Chapter 255

On the other hand, Zhao Shuangxi and others divided into four directions and began to knock door-to-door.

"Get up quickly, the bandits are coming! The bandits are in the village. Don't sleep!"

"Hurry up, old and children, women and children, go to the ancestral hall to avoid. The men copy a self-defense guy."


Several people shouted as they knocked at the door, worried that they would not wake up the people in the room. After all, this time is the best time to sleep, so they can only make some movement as much as possible.

But thinking of Yan Ze's advice, they didn't dare to make the movement too big. They were worried that they would be detected by the bandits and kill them regardless, and the scene would be completely chaotic.

It was while sleeping soundly that they were suddenly awakened by the sound of smashing the door. Everyone had an unknown fire in their hearts. However, when they heard the noise outside, the people in the room were stupid.

"Well, son, can you hear what's yelling outside?"

"It seems that bandits have entered the village?"

"It's impossible. Why did the bandits come to the countryside?"

"Don't be wordy. Hurry up. Whether it's true or false, go out and have a look first!"


"Take the quilt, put the grain into the basket, take some clothes, and bring the two hens in the yard..."

"Oh, my mother, don't worry about those. The bandits are coming. Let's hurry to the ancestral hall!"

"These are all life-saving things in our family. Can we give them to the bandits without taking them?"

"Then we must save our lives before we have life to enjoy. Mom, don't do it. It's too late!"

"Oh, don't pull me. My hen hasn't taken it yet ~"


"Dog day, those people are full and have nothing to do. What are we rural people doing?"

"Don't scold, run quickly and go to the ancestral temple. The person who just informed us told us to gather in the ancestral temple!"

"Damn bandit stick, it's hard to die. Even our mud legs won't let go!"


Although there were different reactions and even doubts and doubts in their hearts, in the end, they quickly gathered towards the ancestral hall with the mentality of "not afraid of ten thousand, just in case".

Yan Zhongqing, with his two sons and daughter-in-law, is responsible for counting the number of people in the ancestral hall to see if anyone is missing.

At this time, Yan Ze and Zhou Yong stood outside the gate of the ancestral hall, gathering all the young and middle-aged men in the village. Fortunately, everyone still had a sense of prevention and took one or two weapons as instructed.

"Village head, no, the bandits are coming ~! They are coming to our village!"

A middle-aged man rushed over with messy steps.

Just a few minutes ago, he was dozing off when he suddenly heard the sound of horse hoofs not far away.

The sound of horse hoofs is very thick, and I feel it echoing one after another. The movement is particularly clear in the early morning at this time.

The man on duty suddenly dozed off and realized that something was wrong, because there seemed to be a lot of horses listening to the sound of hoofs.

Therefore, the man on duty quickly ran out of the village to check the situation through the faint moonlight. As a result, he didn't run far. He saw a huge team coming not far away. He was so frightened that he immediately turned around and ran to the village.

Fortunately, it was still dark, and the movement of the man on duty running back was not noticed.

The man ran to the village desperately. He couldn't even care if his shoes ran away. He had to hurry to inform the old village head.

Some time ago, the old village head told everyone to prevent bandit unrest. Unexpectedly, the bandits really came!!

However, when he ran into the village, he found that everyone went out one after another and ran in the direction of the ancestral hall.

So he immediately reacted and followed him to the ancestral hall.

Yan Ze looked cold. "Villagers, we must guard the entrance of the village, or our family will suffer."


Dozens of men responded in unison, looking a little nervous, but their eyes were very firm.

Because they have no choice!

Even if everyone is uneasy and even worried, this moment is no longer a matter of whether they are afraid or not.

No matter how timid they are, they have to harden their scalp.

If they don't try their best to stop it, their losses will only be worse. The whole village will suffer. Don't think your family can get away with it.

Those people are bandits, a group of robbers who burn, kill and loot. They have no human morality. They want more than food and money. If they break in, the women in their village will be dangerous.

That's a scene they can't stand, so they must fight hard to stop or even fight!

So Yan Ze and Zhou Yong rushed to the entrance of the village with a group of people.

Just a group of people came in on horseback, and the posture was particularly arrogant!

"Oh, hey! It's good. It's alert enough. I didn't expect this small mountain village to have a sense of preparedness. It reacted so quickly!"

The man sitting on the horse, looking at a large group of rural men coming out of the village, couldn't help but praise.

When so many of them were on their way, the movement could not be very small. The closer they were to the village, the easier they were to be detected, but to his surprise, these people reacted so quickly.

Looking at the posture, I must have noticed for a while, otherwise I wouldn't have called people up so soon.

If they didn't make a temporary decision and sneaked in at night, otherwise he would doubt whether these villagers knew their plan long ago.

But obviously impossible!

Their original plan was to go to a small town in the north. It is said that there are several rich landlords in that town, so they are ready to take advantage of everyone's immersion in the festive atmosphere, take advantage of the weak and rob!

But two days ago, they robbed a group of teams in the countryside. One of the girls revealed a message to them in exchange for their lives.

After careful inquiry, they were moved.

If they can have an infallible robbery target, or a way to reduce the loss of their team, they are certainly not willing to fight with their lives.

Although they are outlaws, they still cherish their lives. If they can live longer, they naturally want to live longer.

Every time they rob, they gamble with their lives. They will still suffer some damage. It's not that they can be invincible and unharmed without fear of death.

So, after some discussion, they made this decision temporarily: turn the horse head and rob Mingshan village!

In order to catch the other party unprepared, they specially chose the early morning after the end of the year. This is the easiest time to relax their vigilance. When they are still sleeping, they can surround the whole village.