Chapter 232

Hearing this, Qin Yiling touched Yan Ze with his elbow and hurried excitedly, "brother, it's your turn to perform."

Yan Ze chuckled, and then calmly walked into the backyard from the small door.

"I don't recognize this contract. Who signed it? Who will go? This middle court is the property left to me by my grandfather. How can you take it away."

With that, he also took out a document from his clothes, with the seal of the new government and the village on it.

"I passed Ming Road in the middle court. It will take effect only if I sign it myself. Therefore, brother, whoever signs, you will ask for the house. I don't care about other yards, but you can't move the middle court.

If you have to be counted together, I'm not afraid to go to the new government with you. It's sealed. I'm not afraid of going anywhere. "

Gao Wei took a deep look in his eyes, "what you said is also reasonable. Our businessmen also pay great attention to honesty and reputation. Since your house deed has passed Minglu, I naturally can't do anything again.

But Yan Yaozong signed the whole house at that time. Now the area of the house is less than half. Let him deduct it with money. Do you think this arrangement is OK? "

Yan Ze nodded, "no problem. Do what you should do. I have no right to intervene."

Hearing this, Yan Xixi jumped anxiously. She pulled her eldest brother out not to let him get rid of the relationship. If he didn't help, what would they do?

"Brother, you also said that this is the house left by grandpa. How can others take it for themselves? Brother, if you have money, you might as well lend some to us first. When you have money, we'll pay you back."

Yan Ze raised a sneer, "I just need to keep the middle yard left by my grandfather. Even if I can afford him, I'm powerless for others.

In terms of money, how can I compare with your family? When grandpa left, more than half of the Yan Family's property was distributed to you, and I accounted for 30% at most.

Besides, dad also runs such a large cloth shop, and the daily income splashes into your pockets like running water. As we all know, there is only a small grocery store, and the daily income is barely enough to support the family. So, where did I get the money? "

The onlookers couldn't stand it and held grievances for Yan Ze one after another.

"It's shameless, isn't it? At the beginning, all the benefits were occupied by your family, but now it's appropriate to ask Azer for money?"

"Some people, I'm afraid their skin is thicker than the wall."

"I remember that the old man divided your family. Azer is two people with you. Don't you have the obligation to bear the debt for you?"

"Yes, they are separated. Yan Ze has to take care of them! The most is to assume the obligation of providing for the aged with Yan Yuan when Yan Yaozong is old."

"Is this a family that bullies Ze boy by relying on many people?"


When Yan Xixi heard the villagers' accusations, his face turned red and his high ambition suddenly disappeared.

Yan Xiangxiang, standing behind the door, was annoyed. Her eldest sister was so useless that she could destroy good chess pieces.

No, they must not be driven out. This house is the last guarantee of their family and their last dignity and pride.

If their yard is taken away, their family will really become a big joke.

At this moment, she began to resent her useless father.

She knew from an early age that her own father didn't have much ability, but fortunately, she had a capable grandfather who could leave a large amount of property for their family to live. Therefore, if she didn't have any ambition, she wouldn't have it. Anyway, the family didn't lack food and drink.

But now, she's really complaining about such a useless father. She's really unlucky for eight years.

Yan Xiangxiang's brain is running fast. If he wants to find a way to solve the current dilemma, the rear must be held.

Suddenly, with a flash of inspiration, she quickly walked out.

"There is also a cloth shop and shop in our family, which are valuable. The business is very good and we can make a lot of money every day. We give you the cloth shop. Although the house looks big, it is built in the countryside. It is not convenient to buy anything in the city.

But the Buzhuang shop is different. It is in Anju Town, but also in the South Street of the rich area. The geographical location is very good. No matter what business you do, the business is absolutely good. "

A flash of light flashed in Gao Wei's eyes. The little girl didn't look very big, but her brain was very easy to use. It's a pity!

"You would say that if I could have such a cloth shop, I naturally don't want this house. I have to catch a carriage for an hour. It's really some trouble."

Hearing this, Yan Xiangxiang was happy and thought that the other party had been persuaded by his own family.

Frankly speaking, she really doesn't know how much money the cloth shop in the town makes a day, and she doesn't know how good the business is, because her father never allowed their girl's family to interfere in business affairs.

What she said just now, she completely fooled the other party, hoping that the other party could give up the house.

After all, if the shop is gone, they can start again. If their house is taken away, it's not a question of whether they can start again.

It's about the face of their family.

Zhao mei'e finally reacted a little when she heard this. She didn't want to be driven out of her house when she was old.

That really wants to die.

When she heard her little daughter's proposal, she also agreed, which is the best solution at present.

Yan Ze has a house deed over there. They can't involve him at all. Secondly, they have indeed separated, otherwise the old man wouldn't have divided so much property to them.

Gao Wei suddenly smiled and said coldly, "unfortunately, your cloth shop has changed owners long ago. I just want to, and I can't come!"

Seeing that the mother and daughter looked like thunder, Gao Wei pretended to be ignorant and deliberately asked, "don't you know if it's difficult? Your cloth shop has long been mortgaged to others by Yan Yaozong. I also made a special inquiry. It seems that the new owner's surname is Zhao and his full name is Zhao Shoufu."

"God damn Yan Yaozong!!"

Zhao mei'e shook her body and roared. Her facial features were twisted because of extreme anger, and the whole person was in a state of mental collapse.

This time, before Zhao Meie fainted, Yan Xiangxiang was so angry that he fell to the ground with a thud.

Yan Xixi's state was not much better. Although he didn't faint, the whole person was like his soul out of the body and sat down on the ground.