This desk in the library is the place where they come from recently. It's inconspicuous in the corner, and it's far away from each other.

They are also known by many people. After a lot of research, sitting here is the most secluded, with less gaze. In addition, the last post sent by the two girls, few people sit in the two opposite seats.

In this way, it's not only easy to pull hands and touch your head, but also convenient to talk.

Su Lin doesn't know why.

As soon as he asked, "do you think that man is a fool?" the little girl's expression changed.

Originally a good atmosphere, but as if there was a sound, "click" ring in the ear, so broken.

Although it is in the corner, the light is not biased. From top to bottom, luyuanyuan's white face is like a cage layer of soft light.

The deer eyes on her small face were black and clear, and seemed to speak.

But, even if it's talking - it's not a good thing to say now.

Su Lin gathered his smile and wondered.

…… Why the hell is that.

Is it because he just scolded the big fool?

No, she's not the kind of person who can't take it.

That's because he sealed the man's number?

But her tone was good.

And this matter, this post or she raised.


Su Lin doubted his judgment for the first time.

But as he was still at a loss, he decided to squeeze her face as if he hadn't found any clue.

I didn't expect that, before I met him -

"pa" rang out.

Decibel is estimated to be louder than the two people just now, and the voice is quite crisp.

His hand was in mid air.

On the back of the hand is the touch that has just been hit. Although it sounds loud, it doesn't hurt at all. It's almost like being scratched by a kitten's meat pad.

The kitten who just scratched him still looked at him for a moment.

She would never deliberately cover up her emotions in front of him, and now it's the same. It's obvious that she is angry - and the number of times she is angry is very few. The little girl can be so cute even if she is jealous, and she hardly ever gets angry with him.

Su Lin put down his hand, controlled the volume and asked her: "what's the matter..." After thinking about it, he added: "baby?"

They have been in the library for an afternoon and an evening.

It took about half a minute for luyuanyuan to take back her sight and start to pack up her books and pens, put them all in her schoolbag.

She looked back again.

In fact, she just suddenly thought of it and thought it was a funny thing. They didn't say it well, but they met on the forum for no reason.

To be fair, luyuanyuan was not angry at that time. She was not even angry. At that time, she felt that Su Xuechang was a little cute.

And then

Ha ha.

At the end of his speech, her facial nerves were stiff.

Luyuanyuan unlocked his mobile phone, then stood up with his schoolbag without saying a word, sent the prepared screenshot to him by wechat, left a sentence "you see for yourself" and went out.

Su Lin

He also had few things. He installed the computer and followed her. Except for the library, he looked at wechat at the door.

A screenshot.

After he opened, he stared at the manager and left a message for a long time.

"It's very suitable to have a noble son early, my friend. Please calm down for a day."

Shock is not enough to describe his mood.

Su linleng didn't know how many seconds. When she came back, she looked forward. Her little girl had gone down the steps and walked on the campus Avenue. Her back melted into the night, and she walked far away. Her legs were white as if they were shining under the street lamp and moonlight.

He quickly ran after her and tried to reach for her hanging hand. Then he hesitated in mid air and drew back.

Su Lin followed her, not far from the ground, cleared her throat, and held the last glimmer of hope Is that you? "

Deer garden smell speech looked back at him, quiet small eyes, soft glutinous no emotional voice: "yes."


"And that was my first time to speak in the forum." She added with a serious face.

Su Lin

It's so fuckin 'exciting.

Su Lin thinks that this can be ranked third among the most stupid things he has done since he met Lu Yuanyuan.

The first time, when he didn't stay with her, he ran downstairs to make an appointment with her and held her - all of them! How the hell Call him Dad.The second time, it was still that night.

It's not over trying to make people call him Dad, but he's so special Give her a living.

So the third is this time.

When he thought about it, he suddenly felt that his little girl had a bad temper.

It's a good temper

The last two stupid things I forgave him and became his little girlfriend after a few days.


Then what did he do!

After analyzing himself for a while, master Su more and more despised his behavior. Even if he didn't know that the person at the other end of the forum was her in advance - it shouldn't be called anonymous forum freedom of speech.

