"Mother what do you mean, tell me you're joking." Yin Mian said trying not to let the tears fall. "My darling Mian, I'm not one to play such jokes. I put your daughter in a far away orphanage and just received a call telling me she's been adopted. Don't worry she's been in good hands, I assure you." Yin Mian's mother said. Yin Mian fell on her knees and wept,she had been broken. Her daughter had given her a new kind of hope but that was shattered now,by her own mother.

Yin Mian fainted. It took some few days before she eventually agreed to see or talk to her parents. Aunt Yunxi had actually gone to the hospital and talked some sense into her. Aunt Yunxi was really the one who had brought the idea, Yin Mian's parents' initial plan was for Yin Mian to abort the child but aunt Yunxi managed to convince them to allow Yin Mian to birth the child. She told them the child was innocent and that she didn't want them to kill an innocent child but as stubborn as they were, they only agreed with her after she brought the suggestion of taking the baby to an orphanage.

"My dear please forgive me and your parents and don't cry anymore, I only did what I did in a desperate attempt to save your child's life. As for your parents, they are only thinking about your wellbeing, they think the baby will be a distraction. This world of ours is a very small place and you will surely meet your daughter again. When you're ready for the responsibility of motherhood, your daughter will find a way back to you,I assure you. At least there's still hope, it's better if she's alive and with someone else than being dead and flushed away like some piece of garbage." Aunt Yunxi encouraged.

Yin Mian took her aunt's advice, she stopped mourning the loss of her child and was soon back to her old self. She started going to school she had already gone through so many distractions she had to concentrate on her studies. One thing was for sure, she kept hope alive that one day,she would meet with her daughter again. And she,Lu Xianjian and their daughter would be together and be one big happy family.