Chapter 351

On the other hand, Yan Ze, who is also suffering, is not used to his side without a lot of company.

Fortunately, in the first two days of separation, I have been on my way nonstop, and I don't have much time to miss the people in my heart.

Early in the morning of the third day, the team arrived near Daxi county. Yan Ze asked the team to rectify and rest on the spot, sort out their equipment and be ready to fight at any time.

"Monkey, go ahead and find out if there are any suspicious people?"

Yan Ze ordered the little monkey eating pastries around him to inquire about the enemy. No one in their team could match the little monkey.

After all, people's body shape goal is too big, even if they are careful, they are easy to be found.

The animals are different. Even if someone finds them, it will not have any impact, because the world will not pay attention to some small animals every day, and there is no defense at all.

"Zhi ~" the little monkey jumped away happily holding the cake.

Yan Ze sat and ate some dried meat, drank a can of Red Bull and refreshed himself. Yes, all the materials he used along the way were prepared by his daughter-in-law alone.

In the words of his daughter-in-law, these materials are all foods with high heat content, which can quickly supplement body water and physical fitness, and refresh the mind.

Soon, the little monkey came back.

"Squeak ~"


Then, one person and one monkey stared at each other with big eyes and silly eyes!

Monkey; "Brother, can you understand monkey language?"

Yan Ze: "brother, what are you talking about?"

At this moment, Yan Ze couldn't cry or laugh. His daughter-in-law had thousands of calculations, but he forgot that he wasn't her and didn't understand the language between animals at all.

He is used to his daughter-in-law around, and he is used to seeing his daughter-in-law command the monkey to talk about intelligence, and then come back to report.

So he did it directly. As a result, at this moment, he realized the communication problem.

Yan Ze pressed his temple and quickly stopped the little monkey's squeaking. He couldn't understand how happy it was.

What a headache!

"Little monkey, don't cry first. Let me ask you a question, will you answer?"


Yan Ze; "Is there a suspicious crowd nearby? You should call once if you have one, or twice if you don't."



So, one person and one monkey communicate slowly in such a clumsy way.

Fortunately, the little monkey is really smart. He can fully understand Yan Ze's questions and cooperate with him to report things.

If the little monkey can't understand Yan Ze's meaning, everything will be done in vain.

Although this method takes some time, it can explain things clearly at least.

More than ten minutes later, Yan Ze couldn't help but breathe out a deep breath, which was more tiring than beating people.

"Dayong, let them come."

Next, Yan Ze told the current situation with six chief soldiers and the nursing team.

I learned from the little monkey that there is a mountain 1000 meters away. There are a group of people living on the mountain. Through the analysis of the information collected by the little monkey, it should be bandits.

There are about 200 people in the stronghold. Everyone is sleeping. Only a few women were cooking breakfast

The big head patted his thigh excitedly, "this is a good time!"

"Yes, let's start now and catch them by surprise." Biao Zi was also very excited. Even the company commander's knife was raised and looked like he was going to rush over immediately.

Qian slam followed the analysis, "it is estimated that those people usually get up late, so they are not prepared at all."

Old Huang sneered, "I see, they never thought that someone would bring a regiment to attack them."

"I guess so. It's a good time for us to come." Daniel smiled with excitement in his eyes.

The river asked directly, "boss, what do you say?"

So they all looked at Yan Ze and waited for his orders.

Of course, Yan Ze also knows that now is a good time to attack, but how to catch all at once, this must be finalized first.

"I took the Stormtrooper team up the mountain and the crossbow team surrounded the mountain. You must not miss a mountain bandit. The guard team will follow the crossbow team to stand by at the foot of the mountain. Once something happens, you will immediately participate in the rescue.

As for the nursing team and the logistics team, we'll stand by in place. After we clean up the mountain bandits, you'll come and meet again. Remember, we'll catch the bandits alive this time, except for those who strongly resist or don't cooperate. "

"I see!" The crowd responded in unison.

Yan Ze Shen ran, "OK, everybody take your place and get ready. Take action in five minutes."



At this time, more than 20 simple wooden houses were built on the mountain. The wooden houses were surrounded into a semicircle, with a large open space in the middle. The cottage gate was surrounded by a row of wooden fences, and the defense index was equal to No.

The whole cottage looked very peaceful. There were bursts of cooking smoke on the wooden roof. In the distant mountains and forests, there was a faint sound of birds. The sound of kitchen knives cutting on the kitchen board sounded again and again, very rhythmic.

Such a mountain scene is like a paradise. Who could have imagined that there would be a gang of evil bandits living here?

Yan Ze lurked around the stronghold smoothly with three stormtroopers. I don't know whether the bandits are too worried about being attacked, or whether their team is very lucky today. In short, they didn't even have a watchman all the way down the mountain to the nearby stronghold.

Yan Ze was lurking in the front. Seeing that the stronghold was still quiet at this time, it was obvious that the bandits were still sleeping. God also helped their army.

Yan Ze raised his hand and made a forward gesture.

Seeing this, the surrounding team members have taken down the hand wooden warehouse from their waist. As the assault team, they are the top players in the whole national army. They not only have good comprehensive physical quality, but also have the most outstanding skills and responsiveness.

Therefore, the weapons they are equipped with are also the most complete team in the whole team.

In the cottage kitchen, several women were making breakfast orderly. Everyone had a clear division of labor, so they kept silent and were busy with their work.

One of the slim and graceful women came up to a delicate looking woman with a low voice.

"Ruyue, are you going? If you don't go now, you won't have a chance ~"

Yesterday, the bandits went down the mountain. When they came back, they were all red and happy. They didn't sleep until midnight that night.

The bandits were happy and had a good time, but they suffered the women they served.

Such a dark day is simply unbearable.

At least she can't stand it.

The woman called Ruyue looked around in fear and was relieved to see that several other people didn't notice them.

"Qingqing, are you sure there is no guard outside?"

Wan Qingqing whispered, "really not. I'm sure. They all drank too much last night. Now they sleep like dead pigs."

Zhao Ruyue nodded nervously, "that's good."

So the two women pretended to be as normal and went out of the kitchen one after another.