He Jiao had never been angrier in her life, she felt so humiliated. To top it all off,one of the directors of the foreign company had said that Yin Mian had more flair than her and that Yin Mian's straight and beautiful legs were a creation miracle. Another director had said that Yin Mian was perfect for the job and that they would have managed to hire her if Yin Mian had not been present.

It had been just a silly comment but it did not end there. In fact, the thought never left He Jiao's mind. Yin Mian was the only barrier to her successful career. She investigated and found out that if by any chance Yin Mian could not make it to the show,the second place winner which was her would take the position of Yin Mian and automatically have the contract. She smiled deviously as she told herself that Yin Mian would just have to be gotten rid of.

On the day of the show when Yin Mian was supposed to model the blue diamond necklace, little Mengyao refused to let go of her. When she wanted to leave home, he wouldn't let go. He kept crying uncontrollably,it was quite strange. Nothing she did to calm him down worked, she eventually had to hand him over to the maid to be taken care of.

President Chen would have driven her in his own car but he had a very important appointment he couldn't miss and so,he had the driver take her. She had wanted to drive herself but on President Chen's insistence, she readily agreed. After all, she was used to being pampered by him. She got into the car and the driver started the car but before it could zoom off,little Mengyao came out crying again.