Like he said before.

The Qing Dynasty is dead, 8102 years, he is still using his own ideas to bind others.

This is not a person. If someone registers a forum account to be fair, how can he think of giving someone a title?

"Baby." Su Lin sincerely felt that he was too wrong, "I'm really wrong, I think now, in fact, what you said is particularly right,"


"You see, you haven't married me yet. It's totally normal for me to keep such a view on giving birth. I shouldn't force you, let alone give you a title because you don't think it's appropriate."



Not married to him yet? The idea of having children?

It's not

Why did they suddenly start talking about having children??

How can he change the subject so naturally???

"What are you talking about?" Lu Yuan Yuan's face was hot with anger. She half raised her head and looked at his serious face. She was even more angry. She couldn't help reaching out and pushing him: "who's going to give you a baby --!" Of course not.

Su Lin saw the right time. When she wanted to take back her hand, she grabbed it and pulled it into her arms. Her arms held her tightly.

Lu Yuanyuan struggled a few times and didn't earn any money. His face was against his hard chest, and his voice was a little stuffy: "what are you doing?"

The voice just dropped.

"Ah -" weightlessness made her cry reflexively.

As the scene changed, Lu Yuanyuan lay on his shoulder and realized that he had once again held her leg like a child, and lifted her up.

He didn't go along the main road. He was going to the side and didn't know where.

Fortunately, every time it's night, luyuanyuan thought, otherwise it would be photographed again in the daytime.

Soon, he stopped and let go. She slid down slowly. She stood up straight and found that This is a little familiar.

She looked around and thought that the things around the school bench were almost the same, and she couldn't tell if it was the first chair he picked up and put on.

But this time is different from that time!

Luyuanyuan pushed him on the shoulder and wanted to jump down. As soon as he took half a step, he pulled him back.

"Baby." At the same time, his voice came to my ear.

Because of the chair bonus, his head was about the height of her clavicle. As soon as luyuanyuan lowered his head, it just hit into his dark eyes. It was like a small whirlpool inside, which made people couldn't help looking at it all the time.

He encircled her waist, arm with a little strength, voice did not deliberately put light, very clearly came: "don't be angry."

From the top to the bottom, the corners of his eyes are a little down, the corners of his lips are also down, and his forehead and hair block his eyebrows. It's very different from the way he was smiling and shaking in the library management just now. Now he looks very innocent.

Luyuanyuan was shocked by the look and expression.

She tried her best to meditate in her heart that this man's appearance is too deceptive. Don't believe it, don't believe it!

He sealed your mobile phone number, he scolded you big fool luyuanyuan, you don't believe it!!!

So Su Lin on a second also saw the person's expression in his arms had obvious shaking.

It's like I'm going to forgive him.

I didn't expect that the little girl would immediately return to the light "you say, I'll listen to it anyway".

“……” He didn't want to know why.

Luyuanyuan's heart calmed down again, and Gujing said, "I'm not angry."

She remembered the nickname that Su Lin had just given her and said, "we are antiques. We won't be angry."

Su Lin's face froze for a moment.

Luyuanyuan looked at him and closed his eyes. He was depressed. He didn't know why he wanted to laugh so much. He used a lot of energy to hold it.

When he opened his eyes again, he stared at her straight away. His thin lips opened and closed, and he clearly spat out five words: "baby, I'm wrong."

The attitude is too sincere.


It seems that no matter which time he says this, she will have no choice.

Luyuanyuan felt that her anger was gone.But the shelf can't be put down so soon.

She pursed her lips, put her hand on her side and pulled the edge of her skirt. She decided to give him a step and asked slowly, "then you say What's wrong with you? "

"You shouldn't have given me your number." He answered quickly.

“……” In fact, this is not the most important.

Luyuanyuan reached for his hair, but he didn't use much strength, "think again."

Huh? Not this one?

Su Lin frowned and said, "shouldn't you satirize your feudalism?"

