Chapter 507

Have they got together a museum of cultural relics?

I can't imagine holding a name I've heard before in her hand. This feeling can't be described as wonderful.

However, do you think that's all? That would be a big mistake.

Down the list, there are 30 boxes of precious wood carvings, all of which are famous precious wood, such as red sandalwood, ebony, rosewood, boxwood, golden Phoebe, camphor

The thirty boxes contained all kinds of small ornaments carved with precious wood and small objects to play with, such as Buddha statues, hand strings, small wooden screens, zodiac, wooden boxes, wooden combs and accessories Pendant

But these precious things only surprised the Zeling couple for a while. What really shocked the couple was the things in the last ten big boxes.

These ten boxes are obviously much more exquisite than other boxes, and several of them are much larger. However, Qin Yiling, who was busy saving people yesterday, had no time to take care of them, so he put them directly into the storage compartment.

The list of these ten boxes is listed separately, and it is specially circled by the Muyi people with a red pen. At the end, there is a scarlet letter slogan: 100% genuine!

If the previous items are precious and works of art with high cultural value, the next ten items can be called the treasure of the town and the country.

1. Siyang fangzun, the most outstanding work in the history of bronze casting, is also the largest and heaviest of all existing bronzes.

2. The picture of the river during the Qingming Festival, one of the famous paintings handed down in China, has the reputation of the first god painting in China.

3. Gou Jian's sword, the king of Yue, originated from the allusion of sleeping on firewood and tasting gall. It has the reputation of the first sword in the world.

4. Horse stepping on flying swallow has unshakable value in the antique industry.

5. Gold wisp jade clothes, a fine product of craft, are rare artistic treasures.

6. Agate cup with gold animal head is the only beautiful jade carving in the Tang Dynasty, and it is also the most exquisite jade carving in the Tang Dynasty.

7. Zeng Houyi chime bell, a large percussion instrument in ancient times, rewrites the history of world music and is called a rare treasure by Chinese and foreign experts and scholars.

8. The silver flower double wheel twelve ring tin staff, a masterpiece of gilding techniques in the prosperous Tang Dynasty and a treasure of Buddhist magic tools, can be called the "king of tin staff" in the world.

9. The silver pot with gilt dance horse's Cup pattern has a unique manufacturing process. It is the product of the combination of northern nomads and Central Plains culture. It is known as the witness of the culture of the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

10. Dayu is the jade carving handicraft with the most exquisite carving, the longest time, the most expensive cost and the most boldness of vision among the cultural relics and jades. It is also one of the largest jade carvings in the world.


After reading this special list, Qin Yiling was in a trance for a long time.

Before, she thought that worldly things such as gold, silver and jewelry could not bear the word "treasure", but now she was convinced!

Originally, the so-called treasures refer to these national treasure level cultural relics and works of art!!

It can indeed be called a treasure in culture. It is a treasure of spiritual civilization.

Yan Ze was also shocked. He had heard of some of these antique cultural relics in the book. After all, they were famous treasures of previous dynasties.

It's not too valuable to say, but he hasn't experienced the development of future generations, and he doesn't know the history of cultural relics being destroyed and plundered. In his eyes, these items are indeed popular antiques, but they are just objects to enjoy and play with.

Therefore, Yan Ze could not recognize the value and significance brought by these cultures. Naturally, it was not as profound and shocking as Qin Yiling.

"Is it amazing?"

Qin Yiling nodded fiercely. "These are national treasure level cultural relics. It's not too much to be world-class. Now we have them all at once. Do you think it feels mysterious?"

One of these ten national treasure level cultural relics is amazing. Now it is even together. Even later generations, she has never seen these ten cultural relics in the same frame.

Now she not only pretends to be together, but also the most deadly ones are in her hands. This rare scene makes her inexplicably have a funny feeling that she can summon the Dragon when she gets together.

It's incredible.

Seeing that his daughter-in-law still looked incredible, Yan Ze joked, "since it's so good, according to what you said before, we'll build a museum and exhibit all the good things we collected, so that the people all over the country can witness the style of these treasures."

"Good!" Qin Yiling said happily.

After reading the list of items, the couple began to put away their items and prepare to leave for home.

As a result, after the couple cleaned up, they found the baby leopard lying in a corner, scratching the ground with its claws. They didn't know what it was doing, but it seemed that it had been there for a long time.

"Little milk leopard, what are you doing?"

Qin Yiling shouted. When she was browsing the list, she took a casual glance. It seemed that the little milk leopard was in that small corner at that time.

It's been half an hour. Why are you still in that corner?

Is there anything good in that corner? Otherwise, how can you make the little milk leopard linger.

The little milk leopard didn't seem to hear the cry, and continued to dig the soil there with perseverance.

There was obviously something wrong with the situation, so the couple looked at each other and walked over together.

The little monkey joined up happily.

"Little milk leopard, what are you planing?"

Qin Yiling stretched out his neck and approached to ask, but because the baby milk leopard's body blocked his sight, the couple couldn't see what the baby milk leopard was doing for a moment.

Seeing the little milk leopard planing the soil, a lot of soil has been piled on its side.

The couple didn't ask much anymore. They directly crossed the baby leopard and stood on both sides of it. At this point, the couple finally found something wrong.

The baby leopard is not just playing with the earth, but there is something underground!

After the couple looked at each other, Qin Yiling directly reached out and picked up the little milk leopard. "Don't move, be honest, and leave the rest to us."

So Yan Ze took out his dagger and continued to dig deep along the position where the little milk leopard planed the earth.

Although the little milk leopard is a beast, it is now too young to dig deep soil with its small claws. Yan Ze has great strength and strong arms. He soon revealed the whole picture of things in the ground.

It's another thing like an iron covered box!

Qin Yiling had experience and directly opened the iron cover.

"What is this?"

In the iron box embedded in the ground, there was a white jade and a small wooden box.

"Don't move."

Yan Ze hurriedly stopped him and worried about the hidden weapons in the box. He ate a lot yesterday.