"As you can see, daznathan, please explain why you lied about the mission level? When you come to Muye to release the mission, someone should tell you that the C-level mission will not involve the fight between ninjas, right? At least you need to be above level B, and as far as the enemy's strength is concerned, it's not only level B, but at least level A. even if you don't know the enemy's strength, according to this trend, it's obvious that you know that the enemy has ninjas. When the task level is released, it should be at least level B. in this case, We Muye will send a suitable team to protect you, not the team now! Do you understand the risks? "

Xirihong looked directly at dazner and said so in a very severe tone.

For the eighth class, this is absolutely not a small matter.

Fake mission level.

Encounter enemies of extraordinary strength.

According to the normal rhythm.

My team is going to be completely destroyed here.

Even xirihong, who is relatively gentle in shangrenli's character, is hard to contain his anger at this moment.

Not because of myself.

It's because of the three players in my team.

They are the hope of the next generation.

And they all come from the direct descendants of the Ninja family.

In particular, as the inheritor of the clan of the day, the day Chutian( Although rizu gave up his daughter, outsiders don't know that Chutian is the eldest daughter of the clan leader. According to the tradition of rizu, Chutian is the future heir of the clan. This identity is also very important in Muye.)

If you were killed here, even if you were poached.

Xirihong can't explain to the village at all.

Once that happens.

Even if there is hope of escape.

Xirihong is estimated to have a certain probability of death on the spot in the case of irrational choice.

Naturally, for dazner, who deliberately conceals his mission level, xirihong is full of anger.

One side of Kakashi is also with a look of seemingly calm to see dazna, the right eye is exposed in this moment is flashing a wisp of cold.

As xirihong just said.

Under normal circumstances, the team led by Shangren and xiaren is generally up to level C. only the team with rich experience and unlimited strength close to the criteria of Zhongren can be qualified for level B or above tasks. However, tasks like today's one that will encounter enemies like Taodi and never kill again will undoubtedly be rated as level a, This is a mission level that must be qualified by the Zhongren team led by Shangren.

And the eighth class has just been set up for less than ten days.

In addition to lead the team on the bear is also just promoted to bear not long on the red night.

Class a tasks?

It's a mission with life to go and no life to return!

This is a horizontal comparison.

If xirihong and Kakashi are not angry, it is a strange thing.

Standing aside, the three little mengxinxiaren in class 8, who have and only have younvzhinai, understand the accountability of their teachers for the first time. The eyes hidden under the sunglasses also flash a faint light at this moment, while the other two just look at their teachers and the employer in front of them, Mr. dazner, with a muddled expression.


Hide mission level?


Ai Ai Ai?

What's going on?

And it can be called the lack of a string in the brain teeth, is a face at a loss expression.

I can't understand my teacher at all.

In the face of xirihong's angry interrogation, and Kakashi's somewhat aggressive vision.

"Actually, I didn't mean to hide the mission level."

Dazner looked very ashamed and lowered his head, sighed heavily, and said so in a quiet tone.

And then under the explanation of dazner's "sound and emotion".

Several people present also understood why dazner concealed the mission level.

It's a very direct and simple reason.

It's a word - poor!

It is not only dazna that is poor, but the whole country of Poland is a poor country.

This is almost the consensus of the forbearance community.

Class eight three Meng Xin don't understand.

But Kakashi and xirihong are aware of the reality of the kingdom of Poland.

Let's not talk about ordinary people in this country.

Even nobility and fame are not rich.

It can even be said that the nobles in this country are not like nobles at all.

Originally, this is a tiny island country.

In addition, they are still so poor because of their strategic position.

Otherwise, the country of fire and the country of water will not look at each other.

This is true for the whole country.

As a citizen of Poland, even the "so-called" bridge builder dazner can't expect much more income.

As we all know, no matter in which village.

The difficulty setting of task level is almost consistent.

There is a natural watershed between level B and level C missions.

It is not only reflected in the difficulty.

It is reflected in the remuneration.

The reward for the simplest level B task will be several times or even more than ten times that for the most difficult level C task. This is not the task reward that dazner can afford. What's more, kasigan also said that this task level should be judged as level a, which is an astronomical number.

Forced helpless under dazna can only choose this way to hire Muye village Ninja to protect themselves.

"Now that you have made it clear, Mr. dazner, you should also understand that this task level is above a level, which is not the task level that our eighth team can afford. What's more, the task level you entrusted is only C level, which violates the relevant regulations of Muye village. Our team should choose to give up this task."

Xirihong took a deep breath and looked at dazner. In her expectant eyes, she shook her head and said so with unprecedented solemnity.

Ninja has Ninja rules.

There are regulations in Rencun.

This is especially true in the execution of tasks.

Deliberately concealing the level of the task itself is a kind of deception to the ninja village and an irresponsible attitude to the ninja who performs the task.

Such a "C-level" task.

Xirihong absolutely does not allow his team to carry on.

And xirihong's words also made dazner's face stiff. Although dazner had made certain psychological preparations before the release of the mission, when xirihong really said these words, dazner's heart was filled with fear at the moment. He put aside some things for the time being. Dazner really had something to admire, For the sake of the country regardless of personal safety, have the courage to sacrifice for the dream, these are worthy of recognition and praise, but also pay attention to, this is from the perspective of dazna, from the perspective of the interests of the people of Poland.

If we look at this matter from the perspective of Muye village, especially from the perspective of the eighth class, the conclusion is that the opposite exists.