The three of them fell on top of each other. "Oh no! We're in serious trouble what are we going to tell the boss? That we were outsmarted by a child of seven years." Hai shouted at the two. "Well we tried our best, the child is smart. I suggest we collect our money quick and leave as soon as possible before the boss finds out." Chang suggested. "You're right." Duyi agreed and the three left.

The taxi driver stopped the car in front of Chen Qiangu's house as Yiren had requested. "Here we are dear." The taxi driver had said and stopped. Yiren got out and was about to run into the house when the driver stopped her. "Where's my fare?" He asked. "Please sir,don't worry about your fare,my parents will pay you double when they find out you helped me get away from those rascals. Let me go inside and I'll give you your money." And with that, Chen Yiren immediately ran into the house.

The first person to see her was the maid, Juan. "Yiren is that you? Oh I'm so happy to see you. Alot has happened in your absence, Madame has had an accident and she's in hospital, everyone's so worried about her. Yiren what happened to your head?You're bleeding, come let me take a look." Juan reported. "Forget about this, I'm alright. Where's daddy?" Yiren asked. "President Chen is also in the hospital and your grandma's there too." Juan replied.

"Take me to the hospital, I need to see mummy quickly." Yiren instructed. Juan and Yiren entered the same cab to the hospital and paid the fare for both times the cab was used. "Daddy!" Yiren said and ran to hug him as soon as she saw President Chen. He was both surprised and happy. "Yiren, is this you? Where have you been and what the hell happened to your head?" President Chen asked and carried Yiren in his arms. "Daddy please forget about that now,where's mum? Take me to her,I want to see her." Yiren demanded.