Chapter 511

After the shock, the people suddenly shouted.

"Boss, you said so! I can follow you into the mountain to find treasure."

"It's a pity that I can't meet such a good thing."

"Madam, is there any danger in the ancient tomb?"

"Madam, is nothing wrong with you? Is there something in it?"

"Oh, stop talking. It sounds a little scary."

"Hey, I just missed the chance to get rich overnight."

"Come on, just your bad luck. It's not your turn to do such a good thing."

"Boss, tell me quickly. What treasures have you and your sister-in-law found?"

"Yes, let's see."

Seeing everyone so excited and curious, Zeling and his wife can't cry or laugh.

Yan Ze directly poured a basin of cold water on the people, "we only have one car. Do you think our husband and wife can transport them all back?"

“......” People suddenly became dumb. Yes, how can so many babies move back?

They went there with excitement, and their brains turned to paste. They didn't realize such an obvious thing.

"Boss, when are you going to transport things back?"

"I can help!"

"I'm strong, so can I."

Then, a group of men began to compete for opportunities and wanted to follow them to carry babies in the mountains.

Although the boss didn't explain in detail what good things they have, they can't stand it. Everyone will guess that what can be hidden in the ancient tomb in the deep mountain must be a treasure.

If you have the opportunity to see it, you are naturally unwilling to let go of this opportunity.

Yan Ze raised his hand and said, "well, take a day off today and start tomorrow."

Chen Xiazhi said angrily to a group of men.

"Our wife has just come back. You don't have time to drink. Do you want to run out and tired our wife? No matter how much baby, it's not yours. What's the hurry!"

"Well, it's not you who are involved together." Xu Dongxue agrees.

Daniel smiled, "we're not too excited."

Qian said with a smile, "madam, hurry to the backyard and have a rest. We'll do the rest."


Qin Yiling is not polite. After sitting in the car for so long, her waist is really sore.

However, thinking that the leopard family behind her had not made arrangements, she couldn't help explaining some golden flowers and asked them to help take care of the leopard family.

Then she turned and told the leopard family.

"This is where you live in the future. Take a closer look at these people and remember them. We are all a family. You can't bite people casually in the future, you know?

Of course, when you meet people with strange behavior and vicious mind, you're welcome. If you have anything, you can find little monkey or me and brother Ze. Remember? "

"Ow, ow ~"

The baby leopard made a proper cry and successfully diverted everyone's attention.

So, a group of people began to watch the leopard family again and were very surprised.

It's amazing that such a fierce beast is willing to be the pet of their governor and wife.

Even the leopard in the mountain can be sincerely obedient to their boss and wife, which is enough to show how powerful their boss and wife are. Their husband and wife can sit in this position now. They deserve it. They are the chosen one!

Under the leadership of the governor and his wife, the Republic will certainly become more and more prosperous, and the people can live a good life as they wish.

The governor and his wife are their unwavering faith.


After lunch, Yan Ze did not rest, but immediately began to deal with his official business.

After all, the troops have been back for two days. If the national government hasn't made any news, everyone should be worried.

They have to go out for a few days tomorrow, so he must take advantage of this afternoon to promulgate a series of relevant policies and measures.

Taking advantage of their departure for a few days, it can be implemented by relevant departments. After all, every policy measure needs an acceptance process.

When the masses are almost digested, they are almost back.

Therefore, a group of cadres stayed in the conference room all afternoon. They didn't leave the conference room until they had agreed on all the important affairs in the near future.

Fortunately, I had experience in eastern province before, so everyone's work this time is relatively easy. Just follow the previous steps.

After the lunch break, Qin Yiling also asked about the training center, made several important decisions and made some suggestions, so she stopped interfering.

If she has to do everything and think about it, how can she cultivate useful talents?

Therefore, proper decentralization and trust are very important. Only by giving subordinates appropriate space can they get certain development.

"Has the new house been tidied up?"

After dealing with the business, Qin Yiling began to chat with several young ladies. At noon, she heard aunt Shuangxi mention that Qiu Yun and Gao Wei bought a single courtyard in the city.

She understood this very well. After all, now that they have become husband and wife, they must have a small family of their own. That would be complete and more meaningful to get married.

It is really not appropriate to continue living in the dormitory in the backyard of the national government with a group of single dogs.

Fang Qiuyun replied shyly, "the house in that yard is quite complete, so there are not many things to buy. There are many of us. We have cleaned up the general sanitation in the past two days.

The rest is to buy some daily necessities, and then choose an auspicious day to move in. At that time, we will invite you to our new warm house and have fun together. "

"That's nice."

Qin Yiling smiled and thought of the Fang sisters, and asked again.

"What about your sisters?"

Fang Qiuyun said in a warm voice, "I asked their opinions. They all want to continue to live in the training center, which is more convenient for learning. When they have a holiday, they will come home for a few days."

Emotionally, she wants several sisters to live in the house with her. After all, it belongs to her home. No matter how good the dormitory is, it is not their home.

Moreover, several people slept in a chase shop, with little private space. If conditions permit, she still hopes that the sisters can live better.

But in terms of morality and etiquette, it's a bit taboo. After all, several sisters are women, and the age of the eldest sister and the third sister is not much different from their own. If we really live together, it's inconvenient for Gao Wei, an old man in her family.