Chapter 10 - Handsome Stranger

Yin Mian ran out of the office in tears, Hua Vao ran after her and tried to find out what was wrong but Yin Mian took her by surprise and she couldn't keep up. Yin Mian kept remembering what Lu Xianjian had told her. He had said to her face that all the sacrifices she had made for him were nothing. He had told her that everything they shared in the past even their daughter was a lie, an illusion. He regarded everything simply as teenage infatuation and nothing more. Was this really happening? She couldn't take it.

She had no idea in her traumatic state when she ran into the road and she was hit by a car. She fell on the road and her head bled the pain in her heart seemed to overshadow to one she felt on her body. She saw stars in the day light and in the stars,she saw herself and Lu Xianjian together and a girl who she imagined was her daughter. They seemed happy and she smiled in her subconscious, she didn't care if she was hallucinating for her yearned for the picture to be reality but the stars began to disappear and she blanked out.

Yin Mian opened her eyes and saw Hua Vao and then she realized everything seemed different. "Where am I?"Yin Mian asked trying to sit up. "You're in the hospital, you had an accident. Thank goodness you're awake." Hua Vao said and heaved a sigh of relief. "I see you're awake.", A deep masculine voice boomed. It was Chen Qiangu the owner of the biggest business empire in the country.

" Who are you? "Yin Mian was unaware, she was not a sucker for news. The only things she watched were cartoons and Lu Xianjian's movies. Although she was all grown up, it seemed she still had a kid's mentality. Huo Vao was surprised at Yin Mian's ignorance. President Chen walked up to her and held her chin and in his s.e.xy voice said." I saved your life."