Chapter 11

Qin Yiling leaned his back against the broken wall, and his tight body relaxed a lot. The consequence of relaxation was that he felt hungry.

After opening the suitcase, Qin Yiling took out a packet of compressed biscuits and chewed them. Fortunately, she kept one hand and filled several packets of compressed biscuits, a box of dark chocolate and a pot of glucose water.

These are foods that can quickly help the body replenish energy. She has long known the rules of the "time and space tunnel", so she estimated that she would find someone in two days, so she didn't bring much food.

If you exceed the estimated time, use local materials or sell jewelry for money.

'Goo Goo Goo ~'

Suddenly there was a sound of hunger, which was particularly prominent in the quiet broken temple.

Qin Yiling's action of eating biscuits stopped. Before she had time to be embarrassed, several belly cooing voices rang out one after another.

Well, it's embarrassing.

She lifted her eyes and looked at everyone in the room. No, it was the biscuits in her hand.

What are you doing?

Can you make her have a biscuit happily?

Just a cookie. As for looking at yourself like this? Did she come to a world of famine?

Since she came to the world, all the people she met were refugees. She didn't know whether the world was poor or the geographical area where she happened to be was poor.

She is eager to know everything about the world, but it's not right now.

The other party is a group of people, and she is alone. Although she can win by force, if she rashly asks them for some common sense problems that everyone knows in their opinion, isn't it a matter for others to tell them directly that she has a problem!

Unless she kills them all, the dead will not leave any problems, but she is not an indifferent killer and has no inclination to kill at any time.

If you want to inquire about information, you should also conduct it one-on-one in private, and pretend to be casual. You can't let people notice what you don't know.

Qin Yiling quickly sorted out his thoughts in his mind, but slowly took out the Swiss knife in his hand and casually played with it in his hand.

The Swiss knife with the knife seal removed has a cold flash on the whole body and a sharp edge. It is not an ordinary knife at first sight.

The people's eyes came back, and several timid people shrunk their necks and bowed their heads. They didn't dare to stare at each other anymore, for fear that the sharp knife would pierce their eyes the next second.

Several men were also surprised by Qin Yiling's sudden move. They really didn't expect that a small and clever girl would dare to play with a sharp dagger at will.

Such a move was really inconsistent with her appearance, so it surprised them.

It seems that this little girl is not simple.

Qin Yiling saw that the people converged their eyes and slightly hooked the corners of her mouth. Then she happily continued to chew cookies and drink glucose water. Although she was not an innocent, cold and heartless person, she was not the kind of virgin who was overflowing with kindness at any time.

Her dry food is limited. Even if she doesn't give them enough, it may cause public anger. Looking at their hot eyes staring at their biscuits is enough to show how tempting food is to them.