Chapter 234

However, the Xiao family is not vegetarian, and it is impossible to let the Zhao family make trouble. Moreover, Xiao Dafu got the news that Zhao Shoufu found someone to make trouble in the house in the county, and the goods disappeared.

It must have been their diversion. They found a group of people to hold the attention of people in the front yard, and then another group of people transferred the goods from the back yard.

Maybe Zhao Shoufu bribed the people on duty and cooperated with others.

Now, in order to cover up his crime, he threw the pot on him and wanted to bear all the losses and responsibilities. If this matter gets bigger, maybe he will change his position as the richest man in an Ju town.

It's a vicious move. It's just confusing black and white.

Xiao Dafu was so angry that he directly asked someone to beat Zhao Shoufu up and threw him in the street.

When Zhao Shoufu was sent back to the Zhao family, the Zhao family knew what had happened.

At this moment, the Zhao family felt that the sky had collapsed.

They never participated in the family business from beginning to end. They only knew that Zhao Shoufu was in partnership with Xiao Dafu and invested a sum of money.

But they didn't know that they had invested all their wealth.

After Zhao Shoufu woke up, he was even more unconvinced. He was cruel in his heart and gave birth to a lot of resentment.

Since the Xiao family is so unkind and doesn't want him to feel better, they can't feel better. The Xiao family wants to swallow the goods and monopolize the industry. It's not so good.

Therefore, Zhao Shoufu began to fight back, launched a means of revenge, and determined to dismount the rashow family.

While he was looking for someone to spread the news that the smoke was out of stock and incite the smokers to make trouble, at the same time, he also looked for someone to disclose some channels and handles about the Xiao family to the enemies of the Xiao family, let them fall into the well and take the opportunity to divide up the Xiao family.

In two days, the bustle of Anju town never stopped. Gossip scandals broke out one after another, and the people of the town were eating melons and watching plays every day.

At this time, another amazing news broke out in the town.

Smoking cigarettes killed people!!

Big smoke will not only control people's mind and make people look like no people or ghosts, but also once the big smoke is broken, smokers will have an attack of smoking addiction. At that time, they will be out of control, just like losing their mind and crazy, and even do some things that hurt others and themselves.

More serious, it will die directly!

The news set off an uproar in Anju Town, and the whole Anju town exploded.

It's not smoking. It's killing people!

Now the people of the whole town can't eat melons and watch the play calmly. This matter is related to their own safety. You know, there are many people who like smoking in Anju town.

If all these people have attacks and run crazy in the street, it's OK!

It was also at this time that many family members who had smoked heavily found that there was something wrong with the people around them, and the tobacco shop was out of stock at this time.

Originally, many smokers were still waiting in line in the smoking room for the arrival of new goods. As a result, they were worried when they heard the news that the goods were out of stock. Some smokers who were addicted to smoking and didn't smoke heavily depended directly on the smoking room.

When the news came out that smoking would kill people, these smokers suddenly went crazy, and their chaotic brain finally clearly realized how serious the consequences were.

Thinking that they might die soon, many smokers angrily smashed the cigarette shop, followed by the Xiao family to ask for advice.

There are even people looking for the Xiao family to pay for their lives!!

You know, those who can smoke a lot are definitely people with a little family background in Anju Town, and many people are still the backbone of the family. When something like this happens, the whole family can't sit still.

After all, this is about human life, but it's not fun. It's unacceptable for a good person to lose his life in such a oppressive way.

If you can buy big smoke, it's OK. At least you can drag your life. But I heard that big smoke is not only expensive, but also difficult to buy.

Not even the smoking room is out of stock!

What does this mean? It means that all people who have smoked a lot will die.

In addition, in the process, you may lose your mind and do some crazy things, that is, you can't even die happily. You have to suffer a period of torture and die through consultation.

Such behavior is so angry.

For a moment, the whole Anju town was out of control. Even the local squire and the mayor couldn't hold it down. There were too many people involved.

When one person has an accident, the whole family is still less dispatched, and some even relatives in law and abroad are dispatched.

In less than half a day, the whole street was full of people, with people shouting the slogan "blood for blood.".

This matter is so big that there must be some unruly people who are purely making trouble and want to make some benefits under this banner.

Of course, everyone makes trouble, but they don't dare to do some things that hit homes and steal houses and affect innocent people. They are mainly aimed at the smoking room and the person in charge behind the smoking room.

As one of the bosses of the smoke house, the Zhao family was not spared from the storm. The door of the Zhao family's courtyard was smashed directly, and I don't know who started it. Many people rushed into the Zhao family to smash and rob the Zhao family.

By the time the responsible squire arrived, the troublemakers had heard the news and fled.

It's useless for the Zhao family to cry. The injuries and dizziness of the family are extremely embarrassing.

However, this is not the worst. The creditors of Zhao Shoufu's mortgage house also came to the door. Now the Zhao family couldn't afford to pay, and finally they were ruthlessly driven out by the creditors.

So, Zhao Shoufu's family ran away with a simple burden like a mouse across the street and hid back in their old yard. The Xiao family on the other side is not much better.

Originally, the reputation of the Xiao family in Anju town was not good. The Xiao Wanjin brothers and sisters have done a lot of evil things in recent years. This time, many people who have been bullied by the Xiao family have also mixed into the troublemakers, hoping to take this opportunity to vent their evil spirit.

If you don't retaliate at this time, when will you stay?

The Xiao family had money, and the house hired many guards and thugs, because they couldn't rush into the Xiao family's yard, but they blocked the front and rear doors of the Xiao family, so that they had no way to escape.


At the same time, the shops and industries of the Xiao family in Anju town have been suppressed by all parties, the channels of internal cooperation have changed, and there are problems in the supply of goods.

Externally, many people in the town boycotted Xiao's products, and many families of smoke victims ran to the shop to make trouble, causing shops to close one after another to ensure safety.