Chapter 67 - Befriending Yin Mian

Lu Xianjian left and bought her some cotton candy,that was Yin Mian's favorite candy. He gave it to her, she wanted to take it but then, he hid it behind him. "Do you want some cotton candy?" He asked her. "Yes, I want some please." She requested so nicely. "OK, if you want me to give you some cotton candy then you have to promise to be my friend." Lu Xianjian told her and stretched forth his hand to her.

"OK I promise." She said taking his hand. He gave her the cotton candy and introduced himself. "My name is Lu Xianjian, I'm your husband and it's nice to meet you." He introduced. "I'm..... Well I don't know who I am, but Xian Xian. Can I call you Xian Xian?" She asked innocently. "With p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e." He replied with a smile, that was what she called him in high school.

"Xian Xian what is a husband?" She asked eating her cotton candy. "Well a husband is a special friend and a helpmate who loves you very much and will do anything for you." Lu Xianjian told her. "Really? Then that means you're my friend and my helpmate and you love me alot?" Yin Mian asked.

"Yes,I love you very very much. More than you know. Your name is Yin Mian, OK? Yin Mian." He told her. "My name is Yin Mian, what a beautiful name. Where are my parents?" She asked Lu Xianjian. "Um.... Your parents are no longer with us,they are dead and in heaven." Lu Xianjian lied. Yin Mian began crying. "If my parents are in heaven,then I'm all alone in this world, who will take care of me?" She lamented still in tears. He hugged her and said. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you and I'll never let anything happen to you."