Chapter 69 - Empty Without Yin Mian

Since the past year,President Chen had not been himself. He became hard and cold like a rock. He threw himself into his work and he always left the house early and returned home late,sometimes he came back drunk. He could not be a good father to Yiren and Mengyao. Yiren missed her mother alot, she hated seeing her father suffer like this and she also missed her mother's cooking, advice, heartwarming hugs and playful nature.

Things just weren't the same without her. She felt life was unfair because one problem or the other always arose and she never got to spend much time with her mother and and now she would never see her again. She cried every night because she missed her mother's sweet bedtime stories and soothing lullaby's, she missed her hugs and goodnight kisses. Yiren was only able to sleep without being scared after holding her mother's picture tight close to her heart.

Little Mengyao who was now four only remembered little of his mother. Sometimes,he would be in bad moods and cry over nothing until he was given a picture of Yin Mian to hold after which he would look at the picture quietly with eyes of satisfaction and content. Some people thought this behavior of his to be strange but only those close enough knew that that was his own way of showing that he missed his mother.

The house became like a big, empty prison. President Chen tried running away from the fact that he missed Yin Mian so much because anytime he thought of her,he couldn't help blaming himself for her death. "If only I had been a responsible husband then I wouldn't have lost my heart, now my kitten is gone and will never come back to me." He always said while starring at her enlarged portrait in their bedroom. What usually ended it was a bottle of alcohol.