“…… It's still a little bit close. "

He really couldn't think of it, so he simply admitted his mistake: "I shouldn't want you to have a baby with me?"

Lu Yuan Yuan???

What kind of brain circuit is this person?

Why is everything about having children?

Su Lin looked at the little girl friend's face mixed with complexity and anger, and suddenly put a warm touch on her ear, and then - the force was lifted up.

She grabbed his ear, don't know is not angry, cheeks are red, voice is also with unprecedented anger: "you call me a fool! Have you forgot? You scolded so many words

Su Lin

Su Lin suddenly realized.

He racked his brains just now, but he didn't remember this.

"I'm wrong, honey," he said. "I'm a fool."

Luyuanyuan relaxed her hand and felt much more comfortable.

The previous apologies were all in a mess

She cleared her throat and thought it was over. Unexpectedly, someone apologized and said that she was addicted.

"I'm a fool, baby," he said, with his chin resting on her clavicle, and his pitiful expression. The light in his eyes flashed, and his head seemed to move like two invisible ears. His voice was very low, and he asked, "are you still angry?"


Luyuanyuan swallowed.

No Don't be angry.

On the contrary, I think he is so rare Good Lovely!

She put her two hands on Su Lin's hair, looked at the soft hair, grabbed two, and quickly rubbed it. His hair was in a mess, which seemed to be more beautiful.

Lu Yuanyuan looked at him and blushed. His eyes floated from his face to other places: "I'm not angry..."

“…… Really? "


He seemed relieved.

Then, the hand that had been honestly placed on her waist began to move, and her attention was recaptured. Facing him with a smile, the corner of her lips tilted up, "then give the big fool a kiss, OK?"

“…… You call yourself an addict It's not a good name.

"Well," he nodded naturally, "it's my own punishment tonight."


Self punishment

She couldn't help laughing. After laughing, she grabbed his ear and said, "what are you talking about?"

Su Lin also does not care, clinging to the problem just now, chin rubbed her skin, "want to kiss you."

"Then..." She put her arm around his shoulder and supported him on the back of his head. Her head dropped slowly and her voice was very low Just a moment. "

Of course, it's impossible to do it just once.

After Su Lin touched her lips, he had a posture of not letting go. His hand also fell down and touched her calf under her skirt.

His hands had thin cocoons in some places. When he crossed the inside of his knees, his skin trembled unconsciously, and a numbness went straight to the top of his head.

Lu Yuan Yuan closed his eyes and hit cleverly. He moved his legs uneasily.

He didn't move any more.

After that, her lips were numb. Although she learned to breathe now, she still felt a little dizzy.

Luyuanyuan put his forehead against his neck socket to gasp.

Because close, can feel his face slightly side over, hot air blowing to her ear: "I am a big fool, my garden is a fairy."

Lu Yuan Yuan was stunned for a moment. He hugged him tightly and put him on the ground. The height difference returned to the original state.

She looked up at the way he was smiling. Before she could respond to his last sentence, she heard him say, "big fool likes fairies."

After kissing, his lips were bent, and his voice was low and dumb, which was extremely attractive.


Su Lin looked at the little girl with satisfaction, her eyes suddenly widened, and she could see in the night that her white face turned red little by little.

He reached for her tiny earlobe.

Well, it's hot.

With a smile, he lowered his head, slightly lowered his upper body, and wanted to pull her hand. Suddenly, his face was cold and touched by something.It's not only cool, it's soft, it's moist.

He just kissed her. Her lips.

Su Lin suddenly stopped and looked up at her.

The little girl was blushing and didn't hide a pair of clear deer eyes. She looked at him like a little clear spring, which came into people's heart and washed it all at once. She blinked. She was so close that he could feel the wind from her long eyelashes.

His stunned appearance reflected in her eyes, she laughed, and the small dimple on the right appeared.

The evening breeze of summer, the smell of trees.

There is also the fragrance of milk on the girl's body and the kiss mark on her cheek.

She opened her mouth in a soft voice, and added some other emotions on purpose, gently and sweet.

"Fairies like big fools, too."