Chapter 58

Because of this rumor, it has greatly brought him a lot of convenience and left him enough private space to do something he is interested in.


Yan Zhongqing listened to the introduction of his nephew and grandson. He was puzzled and felt that there was something strange about it.

With the relationship between him and his cousin, he will tell himself what's important in their family, but now Ze boy suddenly has a fiancee, and he doesn't know it at all.


But now the occasion is wrong. He doesn't want to dismantle the stage in public. Even if he has doubts, he has to ask in private.

"I see! Miss Qin, you've worked hard all the way. Now that you've come to our famous mountain village, you should consider it your own home. Don't be polite and restrained. Let Yan Ze take you back to have a rest first, and then come back to Grandpa's house for dinner later."

Qin Yiling smiled, "thank you, Grandpa."

The old village head Yan Zhongqing doesn't study deeply, but it doesn't mean that some gossip women don't gossip.

"Oh, Ze boy, where did your daughter-in-law come from? Why don't big guys know." Widow Zhou shouted excitedly.

Naturally, Gouzi Niang would not miss the opportunity to gossip. "Yes, this girl is so white and tender. She looks like a girl in the city. It's strange that she is willing to come to our remote mountain village."

"Yes, if you have an engagement, why didn't you say it earlier? It's immoral for you to hook up with other girls in the village, Yan Ze." Li Da's mouth echoed, and his words were full of malice.

These three women are a famous group of three in the village, because they all have the same hobbies. They usually cheat and play slippery. They also like to talk about people's rights and wrongs everywhere. They go wherever they have something to do. They also like to eavesdrop on the corners of the villagers. They are the most disliked gossip women in the village.

In short, no matter what happens in the village, there is their shadow.

Yan Ze said calmly, "my fiancee belongs to my brother in the court. My cousin married Dongshan a long time ago. When I was seven years old, under the witness of my grandfather, the two families decided to marry.

The reason why I didn't mention it in the early years was that my cousin moved home and lost contact. I couldn't shout everywhere, so I had to inquire in private. I just received the news from my cousin some time ago.

Anyway, since the two families are engaged, I naturally have to abide by my promise. For some people who want to marry, my attitude is very clear. I have never promised anyone.

Yan Zexing sat upright and never got close to any girl. Even if I saw it, I avoided it from afar. Why did I hook someone? "

"So it is. No wonder."

"I said, Yan Ze is a good guy. How can he be a nemesis."

"I think it's probably that some people are angry and make rumors."

"Ze boy is right. I have seen him avoid the girls in the village many times."

"Li Dazui, your mouth is really wicked."

Yan Ze's words explained all the doubts of the villagers, and even eliminated the rumors of these years.

This is killing two birds with one stone.

The dog's mother was unconvinced and retorted with her neck sticking. "It's impossible. If you had already decided to kiss, why didn't your father and stepmother know?"

Hearing the speech, Yan Ze's eyes suddenly sank, and the corners of his mouth were filled with cold.

"My mother made the marriage for me. They are also worthy of me. They can't intervene in my business. My Lord also knows this. Only because I was young at that time and didn't contact my cousin, I didn't publicize it."