"You may go and enjoy your time until the 3rd phase of the Hunter Exam at 8am tomorrow."

YAY! We can go do whatever we want.

I look around for Killua and Gon but they're gone.

I go around the blip to look for them.

No one's P.O.V

Tonpa goes over to Kurapika and Leorio. They're sitting on the floor, looking tired.

"I don't think you should be going to sleep. What if they were lying and the exam starts before 8am?"

Kurapika and Leorio exchange looks.

Tonpa walks away knowing he has achieved his goal…or so he thought.

Back to Freeze Kill's POV

I'm passing through corridors and opening doors and running and getting tired and impatient.

Finally, after some time of looking, I find them sitting next to one of the windows of the blip.

I breathe.

I walk over to them and say politely, "Excuse me, but, may I join you?"

Killua and Gon look at me. Killua narrows his eyes.

"Sure." Gon smiles.


I sit on the floor facing both of them.

Killua raises an eyebrow.

"Why are you sitting on the floor?" He asks.

He actually spoke to me ^_^.


I stop.

A gush of air had just passed behind me. Might that be…?

I turn my head to the right and find Netero pretending to walk towards us.

Nice try Netero-san, but you can't fool us.

"Ne, did you see anyone come from that way?" Gon asks Netero while pointing the opposite way.

Killua is observing.

"That's a nice trick, old man." He says coldly.

"Thank you." Netero beams.

Eye stare Game!




"Why are you here anyway?" I ask, eventually.

"I was getting bored." Netero replies.

-Another game of eye stare-

"Want to play a game?" Netero questions.

"Sure","Ok","Yeah" where mine, Killua's and Gon's answers.

"Then follow me." Netero turns around and walks off.