Chapter 411

So the Zeling couple stayed in Yong'an County for another day.

"How many people are there in our army now?"

That night, Qin Yiling asked casually. Because she usually didn't pay too much attention to the affairs of the national army and didn't know how the current military strength was, she asked curiously.

Yan Ze said with a smile, "guess."

"Don't sell me off. I'll sleep if you don't tell me."

Qin Yiling didn't play the game "guess or not" with him. She turned her back to ignore him, but she heard a string of amazing figures coming from behind.

"27580 people."

Qin Yiling exclaimed, "so much?"

When the Chinese army was founded, there were only a few hundred people, and only about a thousand before the expedition. She thought that this trip would be about 10000 at most.

Unexpectedly, there are nearly 30000 people. This data is really amazing.

How long has their team been established?

At most, it's more than two months. In this way, the growth rate of their team is simply flying a plane.

It's so brave.

Yan Ze said, "this data is still small. Now we have six counties. How much does the total number add up? And what is the number of our army now? It hasn't reached the standard of one person for each household."

There are 16 major counties in the whole southwest region, and Chengdu is the capital city of Southwest China. It is also the ruler of Southwest China and the most powerful people.

Now the national government has won six counties, almost half of them, and there are still many townships under the five counties. All this adds up to a population of at least hundreds of thousands!

Such a comparison, the current number of Chinese troops is really nothing.

When they accepted the four counties, the number of their team was more than 1000. The people who signed up were mainly from the county. The reason why so many people suddenly increased depends on the villages and towns under the four counties.

In the days when they camped in Daxi County, people from the surrounding villages and towns poured into Daxi county to sign up for joining the national army.

Almost all of them sign up in towns. In one town, there are less than 400 or 500 people, and in more towns, there are even more than 1000 people. In total, there are 12 towns in the four counties, and there are villages below the towns. Finally, it can be imagined why the number of people has soared.

When they set out to return, the number of Chinese troops directly soared to nearly 20000. Along the way, they also received some scattered small teams, especially those who came from remote places to sign up. Together with the thousands of people in Yong'an County, they became today's national army.

Whether there will be a substantial increase in the short term depends on Gao Wei and them.

Qin Yiling was happy. "It seems that we have to continue to work hard and strive to let everyone participate."

"OK, let's work hard!"

The couple smiled at each other and hugged each other to sleep.


The next day, the Zeling couple returned to Anju town with a small part of 1000 people.

Accompanied by the Zhou family, they have been away from home for some time. Since they want to go back to Mingshan village, they must go back and have a look.

In addition, Zhao Shuangxi, who has been accompanying and taking care of Qin Yiling, has been separated for more than a month because his daughter followed Gao Wei's team.

This time she came back to see if her daughter was safe.

The affairs of Yong'an county are temporarily handed over to Dahe. As for the nursing team, Wen Chunying and several of them are there. Qin Yiling is quite relieved.

Because I'm going to the provincial capital after a while, I didn't move the big troops back to Anju town this time. Otherwise, I'd better let the big troops have a good rest in Yong'an County for a few days.

After they have explained the affairs of Anju town and Mingshan village, they will go to Yong'an county to meet with the large army, and finally collectively rush to the provincial capital.

Taking advantage of these recuperation days, the Chinese army and the nursing team can properly rectify the team and train new members. There is no need to waste time on the way back and forth.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the party finally arrived at Anju town.

As early as the figure of the car was found, the zhenkou guard sent someone to the office of the national government to report.

So when Zeling and his wife entered the reception hall, they were already waiting in the reception hall.

Qin Yiling has sharp eyes. As soon as he enters the reception hall, he sees Gao Wei who is injured.

"What's going on? Something happened on the way?"

She's still wondering these days. Some time ago, she received news from Gao Wei on their way back, and there's no news since.

So they also encountered an ambush?

Gao Wei sat in a chair. It was not that he was too big, but that his feet were injured and he was not suitable to stand and walk.

"I'm sorry, commander, madam. We're busy dealing with the sneak attack of the Wang family these days, so we didn't bother to pass the news to you."

Qin Yiling hissed, "did the Wang family send someone to attack Anju town?"

Hum, the Wangs have really made a lot of money this time. The soldiers are divided into three ways to deal with them. They can exploit loopholes. Are they dogs?