I'm telling Netero my secret that I'm holding from everyone.
~Theme Song~
~ Fighting evil by moonlight~
~Winning love by daylight~
~Never running from a real fight~
~She is the one named…~
Sailor Moon Opening
Killua and Gon tries to get the ball away
After a few minutes, no luck
Killua gets angry? (Don't really remember the right word…oh right - triggered -)
He goes out of the room
Gon tries to make Netero use his left arm and right leg (or vice versa)
At the end succeeds/does it.
Passes out because of exhaustion
I call Netero over.
I ask him if he can keep secrets.
He nods.
~End of flashback~
"I'm…from another world." I say anxiously.
"Really?" Netero looks at me, shocked.
I shake my head up and down.
Netero plays with his beard while he thinks.
"How did you get here?" He asks eventually.
"I don't know. One minute, I'm in my world and the next, I'm in yours." I say.
Netero thinks some more.
"Do you want to go back?" Netero asks me.
I poder the question in my mind.
Do I really want to go back? How am I going to get back? Can I stay here forever? Will I be able to go on this Journey with the main 4 Protagonists?
"No." Is my only answer.
"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me."
I smile and then my eyes close half-way down. Guess I'm tired. Well, it is 2 o'clock in the morning. I lay down on the bench and go into heavenly sleep.
Next time on 'My Journey of Hunter x Hunter'…
It's the 3rd Phase of the Hunter Exam. Who do we meet again? Tonpa!? And Kurapika and Leorio too? Oh boi!
Episode 11- Prisoners of the Tower.