Chapter 584

Yan Ze chuckled when he saw his little daughter-in-law in a mood.

In fact, without much explanation, he probably knew what she was angry about.

His family is a lot of people who pay great attention to hygiene and love cleanliness. She takes a bath every day in summer, but in cold winter, she takes a bubble bath every day and goes to bed after cleaning.

Now, because of confinement, Duoduo, who has always loved cleanliness, hasn't washed for a week. Even washing his face is a simple scrub. Therefore, he knows that she is not comfortable.

However, he also knows that the reason why several elders are so strict in control is also for the sake of more health. Therefore, he can't go against the wishes of his elders.

After all, in their place, as long as the conditions at home are acceptable after childbirth, women will make pregnant women sit in confinement. The only difference is whether the confinement is fine or not.

Of course, if you have poor conditions at home in rural areas or encounter harsh conditions from your mother-in-law's family, you can't sit for a whole month. In this era, there are absolutely few pregnant women who can be taken care of carefully and sit for a whole month.

Under the conditions, Yan Ze naturally hopes that his daughter-in-law can have a full month. They are still young, so they can't fall any root causes.

Because he wants to grow old with his family.

However, seeing his daughter-in-law so depressed and unbearable, he couldn't help feeling a little soft.

That night, when it was time to wash, Yan Ze directly took Qin Yiling to the bathroom in the compartment.

Now there is no bath bully shower. It's good to have a big bath bucket to take a bath.

There are all kinds of materials in Qin Yiling's storage cell. Naturally, there is no shortage of things such as bathtubs, but the problem is that some technologies are not in place these days, and there are no installers in this field.

Although the bathtub can also be used, it needs to pour water manually. In order to avoid being noticed, Qin Yiling rarely takes it out and uses it. Basically, he does as the Romans do.

"What are you doing? Why did you pull me into the bathroom?" Qin Yiling looked puzzled.

Yan Ze Nuo chin, "well, you don't want to wash."

Qin Yiling turned his head and saw the hot air in the bath barrel.

"What do you mean? Did you agree to let me take a bath?"

Qin Yiling felt that the surprise came so fast that he couldn't believe it.

For this matter, she talked to him for several days about what is scientific confinement, but didn't he be indifferent?

Why did you suddenly agree tonight?

Yan Ze smiled bitterly. "If I don't allow it again, I guess I'll sleep on the floor."

Qin Yiling gave a grunt, which made him interesting.

From childhood to the end, she did it once or twice at most. She didn't take a bath for two or three days because of suburban exploration. Usually, she didn't wash for so long.

If she doesn't take a bath and wash her hair for 30 days, she will really go crazy. If she goes crazy, she won't give him good fruit to eat.

Then she looked at Yan Ze suspiciously and confirmed it again.

"Really let me wash it? Are you sure?"

Yan Ze laughed, "sure and sure!"

Hearing the speech, Qin yilington was relieved. He immediately showed a bright and beautiful smile. He came forward, opened his hands, circled Yan Ze's neck, and then kissed him on his lips.

"Thank you, brother Ze. It's very kind of you!"

Yan Ze hugged his daughter-in-law's small waist and slightly hooked the corners of his mouth, "Oh? I'm not good if I don't let you take a bath, right? You have no conscience. Who am I for?"

Qin Yiling shook Yan Ze's neck and looked coquettish. "I know it's all for my good, so my brother Ze is the best!"

She knew that everyone's strict requirements for her really came from the consideration of her own health. She could understand everyone's kindness and intentions, so she was depressed and patient.

If she hadn't understood everyone's kindness, she would have been impatient and ignored. After all, her temperament is not the kind of person who can swallow anger and give herself grievances.

However, she comes from a more developed later generation and has received higher education. In addition, she has also been exposed to some medical knowledge and knows how to confine more scientifically.

In fact, she has no opinion on the traditional custom of confinement, and feels that some of the elders' requirements are indeed for the sake of maternal health.


We should pay attention to an appropriate standard in everything. If we are too strict, sometimes it will backfire.

Women's resistance will decline after childbirth, so they are more likely to catch a cold, which is really not conducive to physical recuperation for pregnant women who have just given birth and are seriously injured.

However, for the problem of shampoo and bathing, pregnant women can decide according to their physical condition and health status, but they can't blindly follow the traditional concept and ignore the problem of health.

This will seriously affect the quality of life of mothers during the confinement period, especially in the hot days of sweating.

Because the metabolism of pregnant women is vigorous, they sweat a lot and don't take a bath for a long time, they are easy to stink and sticky, which is easy to cause skin infection. The mixture of sweat and dust will block pores, cause skin inflammation and shed more hair.

If you take a proper bath, you can promote blood circulation, smooth pore breathing, remove dirt and bacteria, and help your body recover and feed.

Qin Yiling just sat in the month in the midsummer. The weather outside was hot and the house was muggy. He not only couldn't ventilate, but also had to wrap himself tightly. That taste was not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

No heatstroke, thanks to her good health.

Generally speaking, parturients who give birth naturally can take a bath after one week, and parturients who give birth by caesarean section can take a bath after two weeks. At this time, the body recovers slightly, and bathing and shampoo do little harm to the body. They can also successfully complete the whole process of bathing and shampoo.

Therefore, she can wash her hair and take a bath at this time, which is the reason why she urgently wants to wash her hair and take a bath after a week of patience.

In this process, you only need to pay attention to two points and nothing will happen.

1. The time should not be too long, 5-10 minutes.

2. Take a shower, not a bath.

Unfortunately, the common sense she knows can't make friendly communication with the elders of this era. Fortunately, now her family zege is finally explained by her own broken reading.

Qin Yiling is happy to compare one in his heart!


Yan Ze didn't expect his consent to make his little daughter-in-law so happy. Look at this sweet little mouth, which is very different from the cruel little mouth in the daytime.

"Well, wash it quickly. The water will be cold later."

Although he agreed to Duoduo's request, he still paid great attention to it. He can't touch cold water or catch cold.