Chapter 63

Yan Zhongyi and his wife had only one son. Because of the only birth, he also left his body with the root of the disease and wound his bed for more than ten years. After his son decided to marry, he died of illness.

Their son's name is Yan Yaozong, which means that he hopes to honor his family and become a better person than his father.

However, the moral is beautiful, but man is a useless thing.

For this reason, Yan Zhongyi was full of remorse and remorse. He was secretly annoyed that he had not educated his son well. If he hadn't focused most of his energy on industry, he wouldn't have ignored his son's growth.

When he reacted, Yan Yaozong's character had already become qualitative and developed a dandy who didn't know how to make progress and only knew how to enjoy himself.

No matter how useless such a son is, he still has to hand over the family property to him, but Yan Zhongyi is worried about his son. He just wants to find a good wife to help him and urge him to make progress.

It seems that he finally fell in love with the eldest daughter of shopkeeper Liu Da, who works in his shop: Liu Xiaowan.

Liu Xiaowan learned arithmetic and accounting with her father when she was a child. She played the abacus very smoothly. Not only that, Liu Xiaowan also ran the housework. She was a good hand at home and abroad.

In this era, there are not many women like Liu Xiaowan. Ordinary families may think that such women are too strong and appear in public, but Yan Zhongyi's ideas are different.

He believes that the Yan Family lacks such a housewife.

Therefore, when Yan Yaozong was 16 years old, he was ordered to marry Liu Xiaowan.

Yan Zhongyi likes and values this daughter-in-law very much. He wants his son to marry early. He also hopes that his son can be stable and sensible after he gets married.

Unfortunately, Yan Yaozong doesn't like women like Liu Xiaowan at all, because this woman is too dignified and rigid in her words and deeds, and always talks about ethics.

What he likes is a gentle and charming woman, not a gorgeous and threatening type like Liu Xiaowan. In addition, the other party is one year older than him and has a constant preaching and rigid temperament. He often talks about some progressive words in his ear, which makes him extremely bored.

In addition, Liu Xiaowan is very independent, listens to his father's words, and controls the financial power of the family. When he needs money, he has to ask her for it.

Every expense has to be explained without saying the source, without looking for a lot of reasons, and will not give him money to use, which makes the young master who grew up being held by others feel very embarrassed.

But there was a father pressing on it. He was no longer convinced and did not dare to vent his anger on Liu Xiaowan.

After Liu Xiaowan gave birth to a child, this dislike reached its peak. He didn't like to go home and often drank and played with his three or five friends.

This relationship lasted for three years. Yan Yaozong didn't want to come back once if it wasn't for his family's industry and his father's dignity.

This situation finally changed when Yan Ze was four years old.

Yan Yaozong once defiled a girl's innocence when he was drunk. The woman's family came to the door to ask for an explanation. This is not the most angry.

The most angry thing is that Yan Yaozong did something wrong. He was not ashamed of his first wife. Instead, he clamored to marry the girl as a flat wife. He kept saying that he liked each other very much and didn't marry unless he did.

Yan Zhongyi has always adhered to the principle of being honest and responsible, and being honest and trustworthy in business. In this life, he can say that he has a clear conscience, but his son is a evil obstacle.