Chen Qiangu caught her hand and pulled her to himself,he embraced her. "President Chen I really don't have time for romance,tomorrow's the shoot and I need to get some rest." Yin Mian said. "I'll only let you go once you've given me a sweet kiss on the lips." He said holding her tighter in his embrace. "OK but let go, you're suffocating me." Yin Mian complained and as soon as Chen Qiangu released her, she ran away. He only smiled.

The next morning, Yin Mian left the cooking to the workers. She wanted to prepare herself physically, mentally and emotionally. She was going to Lu Xianjian again and also acting along side, it was not going to be easy.

"Are you sure about this?" I've seen a copy of the script, it's got alot of romantic scenes where you'll have to have body contact with Lu Xianjian. "Chen Qiangu said, he didn't seem happy about it." President Chen, I really have to do this. If I had a better option I would have taken it but this seems like the only way. Don't worry, I know we're married and I won't cheat on you in anyway I promise. "Yin Mian said realising Chen Qiangu was getting jealous.

" I trust you but it's that scoundrel, Lu Xianjian I don't trust, only goodness knows what he's up to."Chen Qiangu said. Yin Mian went closer to him and said "what is that I smell? Is it jealousy I smell?" She said sniffing the air around him.

"Of course I'm jealous I can't bear the thought of seeing you up so close with another man much more that Lu Xianjian." Chen Qiangu explained. "But my dear President Chen you'll just have to, I'm really sorry. One thing is for sure, that I'll always be yours,so rest assured." Yin Mian said and kissed him on the lips. It was a passionate kiss,and it took Chen Qiangu by surprise. As soon as she broke from his lips, she quickly left to avoid any questions from him.