Lu Xianjian opened the door of the car and dragged her out, she was furious. She snatched her hand from his. "What's wrong with you? Why did you drag me out of the party like that, do I look like a dull."She argued with him for the first time since one year.

" I'm sorry,I was only looking after your health which you neglect every time. "He tried to cover up. " I know you're lying, your eyes have given you away. Just tell me why you acted that way."She tried persuading

"Flower I've told you already, I was only trying to protect you.." Lu Xianjian couldn't finish before she cut in "Protect me from what? I'm an a.d.u.l.t

I'm very capable of taking care of myself. I know you're hiding something from me,you know what I think? I think you're just jealous because as soon as I mentioned that Chen Qiangu was taking care of me and that he was so nice, your calm reaction changed immediately." Yin Mian told him.

"Flower it's not like that." He tried defending. "It's not like that? Why don't you just stop lying to me? It's freaking me out. I don't know if I can even trust you anymore. Who knows if you've just been lying to me and we're not married, what of if you kidnapped me?" Yin Mian said in anger but Lu Xianjian felt his heart beat rise rapidly.

"Flower why would you even say that, you know I love you very much." Lu Xianjian said holding her hands. "If you truly loved me, you wouldn't be so possessive and let me interact with people and make friends. If you really love me, you wouldn't lie to me. Xian Xian you don't love me at all,I know you're just pretending." She said in frustration.

Lu Xianjian was angry that she was once again doubting his love for her because of Chen Qiangu. He couldn't control it and he slapped her hard across the face, then he realized his mistake.

"I'm sorry." He tried to apologize. "I can't believe you actually slapped me because I was speaking the truth. You know what, I don't want to see you anymore." She yelled and ran off. He tried to catch with her but he couldn't.