, she begins to sleep, climb up to her brain and yawn.

The frequency is too high for Su Lin to watch.

At first, he was still interested in counting for her. Later, when he saw her go down the escalator, he was wiping tears all the time. He felt tired for her, so he didn't want to count.

"Send you home" this sentence, in the throat eyes turned a circle.

He swallowed it back.

“…… There is a hotel near here, "he looked at the big sign of the hotel opposite the shopping mall, repressed his excitement, and said steadily," are you going to sleep? "

Luyuanyuan was so sleepy that he only heard the word "sleep meeting" and immediately nodded, "good, good!"

"Do you have your ID card?"

"Well?" She looked up, the mist in her eyes had not dispersed, "why do you want an ID card?"

"Because it's a hotel, hour room may also need ID card."

"I'll look for it - ah, yes."

Su Lin suddenly felt as if there were a bunch of small fireworks in her heart, which exploded.

He tried not to be so obvious, took her out of the mall: "let's go."

After crossing the street from the shopping mall, they went to the hotel lobby. This is the peak point for check-in. They lined up for the meeting. Luyuanyuan was almost hanging on half of him.

Her posture was like using his hand as a pillow. She was small and a koala.

Row to them, the front desk to see such a rare big handsome guy, while maintaining professional ethics to do check-in, can not help but peek at two people.

While waiting for the room card, after looking at two people with strange posture for a few minutes, she finally couldn't help asking: "this is you Sister

The handsome guy was just about to answer.

"Sister" on his body opened his mouth, "who is sister..."

"Front desk sister," the little girl couldn't open her eyes, and tried to explain herself, "I'm not his sister, I'm his girlfriend!"

With that, he buried his face in his chest again.

The front desk lady was immediately embarrassed and blushed to pass the room card.

The handsome guy immediately laughed. He was totally attached with one arm and took the room card with one hand. "Well, girlfriend."

Mingming had no expression in the whole process just now, and now his face is full of indulgence and happiness, which almost overflows the corner of his mouth.Su Lin half dragged and half hugged the koala into the room. Fortunately, there was an elevator and it didn't take much effort.

After entering the door and inserting the card, he picked her up and put her on the bed.

Luyuanyuan felt her heart floating high. When her head touched the pillow, even her soul wanted to float away.

She fought against doze. She opened her eyes to the man who was bending over and grabbed his clothes. "You sleep too, senior, we Ah... " On the way, I couldn't help yawning. My consciousness became more and more confused. "We We'll go out in the afternoon... "


So I still want to play.

Su Lin silently smiles for a while, straightens up to look at her, takes out the handset to look for the angle to take several pictures.

Then she took off her coat and shoes, and went to bed by herself. As soon as she lay down, she leaned over as if she were conscious, put her hands around him consciously, and muttered something that he didn't hear.

Originally, he was not sleepy at all, but holding her very soft body, smelling the familiar milk fragrance, he was sleepy.

When I closed my eyes, I suddenly remembered that I was in B city before, because she didn't let him into the room at night, only when I went to bed at noon.

So during that time, he followed her for lunch break, and after waking up, he would take her out to play.

I miss it when I think about it.

Su Lin felt that this was a day of extraordinary commemoration.

He didn't expect that he would wake up in this way one day.

Wake up with a kiss.

When he didn't open his eyes, he woke up first, and felt something hot on his lips,

very moist and soft.

After all, he kisses countless times, and soon his memory revives.

When he opened his eyes, his little girlfriend's bright deer eyes looked at him without blinking. Her eyes were clear, as if she hadn't just woken up.

Her dimples were a little pink. They were so close that he could see her eyelashes clearly.

The little girl friend said, "senior, open your mouth, I..." She paused and blushed a little I can't do it. "

When she spoke, she didn't know why, with the sweet smell of sugar, and the smell of her body coincided.

Su Lin was stunned for a moment.

Just wake up, in fact, the brain is very empty, he did not ask her what to do, directly slightly opened his mouth.

Lu Yuanyuan came directly to him, but he didn't respond. Then he felt something coming from his small, warm tongue.

Su Lin's taste buds are also reviving.

Hard, sweet, orange


The little girl friend saw that he was stunned, with a successful smile on her face, "hee hee, I learned from the movie."

Then, the long eyelashes swept his face, her breath was still sweet, all sprayed on his skin.

The whole body is very comfortable, she is in his arms, two people almost no gap to stick together.

He almost drowned in the warmth.

The little girl's expression became a little embarrassed. She blinked, her voice was soft and thin, and the ending sound also had a little meaning of inviting merit.

"Senior," she asked nervously Is it sweet? "