Yin Mian knew Hua Vao was right and she took her word for it. She put on some makeup and went on to the stage to show Lu Xianjian the stuff she was made of, she was a human being with feelings and not some toy he could play with. The next scene soon began. The scenery was a garden with luscious grass and exotic flowers. Yin Mian acting as the princess, was training with a sword. She appeared really serious and concentrated on what she was doing.

Lu Xianjian came around, "My lady you are as fierce as a lion, I wonder why you act so tomboyish. You train like a man and refuse to accept me." He said and Yin Mian moved the sword in his direction. His dodged it, it was so close though, just a bit closer and the sword could have actually cut him. "Instead of talking rubbish, why don't you just join me in a duel. If I win,I can decide to do whatever I please with you but if you win,I promise to marry without a word of objection and I never go back on my promise." Yin Mian challenged.

"Princess I'll take your challenge but be prepared to be my wife." Lu Xianjian said and both fought with swords. Lu Xianjian, as the Prince lost according to the script. Yin Mian placed the sword over his neck but dropped it on the floor. "Princess you and I know that the truth is you've fallen for me. We would make a very good couple, you're the only one who doesn't see it yet. Why else would you sheathe your sword." Lu Xianjian declared with an affair of pride.

Yin Mian only nodded in pity. "You lost to a woman and yet I see no iota of shame in you, I only sheathed my because I cannot have the blood of a coward on my hands and bring war on my people. You had better leave and never return or else I won't hold back next time." She said and was about to leave when Lu Xianjian held her hand, she froze.