Chapter 42 - Right Under Your Nose

"I wouldn't even think of sending you back to that demoness, not in my wildest dreams. I'm not even sure she's your mother because no real mother can do this to her own child." Yin Mian said in tears, she did not realise when she began crying. "President Chen, here are the results." A nurse said handing him something in an envelope. He gave it to Yin Mian and told her to open it,she did and it was the result of a DNA test done without her knowledge.

President Chen had actually examined the odds, a biological mother would never stab her own child, no it was not possible and didn't Wei Ying disappear with Wei Yiren all of a sudden, it could only mean she had something to hide. But then, it could also mean she was the same maid that disappeared many years ago with Yin Mian's daughter and the one they were looking for.

He wanted to be sure and not throw around guesses or create false hope, that was why he had the DNA test done secretly and luckily, it turned out positive. Yin Mian could not believe it. The daughter she had been searching for all along was right under her nose,in her own house. It was almost unbelievable. She thought her eyes were deceiving her and she read the results again but it showed that both their DNAs matched perfectly. This was a dream come true,she had actually wished for a daughter that was exactly like Wei Yiren but it turned out Yiren was her own daughter all along.

She went to Yiren with tears in her eyes and told her the truth. "Yiren don't call me auntie anymore, call me mum." Yin Mian said in tears. "Mum? But why?" Wei Yiren asked. "Because I'm your mum, I gave birth to you and I lost you when you were still a baby. Someone put you in an orphanage where you were adopted and later kidnapped by that wicked lady,she's not your mum. In fact, she's not related to you at all." Yin Mian explained. "But why didn't you tell me?" Yiren asked. "I just found out dear but will you trust me and come home with me?" Yin Mian asked stretching forth her hand. "Yes mummy." Yiren said hugging her instead.